
1// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
5//! Flash Controller (FLCTL)
7use kernel::utilities::registers::interfaces::ReadWriteable;
8use kernel::utilities::registers::{register_bitfields, register_structs, ReadOnly, ReadWrite};
9use kernel::utilities::StaticRef;
11const FLCTL_BASE: StaticRef<FlCtlRegisters> =
12    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4001_1000u32 as *const FlCtlRegisters) };
14register_structs! {
15    /// FLCTL
16    FlCtlRegisters {
17        /// Power Status Register
18        (0x000 => power_stat: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_POWER_STAT::Register>),
19        (0x004 => _reserved0),
20        /// Bank0 Read Control Register
21        (0x010 => bank0_rdctl: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK0_RDCTL::Register>),
22        /// Bank1 Read Control Register
23        (0x014 => bank1_rdctl: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK1_RDCTL::Register>),
24        (0x018 => _reserved1),
25        /// Read Burst/Compare Control and Status Register
26        (0x020 => rdbrst_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_RDBRST_CTLSTAT::Register>),
27        /// Read Burst/Compare Start Address Register
28        (0x024 => rdbrst_startaddr: ReadWrite<u32>),
29        /// Read Burst/Compare Length Register
30        (0x028 => rdbrst_len: ReadWrite<u32>),
31        (0x02C => _reserved2),
32        /// Read Burst/Compare Fail Address Register
33        (0x03C => rdbrst_failaddr: ReadWrite<u32>),
34        /// Read Burst/Compare Fail Count Register
35        (0x040 => rdbrst_failcnt: ReadWrite<u32>),
36        (0x044 => _reserved3),
37        /// Program Control and Status Register
38        (0x050 => prg_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_PRG_CTLSTAT::Register>),
39        /// Program Burst Control and Status Register
40        (0x054 => prgbrst_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_PRGBRST_CTLSTAT::Register>),
41        /// Program Burst Start Address Register
42        (0x058 => prgbrst_startaddr: ReadWrite<u32>),
43        (0x05C => _reserved4),
44        /// Program Burst Data0 Register0
45        (0x060 => prgbrst_data0_0: ReadWrite<u32>),
46        /// Program Burst Data0 Register1
47        (0x064 => prgbrst_data0_1: ReadWrite<u32>),
48        /// Program Burst Data0 Register2
49        (0x068 => prgbrst_data0_2: ReadWrite<u32>),
50        /// Program Burst Data0 Register3
51        (0x06C => prgbrst_data0_3: ReadWrite<u32>),
52        /// Program Burst Data1 Register0
53        (0x070 => prgbrst_data1_0: ReadWrite<u32>),
54        /// Program Burst Data1 Register1
55        (0x074 => prgbrst_data1_1: ReadWrite<u32>),
56        /// Program Burst Data1 Register2
57        (0x078 => prgbrst_data1_2: ReadWrite<u32>),
58        /// Program Burst Data1 Register3
59        (0x07C => prgbrst_data1_3: ReadWrite<u32>),
60        /// Program Burst Data2 Register0
61        (0x080 => prgbrst_data2_0: ReadWrite<u32>),
62        /// Program Burst Data2 Register1
63        (0x084 => prgbrst_data2_1: ReadWrite<u32>),
64        /// Program Burst Data2 Register2
65        (0x088 => prgbrst_data2_2: ReadWrite<u32>),
66        /// Program Burst Data2 Register3
67        (0x08C => prgbrst_data2_3: ReadWrite<u32>),
68        /// Program Burst Data3 Register0
69        (0x090 => prgbrst_data3_0: ReadWrite<u32>),
70        /// Program Burst Data3 Register1
71        (0x094 => prgbrst_data3_1: ReadWrite<u32>),
72        /// Program Burst Data3 Register2
73        (0x098 => prgbrst_data3_2: ReadWrite<u32>),
74        /// Program Burst Data3 Register3
75        (0x09C => prgbrst_data3_3: ReadWrite<u32>),
76        /// Erase Control and Status Register
77        (0x0A0 => erase_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_ERASE_CTLSTAT::Register>),
78        /// Erase Sector Address Register
