1// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
45//! Virtualize the Alarm interface to enable multiple users of an underlying
6//! alarm hardware peripheral.
78use core::cell::Cell;
910use kernel::collections::list::{List, ListLink, ListNode};
11use kernel::hil::time::{self, Alarm, Ticks, Time};
12use kernel::utilities::cells::OptionalCell;
13use kernel::ErrorCode;
1415#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
16struct TickDtReference<T: Ticks> {
17/// Reference time point when this alarm was setup.
18reference: T,
19/// Duration of this alarm w.r.t. the reference time point. In other words, this alarm should
20 /// fire at `reference + dt`.
21dt: T,
22/// True if this dt only represents a portion of the original dt that was requested. If true,
23 /// then we need to wait for another max_tick/2 after an internal extended dt reference alarm
24 /// fires. This ensures we can wait the full max_tick even if there is latency in the system.
25extended: bool,
2728impl<T: Ticks> TickDtReference<T> {
30fn reference_plus_dt(&self) -> T {
32 }
3435/// An object to multiplex multiple "virtual" alarms over a single underlying alarm. A
36/// `VirtualMuxAlarm` is a node in a linked list of alarms that share the same underlying alarm.
37pub struct VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> {
38/// Underlying alarm which multiplexes all these virtual alarm.
39mux: &'a MuxAlarm<'a, A>,
40/// Reference and dt point when this alarm was setup.
41dt_reference: Cell<TickDtReference<A::Ticks>>,
42/// Whether this alarm is currently armed, i.e. whether it should fire when the time has
43 /// elapsed.
44armed: Cell<bool>,
45/// Next alarm in the list.
46next: ListLink<'a, VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A>>,
47/// Alarm client for this node in the list.
48client: OptionalCell<&'a dyn time::AlarmClient>,
5051impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> ListNode<'a, VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A>> for VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
52fn next(&self) -> &'a ListLink<VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A>> {
54 }
5657impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
58/// After calling new, always call setup()
59pub fn new(mux_alarm: &'a MuxAlarm<'a, A>) -> VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
60let zero = A::Ticks::from(0);
61 VirtualMuxAlarm {
62 mux: mux_alarm,
63 dt_reference: Cell::new(TickDtReference {
64 reference: zero,
65 dt: zero,
66 extended: false,
67 }),
68 armed: Cell::new(false),
69 next: ListLink::empty(),
70 client: OptionalCell::empty(),
71 }
72 }
7374/// Call this method immediately after new() to link this to the mux, otherwise alarms won't
75 /// fire
76pub fn setup(&'a self) {
78 }
8081impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> Time for VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
82type Frequency = A::Frequency;
83type Ticks = A::Ticks;
8485fn now(&self) -> Self::Ticks {
87 }
8990impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> Alarm<'a> for VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
91fn set_alarm_client(&self, client: &'a dyn time::AlarmClient) {
93 }
9495fn disarm(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
96if !self.armed.get() {
97return Ok(());
98 }
101102let enabled = self.mux.enabled.get() - 1;
104105// If there are not more enabled alarms, disable the underlying alarm
106 // completely.
107if enabled == 0 {
108let _ = self.mux.alarm.disarm();
109 }
111 }
112113fn is_armed(&self) -> bool {
115 }
116117fn set_alarm(&self, reference: Self::Ticks, dt: Self::Ticks) {
118let enabled = self.mux.enabled.get();
119let half_max = Self::Ticks::half_max_value();
120// If the dt is more than half of the available time resolution, then we need to break
121 // up the alarm into two internal alarms. This ensures that our internal comparisons of
122 // now outside of range [ref, ref + dt) will trigger correctly even with latency in the
123 // system
124let dt_reference = if dt > half_max.wrapping_add(self.minimum_dt()) {
125 TickDtReference {
126 reference,
127 dt: dt.wrapping_sub(half_max),
128 extended: true,
129 }
130 } else {
131 TickDtReference {
132 reference,
133 dt,
134 extended: false,
135 }
136 };
138// Ensure local variable has correct value when used below
139let dt = dt_reference.dt;
140141if !self.armed.get() {
142self.mux.enabled.set(enabled + 1);
144 }
145146// First alarm, so set it
147if enabled == 0 {
148//debug!("virtual_alarm: first alarm: set it.");
149self.mux.set_alarm(reference, dt);
150 } else if !self.mux.firing.get() {
151// If firing is true, the mux will scan all the alarms after
152 // firing and pick the soonest one so do not need to modify the
153 // mux. Otherwise, this is an alarm
154 // started in a separate code path (e.g., another event).
