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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
//! This tests an underlying 32-bit entropy generator and the library
//! transformations between 8-bit and 32-bit entropy. To run this test,
//! add this line to the imix boot sequence:
//! ```
//! test::rng_test::run_entropy32();
//! ```
//! This test takes a 32-bit entropy generator, puts its output into a
//! 32-8 conversion to be an 8-bit generator, puts that output into an
//! 8-to-32 conversion to be a 32-bit generator again, and makes this final
//! 32-bit entropy source be the tested RNG. This therefore tests not only
//! the underlying entropy source but also the conversion library.
//! The expected output is a series of random numbers that should be
//! different on each invocation. Rigorous entropy tests are outside
//! the scope of this test.
use capsules_core::rng;
use capsules_core::test::rng::TestRng;
use kernel::hil::entropy::{Entropy32, Entropy8};
use kernel::hil::rng::Rng;
use kernel::static_init;
use sam4l::trng::Trng;
pub unsafe fn run_entropy32(trng: &'static Trng) {
let t = static_init_test_entropy32(trng);;
unsafe fn static_init_test_entropy32(trng: &'static Trng) -> &'static TestRng<'static> {
let e1 = static_init!(
rng::Entropy32To8<'static, Trng>,
let e2 = static_init!(
rng::Entropy8To32<'static, rng::Entropy32To8<'static, Trng>>,
let er = static_init!(
rng::Entropy8To32<'static, rng::Entropy32To8<'static, Trng>>,
let test = static_init!(TestRng<'static>, TestRng::new(er));