79        (0x0A4 => erase_sectaddr: ReadWrite<u32>),
80        (0x0A8 => _reserved5),
81        /// Information Memory Bank0 Write/Erase Protection Register
82        (0x0B0 => bank0_info_weprot: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK0_INFO_WEPROT::Register>),
83        /// Main Memory Bank0 Write/Erase Protection Register
84        (0x0B4 => bank0_main_weprot: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK0_MAIN_WEPROT::Register>),
85        (0x0B8 => _reserved6),
86        /// Information Memory Bank1 Write/Erase Protection Register
87        (0x0C0 => bank1_info_weprot: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK1_INFO_WEPROT::Register>),
88        /// Main Memory Bank1 Write/Erase Protection Register
89        (0x0C4 => bank1_main_weprot: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BANK1_MAIN_WEPROT::Register>),
90        (0x0C8 => _reserved7),
91        /// Benchmark Control and Status Register
92        (0x0D0 => bmrk_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_BMRK_CTLSTAT::Register>),
93        /// Benchmark Instruction Fetch Count Register
94        (0x0D4 => bmrk_ifetch: ReadWrite<u32>),
95        /// Benchmark Data Read Count Register
96        (0x0D8 => bmrk_dread: ReadWrite<u32>),
97        /// Benchmark Count Compare Register
98        (0x0DC => bmrk_cmp: ReadWrite<u32>),
99        (0x0E0 => _reserved8),
100        /// Interrupt Flag Register
101        (0x0F0 => ifg: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_IFG::Register>),
102        /// Interrupt Enable Register
103        (0x0F4 => ie: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_IE::Register>),
104        /// Clear Interrupt Flag Register
105        (0x0F8 => clrifg: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_CLRIFG::Register>),
106        /// Set Interrupt Flag Register
107        (0x0FC => setifg: ReadWrite<u32, FLCTL_SETIFG::Register>),
108        /// Read Timing Control Register
109        (0x100 => read_timctl: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_READ_TIMCTL::Register>),
110        /// Read Margin Timing Control Register
111        (0x104 => readmargin_timctl: ReadOnly<u32>),
112        /// Program Verify Timing Control Register
113        (0x108 => prgver_timctl: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_PRGVER_TIMCTL::Register>),
114        /// Erase Verify Timing Control Register
115        (0x10C => ersver_timctl: ReadOnly<u32>),
116        /// Leakage Verify Timing Control Register
117        (0x110 => lkgver_timctl: ReadOnly<u32>),
118        /// Program Timing Control Register
119        (0x114 => program_timctl: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_PROGRAM_TIMCTL::Register>),
120        /// Erase Timing Control Register
121        (0x118 => erase_timctl: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_ERASE_TIMCTL::Register>),
122        /// Mass Erase Timing Control Register
123        (0x11C => masserase_timctl: ReadOnly<u32, FLCTL_MASSERASE_TIMCTL::Register>),
124        /// Burst Program Timing Control Register
125        (0x120 => burstprg_timctl: ReadOnly<u32>),
126        (0x124 => @END),
127    }
132        /// Flash power status
133        PSTAT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(3) [
134            /// Flash IP in power-down mode
135            FlashIPInPowerDownMode = 0,
136            /// Flash IP Vdd domain power-up in progress
137            FlashIPVddDomainPowerUpInProgress = 1,
138            /// PSS LDO_GOOD, IREF_OK and VREF_OK check in progress
139            PSSLDO_GOODIREF_OKAndVREF_OKCheckInProgress = 2,
140            /// Flash IP SAFE_LV check in progress
141            FlashIPSAFE_LVCheckInProgress = 3,
142            /// Flash IP Active
143            FlashIPActive = 4,
144            /// Flash IP Active in Low-Frequency Active and Low-Frequency LPM0 modes.