155 // This new alarm fires sooner if two things are both true:
156 // 1. The current earliest alarm expiration doesn't fall
157 // in the range of [reference, reference+dt): this means
158 // it is either in the past (before reference) or the future
159 // (reference + dt), AND
160 // 2. now falls in the [reference, reference+dt)
161 // window of the current earliest alarm. This means the
162 // current earliest alarm hasn't fired yet (it is in the future).
163 // -pal
164let cur_alarm = self.mux.alarm.get_alarm();
165let now = self.mux.alarm.now();
166let expiration = reference.wrapping_add(dt);
167if !cur_alarm.within_range(reference, expiration) {
168let next = self.mux.next_tick_vals.get();
169if next.is_none_or(|(next_reference, next_dt)| {
170 now.within_range(next_reference, next_reference.wrapping_add(next_dt))
171 }) {
172self.mux.set_alarm(reference, dt);
173 }
174 } else {
175// current alarm will fire earlier, keep it
177 }
178 }
179180fn get_alarm(&self) -> Self::Ticks {
181let dt_reference = self.dt_reference.get();
182let extension = if dt_reference.extended {
184 } else {
186 };
187 dt_reference.reference_plus_dt().wrapping_add(extension)
188 }
189190fn minimum_dt(&self) -> Self::Ticks {
192 }
194195impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> time::AlarmClient for VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A> {
196fn alarm(&self) {
197self.client.map(|client| client.alarm());
198 }
200201/// Structure to control a set of virtual alarms multiplexed together on top of a single alarm.
202pub struct MuxAlarm<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> {
203/// Head of the linked list of virtual alarms multiplexed together.
204virtual_alarms: List<'a, VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, A>>,
205/// Number of virtual alarms that are currently enabled.
206enabled: Cell<usize>,
207/// Underlying alarm, over which the virtual alarms are multiplexed.
208alarm: &'a A,
209/// Whether we are firing; used to delay restarted alarms
210firing: Cell<bool>,
211/// Reference to next alarm
212next_tick_vals: Cell<Option<(A::Ticks, A::Ticks)>>,
214215impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> MuxAlarm<'a, A> {
216pub const fn new(alarm: &'a A) -> MuxAlarm<'a, A> {
217 MuxAlarm {
218 virtual_alarms: List::new(),
219 enabled: Cell::new(0),
220 alarm,
221 firing: Cell::new(false),
222 next_tick_vals: Cell::new(None),
223 }
224 }
225226pub fn set_alarm(&self, reference: A::Ticks, dt: A::Ticks) {
227self.next_tick_vals.set(Some((reference, dt)));
228self.alarm.set_alarm(reference, dt);
229 }
230231pub fn disarm(&self) {
233let _ = self.alarm.disarm();
234 }
236237impl<'a, A: Alarm<'a>> time::AlarmClient for MuxAlarm<'a, A> {
238/// When the underlying alarm has fired, we have to multiplex this event back to the virtual
239 /// alarms that should now fire.
240fn alarm(&self) {
241// Check whether to fire each alarm. At this level, alarms are one-shot,
242 // so a repeating client will set it again in the alarm() callback.
245 .iter()
246 .filter(|cur| {
247let dt_ref = cur.dt_reference.get();
248// It is very important to get the current now time as the reference could have been
249 // set from now in the previous for_each iteration. We rely on the reference always
250 // being in the past when compared to now.
251let now = self.alarm.now();
252 cur.armed.get() && !now.within_range(dt_ref.reference, dt_ref.reference_plus_dt())
253 })
254 .for_each(|cur| {
255let dt_ref = cur.dt_reference.get();
256if dt_ref.extended {
257// The first part of the extended alarm just fired, leave alarm armed with
258 // remaining time.
259cur.dt_reference.set(TickDtReference {
260 reference: dt_ref.reference_plus_dt(),
261 dt: A::Ticks::half_max_value(),
262 extended: false,
263 });
264 } else {
265// Alarm fully expired, disarm and fire callback
267self.enabled.set(self.enabled.get() - 1);
268//debug!(" Virtualizer: {:?} outside {:?}-{:?}, fire!", now, cur.reference.get(), cur.reference.get().wrapping_add(cur.dt.get()));
270 }
271 });
273// Find the soonest alarm client (if any) and set the "next" underlying
274 // alarm based on it. This needs to happen after firing all expired
275 // alarms since those may have reset new alarms.
