#![crate_name = "cortexm0"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
use core::fmt::Write;
pub use cortexm::support;
pub use cortexm::nvic;
pub use cortexm::syscall;
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
struct HardFaultStackedRegisters {
r0: u32,
r1: u32,
r2: u32,
r3: u32,
r12: u32,
lr: u32,
pc: u32,
xpsr: u32,
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
unsafe extern "C" fn hard_fault_handler_kernel(faulting_stack: *mut u32) -> ! {
let hardfault_stacked_registers = HardFaultStackedRegisters {
r0: *faulting_stack.offset(0),
r1: *faulting_stack.offset(1),
r2: *faulting_stack.offset(2),
r3: *faulting_stack.offset(3),
r12: *faulting_stack.offset(4),
lr: *faulting_stack.offset(5),
pc: *faulting_stack.offset(6),
xpsr: *faulting_stack.offset(7),
"Kernel HardFault.\r\n\
\tKernel version {}\r\n\
\tr0 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tr1 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tr2 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tr3 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tr12 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tlr 0x{:x}\r\n\
\tpc 0x{:x}\r\n\
\txpsr 0x{:x}\r\n\
#[cfg(not(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))))]
unsafe extern "C" fn generic_isr() {
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
extern "C" {
pub fn generic_isr();
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
.section .generic_isr, \"ax\"
.global generic_isr
/* Skip saving process state if not coming from user-space */
ldr r0, 300f // MEXC_RETURN_PSP
cmp lr, r0
bne 100f
/* We need to make sure the kernel cotinues the execution after this ISR */
movs r0, #0
msr CONTROL, r0
/* CONTROL writes must be followed by ISB */
/* https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0662/b/The-Cortex-M0--Processor/Programmers-model/Core-registers */
/* We need the most recent kernel's version of r1, which points */
/* to the Process struct's stored registers field. The kernel's r1 */
/* lives in the second word of the hardware stacked registers on MSP */
mov r1, sp
ldr r1, [r1, #4]
str r4, [r1, #16]
str r5, [r1, #20]
str r6, [r1, #24]
str r7, [r1, #28]
push {{r4-r7}}
mov r4, r8
mov r5, r9
mov r6, r10
mov r7, r11
str r4, [r1, #0]
str r5, [r1, #4]
str r6, [r1, #8]
str r7, [r1, #12]
pop {{r4-r7}}
ldr r0, 200f // MEXC_RETURN_MSP
mov lr, r0
100: // _ggeneric_isr_no_stacking
/* Find the ISR number by looking at the low byte of the IPSR registers */
mrs r0, IPSR
movs r1, #0xff
ands r0, r1
/* ISRs start at 16, so subtract 16 to get zero-indexed */
subs r0, r0, #16
* High level:
* NVIC.ICER[r0 / 32] = 1 << (r0 & 31)
* */
/* r3 = &NVIC.ICER[r0 / 32] */
ldr r2, 101f /* r2 = &NVIC.ICER */
lsrs r3, r0, #5 /* r3 = r0 / 32 */
lsls r3, r3, #2 /* ICER is word-sized, so multiply offset by 4 */
adds r3, r3, r2 /* r3 = r2 + r3 */
/* r2 = 1 << (r0 & 31) */
movs r2, #31 /* r2 = 31 */
ands r0, r2 /* r0 = r0 & r2 */
subs r2, r2, #30 /* r2 = r2 - 30 i.e. r2 = 1 */
lsls r2, r2, r0 /* r2 = 1 << r0 */
/* *r3 = r2 */
str r2, [r3]
/* The pending bit in ISPR might be reset by hardware for pulse interrupts
* at this point. So set it here again so the interrupt does not get lost
* in service_pending_interrupts()
* The NVIC.ISPR base is 0xE000E200, which is 0x20 (aka #32) above the
* NVIC.ICER base. Calculate the ISPR address by offsetting from the ICER
* address so as to avoid re-doing the [r0 / 32] index math.
adds r3, #32
str r2, [r3]
bx lr /* return here since we have extra words in the assembly */
.align 4
101: // NVICICER
.word 0xE000E180
.word 0xFFFFFFF9
.word 0xFFFFFFFD"
#[cfg(not(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))))]
unsafe extern "C" fn systick_handler_m0() {
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
extern "C" {
pub fn systick_handler_m0();
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
.section .systick_handler_m0, \"ax\"
.global systick_handler_m0
// Set thread mode to privileged to switch back to kernel mode.
movs r0, #0
msr CONTROL, r0
/* CONTROL writes must be followed by ISB */
/* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dai0321a/BIHFJCAC.html */
ldr r0, 100f // ST_EXC_RETURN_MSP
// This will resume in the switch to user function where application state
// is saved and the scheduler can choose what to do next.
