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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
//! Round Robin Scheduler for Tock
//! This scheduler is specifically a Round Robin Scheduler with Interrupts.
//! See: <>
//! for details.
//! When hardware interrupts occur while a userspace process is executing, this
//! scheduler executes the top half of the interrupt, and then stops executing
//! the userspace process immediately and handles the bottom half of the
//! interrupt. This design decision was made to mimic the behavior of the
//! original Tock scheduler. In order to ensure fair use of timeslices, when
//! userspace processes are interrupted the scheduler timer is paused, and the
//! same process is resumed with the same scheduler timer value from when it was
//! interrupted.
use core::cell::Cell;
use core::num::NonZeroU32;
use crate::collections::list::{List, ListLink, ListNode};
use crate::platform::chip::Chip;
use crate::process::Process;
use crate::process::StoppedExecutingReason;
use crate::scheduler::{Scheduler, SchedulingDecision};
/// A node in the linked list the scheduler uses to track processes
/// Each node holds a pointer to a slot in the processes array
pub struct RoundRobinProcessNode<'a> {
proc: &'static Option<&'static dyn Process>,
next: ListLink<'a, RoundRobinProcessNode<'a>>,
impl<'a> RoundRobinProcessNode<'a> {
pub fn new(proc: &'static Option<&'static dyn Process>) -> RoundRobinProcessNode<'a> {
RoundRobinProcessNode {
next: ListLink::empty(),
impl<'a> ListNode<'a, RoundRobinProcessNode<'a>> for RoundRobinProcessNode<'a> {
fn next(&'a self) -> &'a ListLink<'a, RoundRobinProcessNode<'a>> {
/// Round Robin Scheduler
pub struct RoundRobinSched<'a> {
time_remaining: Cell<u32>,
timeslice_length: u32,
pub processes: List<'a, RoundRobinProcessNode<'a>>,
last_rescheduled: Cell<bool>,
impl<'a> RoundRobinSched<'a> {
/// How long a process can run before being pre-empted
const DEFAULT_TIMESLICE_US: u32 = 10000;
pub const fn new() -> RoundRobinSched<'a> {
pub const fn new_with_time(time_us: u32) -> RoundRobinSched<'a> {
RoundRobinSched {
time_remaining: Cell::new(time_us),
timeslice_length: time_us,
processes: List::new(),
last_rescheduled: Cell::new(false),
impl<C: Chip> Scheduler<C> for RoundRobinSched<'_> {
fn next(&self) -> SchedulingDecision {
let mut first_head = None;
let mut next = None;
// Find the first ready process in the queue. Place any *empty* process slots,
// or not-ready processes, at the back of the queue.
while let Some(node) = self.processes.head() {
// Ensure we do not loop forever if all processes are not ready
match first_head {
None => first_head = Some(node),
Some(first_head) => {
// We made a full iteration and nothing was ready. Try to sleep instead
if core::ptr::eq(first_head, node) {
return SchedulingDecision::TrySleep;
match node.proc {
Some(proc) => {
if proc.ready() {
next = Some(proc.processid());
None => {
let next = match next {
Some(p) => p,
None => {
// No processes on the system
return SchedulingDecision::TrySleep;
let timeslice = if self.last_rescheduled.get() {
} else {
// grant a fresh timeslice
// Why should this panic?
let non_zero_timeslice = NonZeroU32::new(timeslice).unwrap();
SchedulingDecision::RunProcess((next, Some(non_zero_timeslice)))
fn result(&self, result: StoppedExecutingReason, execution_time_us: Option<u32>) {
let execution_time_us = execution_time_us.unwrap(); // should never fail
let reschedule = match result {
StoppedExecutingReason::KernelPreemption => {
if self.time_remaining.get() > execution_time_us {
.set(self.time_remaining.get() - execution_time_us);
} else {
_ => false,
if !reschedule {