276let now = self.alarm.now();
277let next = self
279 .iter()
280 .filter(|cur| cur.armed.get())
281 .min_by_key(|cur| {
282let when = cur.dt_reference.get();
283// If the alarm has already expired, then it should be
284 // considered as the earliest possible (0 ticks), so it
285 // will trigger as soon as possible. This can happen
286 // if the alarm expired *after* it was examined in the
287 // above loop.
288if !now.within_range(when.reference, when.reference_plus_dt()) {
289 A::Ticks::from(0u32)
290 } else {
291 when.reference_plus_dt().wrapping_sub(now)
292 }
293 });
294295// Set the alarm.
296if let Some(valrm) = next {
297let dt_reference = valrm.dt_reference.get();
298self.set_alarm(dt_reference.reference, dt_reference.dt);
299 } else {
301 }
302 }
306mod tests {
307use super::*;
308use time::*;
309310struct FakeAlarm<'a> {
311 now: Cell<Ticks32>,
312 reference: Cell<Ticks32>,
313 dt: Cell<Ticks32>,
314 armed: Cell<bool>,
315 client: OptionalCell<&'a dyn AlarmClient>,
316 }
317318impl FakeAlarm<'_> {
319fn new() -> Self {
320Self {
321 now: Cell::new(1_000u32.into()),
322 reference: Cell::new(0u32.into()),
323 dt: Cell::new(0u32.into()),
324 armed: Cell::new(false),
325 client: OptionalCell::empty(),
326 }
327 }
328329/// The emulated delay from when hardware timer to when kernel loop will
330 /// run to check if alarms have fired or not.
331pub fn hardware_delay(&self) -> Ticks32 {
332 Ticks32::from(10)
333 }
334335/// Fast forwards time to the next time we would fire an alarm and call client. Returns if
336 /// alarm is still armed after triggering client
337pub fn trigger_next_alarm(&self) -> bool {
338if !self.is_armed() {
339return false;
340 }
343 .get()
344 .wrapping_add(self.dt.get())
345 .wrapping_add(self.hardware_delay()),
346 );
347self.client.map(|c| c.alarm());
349 }
350351/// Runs for the specified number of ticks as long as there are alarms armed.
352pub fn run_for_ticks(&self, left: Ticks32) {
353let final_now = self.now.get().wrapping_add(left);
354let mut left = left.into_u32();
355356while self.is_armed() {
357// Ensure that we have enough remaining ticks to handle the next alarm. Reference is
358 // always in the past, so we need to figure out the difference between the reference
359 // and now to discount the DT the alarm needs to wait by.
360let ticks_from_reference = self.now.get().wrapping_sub(self.reference.get());
361let dt = self
363 .get()
364 .into_u32()
365 .saturating_sub(ticks_from_reference.into_u32());
366if dt <= left {
367 left -= dt;
369 } else {
371 }
372 }
373// Ensure that we ate up all of the time we were suppose to run for
375 }
376 }
377378impl Time for FakeAlarm<'_> {
379type Ticks = Ticks32;
380type Frequency = Freq1KHz;
381382fn now(&self) -> Ticks32 {
383// Every time we get now, it needs to increment to represent a free running timer
384let new_now = Ticks32::from(self.now.get().into_u32() + 1);
386 new_now
387 }
388 }
389390impl<'a> Alarm<'a> for FakeAlarm<'a> {
391fn set_alarm_client(&self, client: &'a dyn AlarmClient) {
393 }
394395fn set_alarm(&self, reference: Self::Ticks, dt: Self::Ticks) {
399 }
400401fn get_alarm(&self) -> Self::Ticks {
403 }
404405fn disarm(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
408 }
409410fn is_armed(&self) -> bool {
412 }
413414fn minimum_dt(&self) -> Self::Ticks {
416 }
417 }
418419struct ClientCounter(Cell<usize>);
420impl ClientCounter {
421fn new() -> Self {
423 }
424fn count(&self) -> usize {
426 }
427 }
428impl AlarmClient for ClientCounter {
429fn alarm(&self) {
430self.0.set(self.0.get() + 1);
431 }
432 }
433434fn run_until_disarmed(alarm: &FakeAlarm) {
435// Don't loop forever if we never disarm
436for _ in 0..20 {
437if !alarm.trigger_next_alarm() {
439 }
440 }
441 }
444fn test_single_max_ticks_dt() {
445let alarm = FakeAlarm::new();
446let client = ClientCounter::new();
447let dt = u32::MAX.into();
448449let mux = MuxAlarm::new(&alarm);
450 alarm.set_alarm_client(&mux);
451452let valarm = VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux);
453 valarm.setup();
454 valarm.set_alarm_client(&client);
