1// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
5use core::cell::Cell;
6use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
7use core::ops::Range;
8use core::{cmp, fmt};
10use kernel::platform::mpu;
11use kernel::utilities::cells::OptionalCell;
12use kernel::utilities::registers::{register_bitfields, LocalRegisterCopy};
14use crate::csr;
17 /// Generic `pmpcfg` octet.
18 ///
19 /// A PMP entry is configured through `pmpaddrX` and `pmpcfgX` CSRs, where a
20 /// single `pmpcfgX` CSRs holds multiple octets, each affecting the access
21 /// permission, addressing mode and "lock" attributes of a single `pmpaddrX`
22 /// CSR. This bitfield definition represents a single, `u8`-backed `pmpcfg`
23 /// octet affecting a single `pmpaddr` entry.
24 pub pmpcfg_octet [
25 r OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
26 w OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
27 x OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
28 a OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(2) [
29 OFF = 0,
30 TOR = 1,
31 NA4 = 2,
32 NAPOT = 3
33 ],
34 l OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) []
35 ]
38/// A `pmpcfg` octet for a user-mode (non-locked) TOR-addressed PMP region.
40/// This is a wrapper around a [`pmpcfg_octet`] (`u8`) register type, which
41/// guarantees that the wrapped `pmpcfg` octet is always set to be either
42/// [`TORUserPMPCFG::OFF`] (set to `0x00`), or in a non-locked, TOR-addressed
43/// configuration.
45/// By accepting this type, PMP implements can rely on the above properties to
46/// hold by construction and avoid runtime checks. For example, this type is
47/// used in the [`TORUserPMP::configure_pmp`] method.
48#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
49pub struct TORUserPMPCFG(LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register>);
51impl TORUserPMPCFG {
52 pub const OFF: TORUserPMPCFG = TORUserPMPCFG(LocalRegisterCopy::new(0));
54 /// Extract the `u8` representation of the [`pmpcfg_octet`] register.
55 pub fn get(&self) -> u8 {
56 self.0.get()
57 }
59 /// Extract a copy of the contained [`pmpcfg_octet`] register.
60 pub fn get_reg(&self) -> LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register> {
61 self.0
62 }
65impl PartialEq<TORUserPMPCFG> for TORUserPMPCFG {
66 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
67 self.0.get() == other.0.get()
68 }
71impl Eq for TORUserPMPCFG {}
73impl From<mpu::Permissions> for TORUserPMPCFG {
74 fn from(p: mpu::Permissions) -> Self {
75 let fv = match p {
76 mpu::Permissions::ReadWriteExecute => {
77 pmpcfg_octet::r::SET + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET + pmpcfg_octet::x::SET
78 }
79 mpu::Permissions::ReadWriteOnly => {
80 pmpcfg_octet::r::SET + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
81 }
82 mpu::Permissions::ReadExecuteOnly => {
83 pmpcfg_octet::r::SET + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR + pmpcfg_octet::x::SET
84 }
85 mpu::Permissions::ReadOnly => {
86 pmpcfg_octet::r::SET + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
87 }
88 mpu::Permissions::ExecuteOnly => {
89 pmpcfg_octet::r::CLEAR + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR + pmpcfg_octet::x::SET
90 }
91 };
93 TORUserPMPCFG(LocalRegisterCopy::new(
94 (fv + pmpcfg_octet::l::CLEAR + pmpcfg_octet::a::TOR).value,
95 ))
96 }
99/// A RISC-V PMP memory region specification, configured in NAPOT mode.
101/// This type checks that the supplied `start` and `size` values meet the RISC-V
102/// NAPOT requirements, namely that
104/// - the region is a power of two bytes in size
105/// - the region's start address is aligned to the region size
106/// - the region is at least 8 bytes long
108/// By accepting this type, PMP implementations can rely on these requirements
109/// to be verified. Furthermore, they can use the
110/// [`NAPOTRegionSpec::napot_addr`] convenience method to retrieve an `pmpaddrX`
111/// CSR value encoding this region's address and length.
112#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
113pub struct NAPOTRegionSpec {
114 start: *const u8,
115 size: usize,
118impl NAPOTRegionSpec {
119 /// Construct a new [`NAPOTRegionSpec`]
120 ///
121 /// This method accepts a `start` address and a region length. It returns
122 /// `Some(region)` when all constraints specified in the
123 /// [`NAPOTRegionSpec`]'s documentation are satisfied, otherwise `None`.
124 pub fn new(start: *const u8, size: usize) -> Option<Self> {
125 if !size.is_power_of_two() || (start as usize) % size != 0 || size < 8 {
126 None
127 } else {
128 Some(NAPOTRegionSpec { start, size })
129 }
130 }
132 /// Retrieve the start address of this [`NAPOTRegionSpec`].
133 pub fn start(&self) -> *const u8 {
134 self.start
135 }
137 /// Retrieve the size of this [`NAPOTRegionSpec`].
138 pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
139 self.size
140 }
142 /// Retrieve the end address of this [`NAPOTRegionSpec`].
