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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
//! The contract satisfied by an implementation of an IEEE 802.15.4 MAC device.
//! Any IEEE 802.15.4 MAC device should expose the following high-level
//! functionality:
//! - Configuration of addresses and transmit power
//! - Preparing frames (data frame, command frames, beacon frames)
//! - Transmitting and receiving frames
//! Outlining this in a trait allows other implementations of MAC devices that
//! divide the responsibilities of software and hardware differently. For
//! example, a radio chip might be able to completely inline the frame security
//! procedure in hardware, as opposed to requiring a software implementation.
use crate::ieee802154::framer::Frame;
use crate::net::ieee802154::{Header, KeyId, MacAddress, PanID, SecurityLevel};
use kernel::ErrorCode;
pub trait MacDevice<'a> {
/// Sets the transmission client of this MAC device
fn set_transmit_client(&self, client: &'a dyn TxClient);
/// Sets the receive client of this MAC device
fn set_receive_client(&self, client: &'a dyn RxClient);
/// The short 16-bit address of the MAC device
fn get_address(&self) -> u16;
/// The long 64-bit address (EUI-64) of the MAC device
fn get_address_long(&self) -> [u8; 8];
/// The 16-bit PAN ID of the MAC device
fn get_pan(&self) -> u16;
/// Set the short 16-bit address of the MAC device
fn set_address(&self, addr: u16);
/// Set the long 64-bit address (EUI-64) of the MAC device
fn set_address_long(&self, addr: [u8; 8]);
/// Set the 16-bit PAN ID of the MAC device
fn set_pan(&self, id: u16);
/// This method must be called after one or more calls to `set_*`. If
/// `set_*` is called without calling `config_commit`, there is no guarantee
/// that the underlying hardware configuration (addresses, pan ID) is in
/// line with this MAC device implementation.
fn config_commit(&self);
/// Returns if the MAC device is currently on.
fn is_on(&self) -> bool;
/// Start the radio.
/// This serves as a passthrough to the underlying radio's `start` method.
/// ## Return
/// `Ok(())` on success. On `Err()`, valid errors are:
/// - `ErrorCode::FAIL`: Internal error occurred.
fn start(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;
/// Prepares a mutable buffer slice as an 802.15.4 frame by writing the appropriate
/// header bytes into the buffer. This needs to be done before adding the
/// payload because the length of the header is not fixed.
/// - `buf`: The mutable buffer slice to use
/// - `dst_pan`: The destination PAN ID
/// - `dst_addr`: The destination MAC address
/// - `src_pan`: The source PAN ID
/// - `src_addr`: The source MAC address
/// - `security_needed`: Whether or not this frame should be secured. This
/// needs to be specified beforehand so that the auxiliary security header
/// can be pre-inserted.
/// Returns either a Frame that is ready to have payload appended to it, or
/// the mutable buffer if the frame cannot be prepared for any reason
fn prepare_data_frame(
buf: &'static mut [u8],
dst_pan: PanID,
dst_addr: MacAddress,
src_pan: PanID,
src_addr: MacAddress,
security_needed: Option<(SecurityLevel, KeyId)>,
) -> Result<Frame, &'static mut [u8]>;
/// Transmits a frame that has been prepared by the above process. If the
/// transmission process fails, the buffer inside the frame is returned so
/// that it can be re-used.
fn transmit(&self, frame: Frame) -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut [u8])>;
/// Trait to be implemented by any user of the IEEE 802.15.4 device that
/// transmits frames. Contains a callback through which the static mutable
/// reference to the frame buffer is returned to the client.
pub trait TxClient {
/// When transmission is complete or fails, return the buffer used for
/// transmission to the client. `result` indicates whether or not
/// the transmission was successful.
/// - `spi_buf`: The buffer used to contain the transmitted frame is
/// returned to the client here.
/// - `acked`: Whether the transmission was acknowledged.
/// - `result`: This is `Ok(())` if the frame was transmitted,
/// otherwise an error occurred in the transmission pipeline.
fn send_done(&self, spi_buf: &'static mut [u8], acked: bool, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>);
/// Trait to be implemented by users of the IEEE 802.15.4 device that wish to
/// receive frames.
/// The callback is triggered whenever a valid frame is received,
/// verified and unsecured (via the IEEE 802.15.4 security procedure)
/// successfully.
pub trait RxClient {
/// When a frame is received, this callback is triggered. The client only
/// receives an immutable borrow of the buffer. Only completely valid,
/// unsecured frames that have passed the incoming security procedure are
/// exposed to the client.
/// - `buf`: The entire buffer containing the frame, including extra bytes
/// in front used for the physical layer.
/// - `header`: A fully-parsed representation of the MAC header, with the
/// caveat that the auxiliary security header is still included if the frame
/// was previously secured.
/// - `lqi`: The link quality indicator of the received frame.
/// - `data_offset`: Offset of the data payload relative to
/// `buf`, so that the payload of the frame is contained in
/// `buf[data_offset..data_offset + data_len]`.
/// - `data_len`: Length of the data payload
fn receive<'a>(
buf: &'a [u8],
header: Header<'a>,
lqi: u8,
data_offset: usize,
data_len: usize,