bx r0
.align 4
.word 0xFFFFFFF9
#[cfg(not(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))))]
unsafe extern "C" fn svc_handler() {
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
extern "C" {
pub fn svc_handler();
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
.section .svc_handler, \"ax\"
.global svc_handler
ldr r0, 200f // EXC_RETURN_MSP
cmp lr, r0
bne 100f
movs r0, #1
msr CONTROL, r0
/* CONTROL writes must be followed by ISB */
/* https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0662/b/The-Cortex-M0--Processor/Programmers-model/Core-registers */
ldr r1, 300f // EXC_RETURN_PSP
bx r1
100: // to_kernel
movs r0, #0
msr CONTROL, r0
/* CONTROL writes must be followed by ISB */
/* https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0662/b/The-Cortex-M0--Processor/Programmers-model/Core-registers */
movs r1, #1
str r1, [r0, #0]
ldr r1, 200f
bx r1
.align 4
.word 0xFFFFFFF9
.word 0xFFFFFFFD
#[cfg(not(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))))]
unsafe extern "C" fn hard_fault_handler() {
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
extern "C" {
pub fn hard_fault_handler();
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
.section .hard_fault_handler, \"ax\"
.global hard_fault_handler
* Will be incremented to 1 when we determine that it was a fault
* in the kernel
movs r1, #0
* r2 is used for testing and r3 is used to store lr
mov r3, lr
movs r2, #4
tst r3, r2
beq 100f
// _hardfault_psp:
mrs r0, psp
b 200f
100: // _hardfault_msp
mrs r0, msp
adds r1, #1
200: // _hardfault_exit
// If the hard-fault occurred while executing the kernel (r1 != 0),
// jump to the non-naked kernel hard fault handler. This handler
// MUST NOT return. The faulting stack is passed as the first argument
// (r0).
cmp r1, #0 // Check if app (r1==0) or kernel (r1==1) fault.
beq 400f // If app fault, skip to app handling.
ldr r2, ={kernel_hard_fault_handler} // Load address of fault handler.
bx r2 // Branch to the non-naked fault handler.
400: // _hardfault_app
// Otherwise, store that a hardfault occurred in an app, store some CPU
// state and finally return to the kernel stack:
movs r1, #1 /* Fault */
str r1, [r0, #0]
* -----
* Even though ARMv6-M SCB and Control registers
* are different from ARMv7-M, they are still compatible
* with each other. So, we can keep the same code as
* ARMv7-M.
* ARMv6-M however has no _privileged_ mode.
/* Read the SCB registers. */
ldr r1, =0xE000ED14
ldr r2, [r1, #0] /* CCR */
str r2, [r0, #0]
ldr r2, [r1, #20] /* CFSR */
str r2, [r0, #4]
ldr r2, [r1, #24] /* HFSR */
str r2, [r0, #8]
ldr r2, [r1, #32] /* MMFAR */
str r2, [r0, #12]
ldr r2, [r1, #36] /* BFAR */
str r2, [r0, #16]
/* Set thread mode to privileged */
movs r0, #0
msr CONTROL, r0
/* No ISB required on M0 */
/* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dai0321a/BIHFJCAC.html */
// Load the FEXC_RETURN_MSP LR address and return to it, to switch to the
// kernel (MSP) stack:
ldr r0, 300f
mov lr, r0
bx lr
.align 4
.word 0xFFFFFFF9
kernel_hard_fault_handler = sym hard_fault_handler_kernel,
pub enum CortexM0 {}
impl cortexm::CortexMVariant for CortexM0 {
const GENERIC_ISR: unsafe extern "C" fn() = generic_isr;
const SYSTICK_HANDLER: unsafe extern "C" fn() = systick_handler_m0;
const SVC_HANDLER: unsafe extern "C" fn() = svc_handler;
const HARD_FAULT_HANDLER: unsafe extern "C" fn() = hard_fault_handler;
#[cfg(not(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))))]
unsafe fn switch_to_user(
_user_stack: *const usize,
_process_regs: &mut [usize; 8],
) -> *const usize {
#[cfg(any(doc, all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none")))]
unsafe fn switch_to_user(
mut user_stack: *const usize,
process_regs: &mut [usize; 8],
) -> *const usize {
use core::arch::asm;
// Rust `asm!()` macro (as of May 2021) will not let us mark r6, r7 and r9
// as clobbers. r6 and r9 is used internally by LLVM, and r7 is used for
// the frame pointer. However, in the process of restoring and saving the
// process's registers, we do in fact clobber r6, r7 and r9. So, we work
// around this by doing our own manual saving of r6 using r2, r7 using r3,
// r9 using r12, and then mark those as clobbered.
mov r2, r6
mov r3, r7
mov r12, r9
/* Load non-hardware-stacked registers from Process stack */
ldmia r1!, {{r4-r7}}
mov r11, r7
mov r10, r6
mov r9, r5
mov r8, r4
ldmia r1!, {{r4-r7}}
subs r1, 32 /* Restore pointer to process_regs
/* ldmia! added a 32-byte offset */
/* Load bottom of stack into Process Stack Pointer */
msr psp, r0
/* SWITCH */
svc 0xff /* It doesn't matter which SVC number we use here */
/* Store non-hardware-stacked registers in process_regs */
/* r1 still points to process_regs because we are clobbering all */
/* non-hardware-stacked registers */
str r4, [r1, #16]
str r5, [r1, #20]
str r6, [r1, #24]
str r7, [r1, #28]
mov r4, r8
mov r5, r9
mov r6, r10
mov r7, r11
str r4, [r1, #0]
str r5, [r1, #4]
str r6, [r1, #8]
str r7, [r1, #12]
mrs r0, PSP /* PSP into user_stack */
// Manually restore r6, r7 and r9.
mov r6, r2
mov r7, r3
mov r9, r12
inout("r0") user_stack,
in("r1") process_regs,
out("r2") _, out("r3") _, out("r4") _, out("r5") _, out("r8") _,
out("r10") _, out("r11") _, out("r12") _);
unsafe fn print_cortexm_state(writer: &mut dyn Write) {