1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
#![crate_name = "msp432"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
use cortexm4::{initialize_ram_jump_to_main, unhandled_interrupt, CortexM4, CortexMVariant};
pub mod adc;
pub mod chip;
pub mod cs;
pub mod dma;
pub mod flctl;
pub mod gpio;
pub mod i2c;
pub mod nvic;
pub mod pcm;
pub mod ref_module;
pub mod sysctl;
pub mod timer;
pub mod uart;
pub mod usci;
pub mod wdt;
extern "C" {
// _estack is not really a function, but it makes the types work
// You should never actually invoke it!!
fn _estack();
all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"),
link_section = ".vectors"
// used Ensures that the symbol is kept until the final binary
#[cfg_attr(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"), used)]
pub static BASE_VECTORS: [unsafe extern "C" fn(); 16] = [
unhandled_interrupt, // NMI
CortexM4::HARD_FAULT_HANDLER, // Hard Fault
unhandled_interrupt, // MemManage
unhandled_interrupt, // BusFault
unhandled_interrupt, // UsageFault
unhandled_interrupt, // DebugMon
unhandled_interrupt, // PendSV
CortexM4::SYSTICK_HANDLER, // SysTick
#[cfg_attr(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"), link_section = ".irqs")]
// used Ensures that the symbol is kept until the final binary
#[cfg_attr(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"), used)]
pub static IRQS: [unsafe extern "C" fn(); 64] = [
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Power Supply System (PSS) (0)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Clock System (CS) (1)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Power Control Manager (PCM) (2)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Watchdog Timer A (WDT_A) (3)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // FPU_INT, Combined interrupt from flags in FPSCR (4)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // FLash Controller (FLCTL) (5)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Comparator E0 (6)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Comparator E1 (7)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A0 TA0CCTL0.CCIFG (8)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A0 TA0CCTLx.CCIFG (x = 1 to 4), TA0CTL.TAIFG (9)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A1 TA1CCTL0.CCIFG (10)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A1 TA1CCTLx.CCIFG (x = 1 to 4), TA1CTL.TAIFG (11)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A2 TA2CCTL0.CCIFG (12)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A2 TA2CCTLx.CCIFG (x = 1 to 4), TA2CTL.TAIFG (13)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A3 TA3CCTL0.CCIFG (13)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer A3 TA3CCTLx.CCIFG (x = 1 to 4), TA3CTL.TAIFG (15)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI A0 (16)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI A1 (17)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI A2 (18)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI A3 (19)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI B0 (20)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI B1 (21)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI B2 (22)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // eUSCI B3 (23)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Precision ADC (24)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer32 INT1 (25)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer32 INT2 (26)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // Timer32 combined interrupt (27)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // AES256 (28)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // RTC_C (29)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // DMA error (30)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // DMA INT3 (31)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // DMA INT2 (32)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // DMA INT1 (33)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // DMA INT0 (34)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 1 (35)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 2 (36)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 3 (37)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 4 (38)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 5 (39)
CortexM4::GENERIC_ISR, // IO Port 6 (40)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (41)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (42)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (43)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (44)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (45)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (46)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (47)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (48)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (49)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (50)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (51)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (52)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (53)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (54)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (55)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (56)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (57)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (58)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (59)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (60)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (61)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (62)
unhandled_interrupt, // Reserved (63)
pub unsafe fn init() {