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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2024.
//! HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.
//! Product Link: [HC-SR04 Product Page](
//! Datasheet: [HC-SR04 Datasheet](
//! HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor provides a very low-cost and easy method of distance measurement. It measures distance using sonar,
//! an ultrasonic (well above human hearing) pulse (~40KHz) is transmitted from the unit and distance-to-target is determined by
//! measuring the time required for the echo return. This sensor offers excellent range accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use
//! package.
use core::cell::Cell;
use kernel::hil::gpio;
use kernel::hil::sensors::{self, Distance, DistanceClient};
use kernel::hil::time::Alarm;
use kernel::hil::time::{AlarmClient, ConvertTicks};
use kernel::utilities::cells::OptionalCell;
use kernel::ErrorCode;
/// Maximum duration for the echo pulse to be measured in milliseconds.
// As specified in the datasheet:
// the maximum time for the echo pulse to return is around 23 milliseconds
// for a maximum distance of approximately 4 meters under standard temperature
// and pressure conditions, but we use 38 milliseconds to account for variations
// in real-world conditions. We use a slightly higher the value to account for
// possible variations in measurement.
pub const MAX_ECHO_DELAY_MS: u32 = 50;
/// Speed of sound in air in mm/s.
// The speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second, which
// translates to 343,000 millimeters per second. This value is used
// to calculate the distance based on the time it takes for the echo
// to return.
pub const SPEED_OF_SOUND: u32 = 343000;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// Status of the sensor.
pub enum Status {
/// Sensor is idle.
/// Sending ultrasonic pulse.
/// Interrupt on the rising edge.
/// Interrupt on the falling edge.
/// HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Driver
pub struct HcSr04<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> {
trig: &'a dyn gpio::Pin,
echo: &'a dyn gpio::InterruptPin<'a>,
alarm: &'a A,
start_time: Cell<u64>,
state: Cell<Status>,
distance_client: OptionalCell<&'a dyn sensors::DistanceClient>,
impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> HcSr04<'a, A> {
/// Create a new HC-SR04 driver.
pub fn new(
trig: &'a dyn kernel::hil::gpio::Pin,
echo: &'a dyn kernel::hil::gpio::InterruptPin<'a>,
alarm: &'a A,
) -> HcSr04<'a, A> {
// Setup and return struct.
HcSr04 {
start_time: Cell::new(0),
state: Cell::new(Status::Idle),
distance_client: OptionalCell::empty(),
impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> Distance<'a> for HcSr04<'a, A> {
/// Set the client for distance measurement results.
fn set_client(&self, distance_client: &'a dyn DistanceClient) {
/// Start a distance measurement.
fn read_distance(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
if self.state.get() == Status::Idle {
// Setting the alarm to send the trigger pulse.
// According to the HC-SR04 datasheet, a 10 µs pulse should be sufficient
// to trigger the measurement. However, in practical tests, using this
// 10 µs value led to inaccurate measurements.
// We have chosen to use a 1 ms pulse instead because it provides stable
// operation and accurate measurements, even though it is slightly longer
// than the datasheet recommendation. While this adds a small delay to the
// triggering process, it does not significantly affect the overall performance
// of the sensor.
.set_alarm(, self.alarm.ticks_from_ms(1));
} else {
/// Get the maximum distance the sensor can measure in mm
fn get_maximum_distance(&self) -> u32 {
// The maximum distance is determined by the maximum pulse width the sensor can detect.
// As specified in the datasheet:,
// the maximum measurable distance is approximately 4 meters.
// Convert this to millimeters.
/// Get the minimum distance the sensor can measure in mm.
fn get_minimum_distance(&self) -> u32 {
// The minimum distance is determined by the minimum pulse width the sensor can detect.
// As specified in the datasheet:,
// the minimum measurable distance is approximately 2 cm.
// Convert this to millimeters.
impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> AlarmClient for HcSr04<'a, A> {
/// Handle the alarm event.
fn alarm(&self) {
match self.state.get() {
Status::TriggerPulse => {
self.state.set(Status::EchoStart); // Update status to waiting for echo.
self.echo.enable_interrupts(gpio::InterruptEdge::RisingEdge); // Enable rising edge interrupt on echo pin.
self.trig.clear(); // Clear the trigger pulse.
); // Set alarm for maximum echo delay.
// Timeout for echo pulse.
Status::EchoStart => {
self.state.set(Status::Idle); // Update status to idle.
if let Some(distance_client) = self.distance_client.get() {
// NOACK indicates that no echo was received within the expected time.
_ => {}
impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> gpio::Client for HcSr04<'a, A> {
/// Handle the GPIO interrupt.
fn fired(&self) {
// Convert current ticks to microseconds using `ticks_to_us`,
// which handles the conversion based on the timer frequency.
let time = self.alarm.ticks_to_us( as u64;
match self.state.get() {
Status::EchoStart => {
let _ = self.alarm.disarm(); // Disarm the alarm.
self.state.set(Status::EchoEnd); // Update status to waiting for echo end.
.enable_interrupts(gpio::InterruptEdge::FallingEdge); // Enable falling edge interrupt on echo pin.
self.start_time.set(time); // Record start time when echo received.
Status::EchoEnd => {
let end_time = time; // Use a local variable for the end time.
self.state.set(Status::Idle); // Update status to idle.
let duration = end_time.wrapping_sub(self.start_time.get()) as u32; // Calculate pulse duration.
if duration > MAX_ECHO_DELAY_MS * 1000 {
// If the duration exceeds the maximum distance, return an error indicating invalid measurement.
// This means that the object is out of range or no valid echo was received.
if let Some(distance_client) = self.distance_client.get() {
} else {
// Calculate distance in millimeters based on the duration of the echo.
// The formula for calculating distance is:
// Distance = (duration (µs) * SPEED_OF_SOUND (mm/s)) / (2 * 1_000_000), where
// - `duration` is the time taken for the echo to travel to the object and back, in microseconds,
// - SPEED_OF_SOUND is the speed of sound in air, in millimeters per second.
// We divide by 2 because `duration` includes the round-trip time (to the object and back),
// and we divide by 1,000,000 to convert from microseconds to seconds.
// To avoid using 64-bit arithmetic (u64), we restructure this equation as:
// ((SPEED_OF_SOUND / 1000) * duration) / (2 * 1000).
// This rearrangement reduces the scale of intermediate values, keeping them within u32 limits:
// - SPEED_OF_SOUND is divided by 1000, reducing it to 343 (in mm/ms), and
// - duration remains in microseconds (µs).
// The final division by 2000 adjusts for the round trip and scales to the correct unit.
// This form is less intuitive, but it ensures all calculations stay within 32-bit size (u32).
// Given the HC-SR04 sensor's maximum `duration` of ~23,000 µs (datasheet limit), this u32 approach
// is sufficient for accurate distance calculations without risking overflow.
let distance = ((SPEED_OF_SOUND / 1000) * duration) / (2 * 1000);
if let Some(distance_client) = self.distance_client.get() {
_ => {}