145            FlashIPActiveInLowFrequencyActiveAndLowFrequencyLPM0Modes = 5,
146            /// Flash IP in Standby mode
147            FlashIPInStandbyMode = 6,
148            /// Flash IP in Current mirror boost state
149            FlashIPInCurrentMirrorBoostState = 7
150        ],
151        /// PSS FLDO GOOD status
152        LDOSTAT OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
153            /// FLDO not GOOD
154            FLDONotGOOD = 0,
155            /// FLDO GOOD
156            FLDOGOOD = 1
157        ],
158        /// PSS VREF stable status
159        VREFSTAT OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
160            /// Flash LDO not stable
161            FlashLDONotStable = 0,
162            /// Flash LDO stable
163            FlashLDOStable = 1
164        ],
165        /// PSS IREF stable status
166        IREFSTAT OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
167            /// IREF not stable
168            IREFNotStable = 0,
169            /// IREF stable
170            IREFStable = 1
171        ],
172        /// PSS trim done status
173        TRIMSTAT OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
174            /// PSS trim not complete
175            PSSTrimNotComplete = 0,
176            /// PSS trim complete
177            PSSTrimComplete = 1
178        ],
179        /// Indicates if Flash is being accessed in 2T mode
180        RD_2T OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
181            /// Flash reads are in 1T mode
182            FlashReadsAreIn1TMode = 0,
183            /// Flash reads are in 2T mode
184            FlashReadsAreIn2TMode = 1
185        ]
186    ],
188        /// Flash read mode control setting for Bank 0
189        RD_MODE OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(4) [
190            /// Normal read mode
191            NormalReadMode = 0,
192            /// Read Margin 0
193            ReadMargin0 = 1,
194            /// Read Margin 1
195            ReadMargin1 = 2,
196            /// Program Verify
197            ProgramVerify = 3,
198            /// Erase Verify
199            EraseVerify = 4,
200            /// Leakage Verify
201            LeakageVerify = 5,
202            /// Read Margin 0B
203            ReadMargin0B = 9,
204            /// Read Margin 1B
205            ReadMargin1B = 10
206        ],
207        /// Enables read buffering feature for instruction fetches to this Bank
208        BUFI OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
209        /// Enables read buffering feature for data reads to this Bank
210        BUFD OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
211        /// Number of wait states for read
212        WAIT OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(4) [
213            /// 0 wait states
214            _0WaitStates = 0,
215            /// 1 wait states
216            _1WaitStates = 1,
217            /// 2 wait states
218            _2WaitStates = 2,
219            /// 3 wait states
220            _3WaitStates = 3,
221            /// 4 wait states
222            _4WaitStates = 4,
223            /// 5 wait states
224            _5WaitStates = 5,
225            /// 6 wait states
226            _6WaitStates = 6,
227            /// 7 wait states
228            _7WaitStates = 7,
229            /// 8 wait states
230            _8WaitStates = 8,
231            /// 9 wait states
232            _9WaitStates = 9,
233            /// 10 wait states
234            _10WaitStates = 10,
235            /// 11 wait states
236            _11WaitStates = 11,
237            /// 12 wait states
238            _12WaitStates = 12,
239            /// 13 wait states
240            _13WaitStates = 13,
241            /// 14 wait states
242            _14WaitStates = 14,
243            /// 15 wait states
244            _15WaitStates = 15
245        ],
246        /// Read mode
248            /// Normal read mode
249            NormalReadMode = 0,
250            /// Read Margin 0
251            ReadMargin0 = 1,
252            /// Read Margin 1
253            ReadMargin1 = 2,
254            /// Program Verify
255            ProgramVerify = 3,
256            /// Erase Verify
257            EraseVerify = 4,
258            /// Leakage Verify
259            LeakageVerify = 5,
260            /// Read Margin 0B
261            ReadMargin0B = 9,
262            /// Read Margin 1B
263            ReadMargin1B = 10
264        ]
265    ],
267        /// Flash read mode control setting for Bank 0
268        RD_MODE OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(4) [
269            /// Normal read mode
270            NormalReadMode = 0,
271            /// Read Margin 0
272            ReadMargin0 = 1,
273            /// Read Margin 1
274            ReadMargin1 = 2,
275            /// Program Verify
276            ProgramVerify = 3,
277            /// Erase Verify
278            EraseVerify = 4,
279            /// Leakage Verify
280            LeakageVerify = 5,
281            /// Read Margin 0B
282            ReadMargin0B = 9,
283            /// Read Margin 1B
284            ReadMargin1B = 10
285        ],
286        /// Enables read buffering feature for instruction fetches to this Bank
287        BUFI OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
288        /// Enables read buffering feature for data reads to this Bank
289        BUFD OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
290        /// Read mode
292            /// Normal read mode
293            NormalReadMode = 0,
294            /// Read Margin 0
295            ReadMargin0 = 1,
296            /// Read Margin 1
297            ReadMargin1 = 2,
298            /// Program Verify
299            ProgramVerify = 3,
300            /// Erase Verify
301            EraseVerify = 4,
302            /// Leakage Verify
303            LeakageVerify = 5,
304            /// Read Margin 0B