455 valarm.set_alarm(valarm.now(), dt);
456457 run_until_disarmed(&alarm);
458459assert_eq!(client.count(), 1);
460 }
463fn test_multiple_max_ticks_dt() {
464let alarm = FakeAlarm::new();
465let client = ClientCounter::new();
466let dt = u32::MAX.into();
467468let mux = MuxAlarm::new(&alarm);
469 alarm.set_alarm_client(&mux);
470471let v_alarms = &[
472 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
473 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
474 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
475 ];
476477for (i, v) in v_alarms.iter().enumerate() {
478 v.setup();
479 v.set_alarm_client(&client);
480// Start with reference in the past since fake alarm now start with 1000 as now()
481v.set_alarm((i as u32).into(), dt);
482 }
483 run_until_disarmed(&alarm);
484485assert_eq!(client.count(), 3);
486 }
487488struct SetAlarmClient<'a> {
489 alarm: &'a VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, FakeAlarm<'a>>,
490 dt: u32,
491 }
492493impl<'a> SetAlarmClient<'a> {
494fn new(alarm: &'a VirtualMuxAlarm<'a, FakeAlarm<'a>>, dt: u32) -> Self {
495Self { alarm, dt }
496 }
497 }
498499impl AlarmClient for SetAlarmClient<'_> {
500fn alarm(&self) {
501self.alarm.set_alarm(self.alarm.now(), self.dt.into());
502 }
503 }
506fn test_second_alarm_set_during_first_alarm_firing() {
507let alarm = FakeAlarm::new();
508let mux = MuxAlarm::new(&alarm);
509 alarm.set_alarm_client(&mux);
510511// It is important that 0 is setup last so it is first in the linked list
512let v_alarms = &[VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux), VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux)];
513 v_alarms[1].setup();
514 v_alarms[0].setup();
515516let set_v1_alarm = SetAlarmClient::new(&v_alarms[1], 100);
517 v_alarms[0].set_alarm_client(&set_v1_alarm);
518519let counter = ClientCounter::new();
520 v_alarms[1].set_alarm_client(&counter);
521522// Set the first alarm for 10 ticks in the future. This should then set the second alarm,
523 // but not call fired for the second alarm until the timer gets to 100
524v_alarms[0].set_alarm(0.into(), 10.into());
525let still_armed = alarm.trigger_next_alarm();
526527// Second alarm should not have triggered yet
528assert!(alarm.now().into_u32() < 100);
529assert_eq!(counter.count(), 0);
531532let still_armed = alarm.trigger_next_alarm();
533534assert!(alarm.now().into_u32() > 100);
535assert_eq!(counter.count(), 1);
537 }
540fn test_quick_alarms_not_skipped() {
541let alarm = FakeAlarm::new();
542let client = ClientCounter::new();
543544let mux = MuxAlarm::new(&alarm);
545 alarm.set_alarm_client(&mux);
546547let v_alarms = &[
548 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
549 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
550 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
551 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
552 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
553 VirtualMuxAlarm::new(&mux),
554 ];
555556// Precalculated the now and dt for all alarms. The DT should be large enough that the
557 // initial check for firing is not true, but after evaluating all alarms, they would all
558 // be firing. This happens since time "progresses" every time now() is called, which
559 // emulates the clock progressing in real time.
560let now = alarm.now();
561let dt = alarm
562 .hardware_delay()
563 .wrapping_add(Ticks32::from(v_alarms.len() as u32));
564565for v in v_alarms {
566 v.setup();
567 v.set_alarm_client(&client);
568 v.set_alarm(now, dt);
569 }
570571// Set one alarm to trigger immediately (at the hardware delay) and the other alarm to
572 // trigger in the future by some large degree
573v_alarms[0].set_alarm(now, 0.into());
574 v_alarms[1].set_alarm(now, 1_000.into());
575576// Run the alarm long enough for every alarm but the longer alarm to fire, and all other
577 // alarms should have fired once
579assert_eq!(client.count(), v_alarms.len() - 1);
580// Run the alarm long enough for the longer alarm to fire as well and verify count
582assert_eq!(client.count(), v_alarms.len());
583 }