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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
//! # TicKV
//! TicKV (Tiny Circular Key Value) is a small file system allowing
//! key value pairs to be stored in Flash Memory.
//! TicKV was written to allow the Tock OS kernel to persistently store app data
//! on flash. It was written to be generic though, so other Rust applications can
//! use it if they want.
//! TicKV is based on similar concepts as
//! [Yaffs1](https://yaffs.net/documents/how-yaffs-works]).
//! ## Goals of TicKV
//! TicKV is designed with these main goals (in order)
//! * Fully implemented in no_std Rust
//! * Power loss resilient
//! * Maintain data integrity and detect media errors
//! * Wear leveling
//! * Low memory usage
//! * Low storage overhead
//! * No external crates in use (not including unit tests)
//! TicKV is also designed with some assumptions
//! * Most operations will be retrieving keys
//! * Some operations will be storing keys
//! * Keys will rarely be deleted
//! * Key values will rarely need to be modified
//! ## ACID characteristics
//! TicKV provides ACID properties. For the purpose of ACID a transaction is a
//! key operation, that is finding, adding, invalidating or fully removing
//! (garbage collection) a key.
//! To provide ACIS characteristics TicKV requires that the `FlashController`
//! implementation complete all transactions in a single operation. That is the
//! flash `write()` function must either successfully write all of the data or
//! none. If the implementation completes a partial operation, then the Atomicity
//! and Consistency traits will be lost. If the implementation reports completion
//! when the data hasn't been written yet, then the Isolation trait will be lost.
//! Atomicity: TicKV guarantees that all operations are treated as a single unit
//! inside the implementation. The database will be left unchanged if a
//! transaction fails.
//! Consistency: Consistency is maintained similar to atomicity. All operations
//! can only take the database from a valid state to another valid state.
//! Isolation: TicKV only allows a single operation at a time. In this way it
//! provides isolation. The layer above TicKV is responsible for handling
//! concurrent accesses by deferring operations for example.
//! Durability: TicKV ensures durability and once a transaction has completed
//! and been committed to flash it will remain there.
//! ## Using TicKV
//! See the generated Rust documentation for details on using this in your project.
//! ## How TicKV works
//! Unlike a regular File System (FS) TicKV is only designed to store Key/Value (KV)
//! pairs in flash. It does not support writing actual files, directories or other
//! complex objects. Although a traditional file system layer could be added on top
//! to add such features.
//! TicKV allows writing new key/value pairs (by appending them) and removing
//! old key/value pairs.
//! TicKV has two important types, regions and objects.
//! A TicKV region is the smallest region of the flash memory that can be erased
//! in a single command.
//! TicKV saves and restores objects from flash. TicKV objects contain the value
//! the user wanted to store as well as extra header data. Objects are internal to
//! TicKV and users don't need to understand them in detail to use it.
//! For more details on the technical implementation see the [SPEC.md](./spec.md) file.
//! # Using TicKV
//! To use TicKV first you need to implemented the `FlashCtrl` trait. The
//! example below is for 1024 byte region sizes.
//! Then you will need to create a TicKV implementation.
//! ```rust
//! // EXAMPLE ONLY: The `DefaultHasher` is subject to change
//! // and hence is not a good fit.
//! use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
//! use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
//! use std::cell::RefCell;
//! use tickv::{TicKV, MAIN_KEY};
//! use tickv::error_codes::ErrorCode;
//! use tickv::flash_controller::FlashController;
//! fn get_hashed_key(unhashed_key: &[u8]) -> u64 {
//! let mut hash_function = DefaultHasher::new();
//! unhashed_key.hash(&mut hash_function);
//! hash_function.finish()
//! }
//! struct FlashCtrl {
//! buf: RefCell<[[u8; 1024]; 64]>,
//! }
//! impl FlashCtrl {
//! fn new() -> Self {
//! Self {
//! buf: RefCell::new([[0xFF; 1024]; 64]),
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl FlashController<1024> for FlashCtrl {
//! fn read_region(&self, region_number: usize, buf: &mut [u8; 1024]) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
//! // TODO: Read the specified flash region
//! for (i, b) in buf.iter_mut().enumerate() {
//! *b = self.buf.borrow()[region_number][i]
//! }
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! fn write(&self, address: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
//! // TODO: Write the data to the specified flash address
//! for (i, d) in buf.iter().enumerate() {
//! self.buf.borrow_mut()[address / 1024][(address % 1024) + i] = *d;
//! }
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! fn erase_region(&self, region_number: usize) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
//! // TODO: Erase the specified flash region
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! }
//! let mut read_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
//! let mut hash_function = DefaultHasher::new();
//! MAIN_KEY.hash(&mut hash_function);
//! let tickv = TicKV::<FlashCtrl, 1024>::new(FlashCtrl::new(),
//! &mut read_buf, 0x1000);
//! tickv
//! .initialise(hash_function.finish())
//! .unwrap();
//! // Add a key
//! let value: [u8; 32] = [0x23; 32];
//! tickv.append_key(get_hashed_key(b"ONE"), &value).unwrap();
//! // Get the same key back
//! let mut buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
//! tickv.get_key(get_hashed_key(b"ONE"), &mut buf).unwrap();
//! ```
//! You can then use the `get_key()` function to get the key back from flash.
//! # Collisions
//! TicKV will prevent a new key/value pair with a colliding hash of the key to be
//! added. The collision will be reported to the user with the `KeyAlreadyExists`
//! `ErroCode`.
//! # Power loss protection
//! TicKV ensures that in the event of a power loss, no stored data is lost or
//! corrupted. The only data that can be lost in the event of a power loss is
//! the data currently being written (if it hasn't been write to flash yet).
//! If a power loss occurs after calling `append_key()` or `invalidate_key()`
//! before it has completed then the operation probably did not complete and
//! that data is lost.
//! To help reduce this time to be as short as possible the `FlashController`
//! is synchronous. Although flash writes can take a considerable amount of time
//! and this will stall the application, this still seems like a good idea
//! to avoid loosing data.
//! # Security
//! TicKV uses check sums to check data integrity. TicKV does not have any measures
//! to prevent malicious manipulation or privacy. An attacker with access to the
//! flash can change the values without being detected. An attacked with access
//! to flash can also read all of the information. Any privacy, security or
//! authentication measures need to be layered on top of TicKV.
//! ## Versions
//! TicKV stores the version when adding objects to the flash storage.
//! TicKV is currently version 0.
//! * Version 0
//! * Version 0 is a draft version. It should NOT be used for important data!
//! Version 0 maintains no backwards compatible support and could change at
//! any time.
pub mod async_ops;
pub mod crc32;
pub mod error_codes;
pub mod flash_controller;
pub mod success_codes;
pub mod tickv;
// Use this to generate nicer docs
pub use crate::async_ops::AsyncTicKV;
pub use crate::error_codes::ErrorCode;
pub use crate::flash_controller::FlashController;
pub use crate::tickv::TicKV;
pub use crate::tickv::MAIN_KEY;
// This is used to run the tests on a host
extern crate std;
mod tests;