305            ReadMargin0B = 9,
306            /// Read Margin 1B
307            ReadMargin1B = 10
308        ],
309        /// Number of wait states for read
310        WAIT OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(4) [
311            /// 0 wait states
312            _0WaitStates = 0,
313            /// 1 wait states
314            _1WaitStates = 1,
315            /// 2 wait states
316            _2WaitStates = 2,
317            /// 3 wait states
318            _3WaitStates = 3,
319            /// 4 wait states
320            _4WaitStates = 4,
321            /// 5 wait states
322            _5WaitStates = 5,
323            /// 6 wait states
324            _6WaitStates = 6,
325            /// 7 wait states
326            _7WaitStates = 7,
327            /// 8 wait states
328            _8WaitStates = 8,
329            /// 9 wait states
330            _9WaitStates = 9,
331            /// 10 wait states
332            _10WaitStates = 10,
333            /// 11 wait states
334            _11WaitStates = 11,
335            /// 12 wait states
336            _12WaitStates = 12,
337            /// 13 wait states
338            _13WaitStates = 13,
339            /// 14 wait states
340            _14WaitStates = 14,
341            /// 15 wait states
342            _15WaitStates = 15
343        ]
344    ],
346        /// Start of burst/compare operation
347        START OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
348        /// Type of memory that burst is carried out on
349        MEM_TYPE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(2) [
350            /// Main Memory
351            MainMemory = 0,
352            /// Information Memory
353            InformationMemory = 1,
354            /// Engineering Memory
355            EngineeringMemory = 3
356        ],
357        /// Terminate burst/compare operation
358        STOP_FAIL OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
359        /// Data pattern used for comparison against memory read data
360        DATA_CMP OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
361            /// 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
362            _0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 = 0,
365        ],
366        /// Enable comparison against test data compare registers
367        TEST_EN OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
368        /// Status of Burst/Compare operation
369        BRST_STAT OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(2) [
370            /// Idle
371            Idle = 0,
372            /// Burst/Compare START bit written, but operation pending
373            BurstCompareSTARTBitWrittenButOperationPending = 1,
374            /// Burst/Compare in progress
375            BurstCompareInProgress = 2,
376            /// Burst complete (status of completed burst remains in this state unless explicitl
377            BRST_STAT_3 = 3
378        ],
379        /// Burst/Compare Operation encountered atleast one data
380        CMP_ERR OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [],
381        /// Burst/Compare Operation was terminated due to access to
382        ADDR_ERR OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) [],
383        /// Clear status bits 19-16 of this register
384        CLR_STAT OFFSET(23) NUMBITS(1) []
385    ],
387        /// Master control for all word program operations
388        ENABLE OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
389            /// Word program operation disabled
390            WordProgramOperationDisabled = 0,
391            /// Word program operation enabled
392            WordProgramOperationEnabled = 1
393        ],
394        /// Write mode
395        MODE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
396            /// Write immediate mode. Starts program operation immediately on each write to the
397            WriteImmediateModeStartsProgramOperationImmediatelyOnEachWriteToTheFlash = 0,
398            /// Full word write mode. Flash controller collates data over multiple writes to com
399            MODE_1 = 1
400        ],
401        /// Controls automatic pre program verify operations
402        VER_PRE OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
403            /// No pre program verification
404            NoPreProgramVerification = 0,
405            /// Pre verify feature automatically invoked for each write operation (irrespective
406            PreVerifyFeatureAutomaticallyInvokedForEachWriteOperationIrrespectiveOfTheMode = 1
407        ],
408        /// Controls automatic post program verify operations
409        VER_PST OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
410            /// No post program verification
411            NoPostProgramVerification = 0,
412            /// Post verify feature automatically invoked for each write operation (irrespective
413            PostVerifyFeatureAutomaticallyInvokedForEachWriteOperationIrrespectiveOfTheMode = 1
414        ],
415        /// Status of program operations in the Flash memory
416        STATUS OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(2) [
417            /// Idle (no program operation currently active)
418            IdleNoProgramOperationCurrentlyActive = 0,
419            /// Single word program operation triggered, but pending
420            SingleWordProgramOperationTriggeredButPending = 1,
421            /// Single word program in progress
422            SingleWordProgramInProgress = 2
423        ],
424        /// Bank active
425        BNK_ACT OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [
426            /// Word in Bank0 being programmed
427            WordInBank0BeingProgrammed = 0,
428            /// Word in Bank1 being programmed
429            WordInBank1BeingProgrammed = 1
430        ]
431    ],
433        /// Trigger start of burst program operation
434        START OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
435        /// Type of memory that burst program is carried out on
436        TYPE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(2) [
437            /// Main Memory
438            MainMemory = 0,
439            /// Information Memory
440            InformationMemory = 1,
441            /// Engineering Memory
442            EngineeringMemory = 3
443        ],
444        /// Length of burst
445        LEN OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(3) [
446            /// No burst operation
447            NoBurstOperation = 0,
448            /// 1 word burst of 128 bits, starting with address in the FLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDR R
449            _1WordBurstOf128BitsStartingWithAddressInTheFLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDRRegister = 1,
450            /// 2*128 bits burst write, starting with address in the FLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDR Reg
451            _2128BitsBurstWriteStartingWithAddressInTheFLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDRRegister = 2,
452            /// 3*128 bits burst write, starting with address in the FLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDR Reg
453            _3128BitsBurstWriteStartingWithAddressInTheFLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDRRegister = 3,
454            /// 4*128 bits burst write, starting with address in the FLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDR Reg
455            _4128BitsBurstWriteStartingWithAddressInTheFLCTL_PRGBRST_STARTADDRRegister = 4
456        ],
457        /// Auto-Verify operation before the Burst Program
458        AUTO_PRE OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
459            /// No program verify operations carried out
460            NoProgramVerifyOperationsCarriedOut = 0,
461            /// Causes an automatic Burst Program Verify after the Burst Program Operation
462            CausesAnAutomaticBurstProgramVerifyAfterTheBurstProgramOperation = 1
463        ],
464        /// Auto-Verify operation after the Burst Program
465        AUTO_PST OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
466            /// No program verify operations carried out
467            NoProgramVerifyOperationsCarriedOut = 0,
468            /// Causes an automatic Burst Program Verify before the Burst Program Operation
469            CausesAnAutomaticBurstProgramVerifyBeforeTheBurstProgramOperation = 1
470        ],
471        /// Status of a Burst Operation
473            /// Idle (Burst not active)
474            IdleBurstNotActive = 0,
475            /// Burst program started but pending
476            BurstProgramStartedButPending = 1,
477            /// Burst active, with 1st 128 bit word being written into Flash
478            BurstActiveWith1st128BitWordBeingWrittenIntoFlash = 2,
479            /// Burst active, with 2nd 128 bit word being written into Flash
480            BurstActiveWith2nd128BitWordBeingWrittenIntoFlash = 3,
481            /// Burst active, with 3rd 128 bit word being written into Flash
482            BurstActiveWith3rd128BitWordBeingWrittenIntoFlash = 4,
483            /// Burst active, with 4th 128 bit word being written into Flash
484            BurstActiveWith4th128BitWordBeingWrittenIntoFlash = 5,
485            /// Burst Complete (status of completed burst remains in this state unless explicitl
486            BURST_STATUS_7 = 7
487        ],
488        /// Burst Operation encountered preprogram auto-verify errors
489        PRE_ERR OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) [],
490        /// Burst Operation encountered postprogram auto-verify errors
491        PST_ERR OFFSET(20) NUMBITS(1) [],
492        /// Burst Operation was terminated due to attempted program of reserved memory
493        ADDR_ERR OFFSET(21) NUMBITS(1) [],
494        /// Clear status bits 21-16 of this register
495        CLR_STAT OFFSET(23) NUMBITS(1) []
496    ],
498        /// Start of Erase operation
499        START OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
500        /// Erase mode selected by application
501        MODE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
502            /// Sector Erase (controlled by FLTCTL_ERASE_SECTADDR)
503            SectorEraseControlledByFLTCTL_ERASE_SECTADDR = 0,
504            /// Mass Erase (includes all Main and Information memory sectors that don't have cor
505            MODE_1 = 1
506        ],
507        /// Type of memory that erase operation is carried out on
508        TYPE OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(2) [
509            /// Main Memory
510            MainMemory = 0,
511            /// Information Memory
512            InformationMemory = 1,
513            /// Engineering Memory
514            EngineeringMemory = 3
515        ],
516        /// Status of erase operations in the Flash memory
517        STATUS OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(2) [
518            /// Idle (no program operation currently active)
519            IdleNoProgramOperationCurrentlyActive = 0,
520            /// Erase operation triggered to START but pending
521            EraseOperationTriggeredToSTARTButPending = 1,
522            /// Erase operation in progress
523            EraseOperationInProgress = 2,
524            /// Erase operation completed (status of completed erase remains in this state unles
525            STATUS_3 = 3
526        ],
527        /// Erase Operation was terminated due to attempted erase of reserved memory address
528        ADDR_ERR OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [],
529        /// Clear status bits 18-16 of this register
530        CLR_STAT OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) []
531    ],
533        /// Protects Sector 0 from program or erase
534        PROT0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
535        /// Protects Sector 1 from program or erase
536        PROT1 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) []
537    ],
539        /// Protects Sector 0 from program or erase
540        PROT0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
541        /// Protects Sector 1 from program or erase
542        PROT1 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
543        /// Protects Sector 2 from program or erase
544        PROT2 OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
545        /// Protects Sector 3 from program or erase
546        PROT3 OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
547        /// Protects Sector 4 from program or erase
548        PROT4 OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
549        /// Protects Sector 5 from program or erase
550        PROT5 OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
551        /// Protects Sector 6 from program or erase
552        PROT6 OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
553        /// Protects Sector 7 from program or erase
554        PROT7 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
555        /// Protects Sector 8 from program or erase
556        PROT8 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
557        /// Protects Sector 9 from program or erase
558        PROT9 OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [],
559        /// Protects Sector 10 from program or erase
560        PROT10 OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [],
561        /// Protects Sector 11 from program or erase
562        PROT11 OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [],
563        /// Protects Sector 12 from program or erase
564        PROT12 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [],
565        /// Protects Sector 13 from program or erase
566        PROT13 OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [],
567        /// Protects Sector 14 from program or erase
568        PROT14 OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [],
569        /// Protects Sector 15 from program or erase
570        PROT15 OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [],
571        /// Protects Sector 16 from program or erase
572        PROT16 OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(1) [],
573        /// Protects Sector 17 from program or erase
574        PROT17 OFFSET(17) NUMBITS(1) [],
575        /// Protects Sector 18 from program or erase
576        PROT18 OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [],
577        /// Protects Sector 19 from program or erase
578        PROT19 OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) [],
579        /// Protects Sector 20 from program or erase
580        PROT20 OFFSET(20) NUMBITS(1) [],
581        /// Protects Sector 21 from program or erase
582        PROT21 OFFSET(21) NUMBITS(1) [],
583        /// Protects Sector 22 from program or erase
584        PROT22 OFFSET(22) NUMBITS(1) [],
585        /// Protects Sector 23 from program or erase
586        PROT23 OFFSET(23) NUMBITS(1) [],
587        /// Protects Sector 24 from program or erase
588        PROT24 OFFSET(24) NUMBITS(1) [],
589        /// Protects Sector 25 from program or erase
590        PROT25 OFFSET(25) NUMBITS(1) [],
591        /// Protects Sector 26 from program or erase
592        PROT26 OFFSET(26) NUMBITS(1) [],
593        /// Protects Sector 27 from program or erase
594        PROT27 OFFSET(27) NUMBITS(1) [],
595        /// Protects Sector 28 from program or erase
596        PROT28 OFFSET(28) NUMBITS(1) [],
597        /// Protects Sector 29 from program or erase
598        PROT29 OFFSET(29) NUMBITS(1) [],
599        /// Protects Sector 30 from program or erase
600        PROT30 OFFSET(30) NUMBITS(1) [],
601        /// Protects Sector 31 from program or erase
602        PROT31 OFFSET(31) NUMBITS(1) []
603    ],
605        /// Protects Sector 0 from program or erase operations
606        PROT0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
607        /// Protects Sector 1 from program or erase operations
608        PROT1 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) []
609    ],
611        /// Protects Sector 0 from program or erase operations
612        PROT0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
613        /// Protects Sector 1 from program or erase operations
614        PROT1 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
615        /// Protects Sector 2 from program or erase operations
616        PROT2 OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
617        /// Protects Sector 3 from program or erase operations
618        PROT3 OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
619        /// Protects Sector 4 from program or erase operations
620        PROT4 OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
621        /// Protects Sector 5 from program or erase operations
622        PROT5 OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
623        /// Protects Sector 6 from program or erase operations
624        PROT6 OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
625        /// Protects Sector 7 from program or erase operations
626        PROT7 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
627        /// Protects Sector 8 from program or erase operations
628        PROT8 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
629        /// Protects Sector 9 from program or erase operations
630        PROT9 OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [],
631        /// Protects Sector 10 from program or erase operations
632        PROT10 OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [],
633        /// Protects Sector 11 from program or erase operations
634        PROT11 OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [],
635        /// Protects Sector 12 from program or erase operations
636        PROT12 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [],
637        /// Protects Sector 13 from program or erase operations
638        PROT13 OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [],
639        /// Protects Sector 14 from program or erase operations
640        PROT14 OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [],
641        /// Protects Sector 15 from program or erase operations
642        PROT15 OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [],
643        /// Protects Sector 16 from program or erase operations
644        PROT16 OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(1) [],
645        /// Protects Sector 17 from program or erase operations
646        PROT17 OFFSET(17) NUMBITS(1) [],
647        /// Protects Sector 18 from program or erase operations
648        PROT18 OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [],
649        /// Protects Sector 19 from program or erase operations
650        PROT19 OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) [],
651        /// Protects Sector 20 from program or erase operations
652        PROT20 OFFSET(20) NUMBITS(1) [],
653        /// Protects Sector 21 from program or erase operations
654        PROT21 OFFSET(21) NUMBITS(1) [],
655        /// Protects Sector 22 from program or erase operations
656        PROT22 OFFSET(22) NUMBITS(1) [],
657        /// Protects Sector 23 from program or erase operations
658        PROT23 OFFSET(23) NUMBITS(1) [],
659        /// Protects Sector 24 from program or erase operations
660        PROT24 OFFSET(24) NUMBITS(1) [],
661        /// Protects Sector 25 from program or erase operations
662        PROT25 OFFSET(25) NUMBITS(1) [],
663        /// Protects Sector 26 from program or erase operations
664        PROT26 OFFSET(26) NUMBITS(1) [],
665        /// Protects Sector 27 from program or erase operations
666        PROT27 OFFSET(27) NUMBITS(1) [],
667        /// Protects Sector 28 from program or erase operations
668        PROT28 OFFSET(28) NUMBITS(1) [],
669        /// Protects Sector 29 from program or erase operations
670        PROT29 OFFSET(29) NUMBITS(1) [],
671        /// Protects Sector 30 from program or erase operations
672        PROT30 OFFSET(30) NUMBITS(1) [],
673        /// Protects Sector 31 from program or erase operations
674        PROT31 OFFSET(31) NUMBITS(1) []
675    ],
677        /// When 1, increments the Instruction Benchmark count register on each instruction
678        I_BMRK OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
679        /// When 1, increments the Data Benchmark count register on each data read access to
680        D_BMRK OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
681        /// When 1, enables comparison of the Instruction or Data Benchmark Registers agains
682        CMP_EN OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
683        /// Selects which benchmark register should be compared against the threshold
684        CMP_SEL OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
685            /// Compares the Instruction Benchmark Register against the threshold value
686            ComparesTheInstructionBenchmarkRegisterAgainstTheThresholdValue = 0,
687            /// Compares the Data Benchmark Register against the threshold value
688            ComparesTheDataBenchmarkRegisterAgainstTheThresholdValue = 1
689        ]
690    ],
691    FLCTL_IFG [
692        /// If set to 1, indicates that the Read Burst/Compare operation is complete
693        RDBRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
694        /// If set to 1, indicates that the pre-program verify operation has detected an err
695        AVPRE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
696        /// If set to 1, indicates that the post-program verify operation has failed compari
697        AVPST OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
698        /// If set to 1, indicates that a word Program operation is complete
699        PRG OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
700        /// If set to 1, indicates that the configured Burst Program operation is complete
701        PRGB OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
702        /// If set to 1, indicates that the Erase operation is complete
703        ERASE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
704        /// If set to 1, indicates that a Benchmark Compare match occurred
705        BMRK OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
706        /// If set to 1, indicates a word composition error in full word write mode (possibl
707        PRG_ERR OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) []
708    ],
709    FLCTL_IE [
710        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
711        RDBRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
712        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
713        AVPRE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
714        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
715        AVPST OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
716        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
717        PRG OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
718        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
719        PRGB OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
720        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
721        ERASE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
722        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
723        BMRK OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
724        /// If set to 1, enables the Controller to generate an interrupt based on the corres
725        PRG_ERR OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) []
726    ],
728        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
729        RDBRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
730        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
731        AVPRE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
732        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
733        AVPST OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
734        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
735        PRG OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
736        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
737        PRGB OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
738        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
739        ERASE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
740        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
741        BMRK OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
742        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
743        PRG_ERR OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) []
744    ],
746        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
747        RDBRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
748        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
749        AVPRE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
750        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
751        AVPST OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
752        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
753        PRG OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
754        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
755        PRGB OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [],
756        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
757        ERASE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [],
758        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
759        BMRK OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
760        /// Write 1 clears the corresponding interrupt flag bit in the FLCTL_IFG
761        PRG_ERR OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) []
762    ],
764        /// Configures the length of the Setup phase for this operation
765        SETUP OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
766        /// Length of the IREF_BOOST1 signal of the IP
767        IREF_BOOST1 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(4) [],
768        /// Length of the Setup time into read mode when the device is recovering from one o
769        SETUP_LONG OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(8) []
770    ],
772        /// Length of the Setup phase for this operation
773        SETUP OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
774        /// Length of the Active phase for this operation
775        ACTIVE OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(4) [],
776        /// Length of the Hold phase for this operation
777        HOLD OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(4) []
778    ],
780        /// Length of the Setup phase for this operation
781        SETUP OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
782        /// Length of the Active phase for this operation
783        ACTIVE OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(20) [],
784        /// Length of the Hold phase for this operation
785        HOLD OFFSET(28) NUMBITS(4) []
786    ],
788        /// Length of the Setup phase for this operation
789        SETUP OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
790        /// Length of the Active phase for this operation
791        ACTIVE OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(20) [],
792        /// Length of the Hold phase for this operation
793        HOLD OFFSET(28) NUMBITS(4) []
794    ],
796        /// Length of the time for which LDO Boost Signal is kept active
797        BOOST_ACTIVE OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
798        /// Length for which Flash deactivates the LDO Boost signal before processing any ne
799        BOOST_HOLD OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) []
800    ]
803/// Wait states.
805/// If the clock runs with a higher frequency than the flash is able to operate, it's possible to
806/// configure a certain amount of wait-states which stall the CPU in order to access the data within
807/// the flash in a reliable way.
808/// For a detailed description check the datasheet at page 458 section
810#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
811pub enum WaitStates {
812    _0 = 0,
813    _1 = 1,
814    _2 = 2,
815    _3 = 3,
816    _4 = 4,
817    _5 = 5,
818    _6 = 6,
819    _7 = 7,
820    _8 = 8,
821    _9 = 9,
822    _10 = 10,
823    _11 = 11,
824    _12 = 12,
825    _13 = 13,
826    _14 = 14,
827    _15 = 15,
830pub struct FlCtl {
831    registers: StaticRef<FlCtlRegisters>,
834impl FlCtl {
835    pub const fn new() -> FlCtl {
836        FlCtl {
837            registers: FLCTL_BASE,
838        }
839    }
841    pub fn set_waitstates(&self, ws: WaitStates) {
842        self.registers
843            .bank0_rdctl
844            .modify(FLCTL_BANK0_RDCTL::WAIT.val(ws as u32));
845        self.registers
846            .bank1_rdctl
847            .modify(FLCTL_BANK1_RDCTL::WAIT.val(ws as u32));
848    }
850    pub fn set_buffering(&self, enable: bool) {
851        self.registers.bank0_rdctl.modify(
852            FLCTL_BANK0_RDCTL::BUFD.val(enable as u32) + FLCTL_BANK0_RDCTL::BUFI.val(enable as u32),
853        );
854        self.registers.bank1_rdctl.modify(
855            FLCTL_BANK1_RDCTL::BUFD.val(enable as u32) + FLCTL_BANK1_RDCTL::BUFI.val(enable as u32),
856        );
857    }