143 pub fn end(&self) -> *const u8 {
144 unsafe { self.start.add(self.size) }
145 }
147 /// Retrieve a `pmpaddrX`-CSR compatible representation of this
148 /// [`NAPOTRegionSpec`]'s address and length. For this value to be valid in
149 /// a `CSR` register, the `pmpcfgX` octet's `A` (address mode) value
150 /// belonging to this `pmpaddrX`-CSR must be set to `NAPOT` (0b11).
151 pub fn napot_addr(&self) -> usize {
152 ((self.start as usize) + (self.size - 1).overflowing_shr(1).0)
153 .overflowing_shr(2)
154 .0
155 }
158/// A RISC-V PMP memory region specification, configured in TOR mode.
160/// This type checks that the supplied `start` and `end` addresses meet the
161/// RISC-V TOR requirements, namely that
163/// - the region's start address is aligned to a 4-byte boundary
164/// - the region's end address is aligned to a 4-byte boundary
165/// - the region is at least 4 bytes long
167/// By accepting this type, PMP implementations can rely on these requirements
168/// to be verified.
169#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
170pub struct TORRegionSpec {
171 start: *const u8,
172 end: *const u8,
175impl TORRegionSpec {
176 /// Construct a new [`TORRegionSpec`]
177 ///
178 /// This method accepts a `start` and `end` address. It returns
179 /// `Some(region)` when all constraints specified in the [`TORRegionSpec`]'s
180 /// documentation are satisfied, otherwise `None`.
181 pub fn new(start: *const u8, end: *const u8) -> Option<Self> {
182 if (start as usize) % 4 != 0
183 || (end as usize) % 4 != 0
184 || (end as usize)
185 .checked_sub(start as usize)
186 .is_none_or(|size| size < 4)
187 {
188 None
189 } else {
190 Some(TORRegionSpec { start, end })
191 }
192 }
194 /// Retrieve the start address of this [`TORRegionSpec`].
195 pub fn start(&self) -> *const u8 {
196 self.start
197 }
199 /// Retrieve the end address of this [`TORRegionSpec`].
200 pub fn end(&self) -> *const u8 {
201 self.end
202 }
205/// Helper method to check if a [`PMPUserMPUConfig`] region overlaps with a
206/// region specified by `other_start` and `other_size`.
208/// Matching the RISC-V spec this checks `pmpaddr[i-i] <= y < pmpaddr[i]` for TOR
209/// ranges.
210fn region_overlaps(
211 region: &(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8),
212 other_start: *const u8,
213 other_size: usize,
214) -> bool {
215 // PMP TOR regions are not inclusive on the high end, that is
216 // pmpaddr[i-i] <= y < pmpaddr[i].
217 //
218 // This happens to coincide with the definition of the Rust half-open Range
219 // type, which provides a convenient `.contains()` method:
220 let region_range = Range {
221 start: region.1 as usize,
222 end: region.2 as usize,
223 };
225 let other_range = Range {
226 start: other_start as usize,
227 end: other_start as usize + other_size,
228 };
230 // For a range A to overlap with a range B, either B's first or B's last
231 // element must be contained in A, or A's first or A's last element must be
232 // contained in B. As we deal with half-open ranges, ensure that neither
233 // range is empty.
234 //
235 // This implementation is simple and stupid, and can be optimized. We leave
236 // that as an exercise to the compiler.
237 !region_range.is_empty()
238 && !other_range.is_empty()
239 && (region_range.contains(&other_range.start)
240 || region_range.contains(&(other_range.end - 1))
241 || other_range.contains(®ion_range.start)
242 || other_range.contains(&(region_range.end - 1)))
245/// Print a table of the configured PMP regions, read from the HW CSRs.
247/// # Safety
249/// This function is unsafe, as it relies on the PMP CSRs to be accessible, and
250/// the hardware to feature `PHYSICAL_ENTRIES` PMP CSR entries. If these
251/// conditions are not met, calling this function can result in undefinied
252/// behavior (e.g., cause a system trap).
253pub unsafe fn format_pmp_entries<const PHYSICAL_ENTRIES: usize>(
254 f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
255) -> fmt::Result {
256 for i in 0..PHYSICAL_ENTRIES {
257 // Extract the entry's pmpcfgX register value. The pmpcfgX CSRs are
258 // tightly packed and contain 4 octets beloging to individual
259 // entries. Convert this into a u8-wide LocalRegisterCopy<u8,
260 // pmpcfg_octet> as a generic register type, independent of the entry's
261 // offset.
262 let pmpcfg: LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register> = LocalRegisterCopy::new(
263 csr::CSR
264 .pmpconfig_get(i / 4)
265 .overflowing_shr(((i % 4) * 8) as u32)
266 .0 as u8,
267 );
269 // The address interpretation is different for every mode. Return both a
270 // string indicating the PMP entry's mode, as well as the effective
271 // start and end address (inclusive) affected by the region. For regions
272 // that are OFF, we still want to expose the pmpaddrX register value --
273 // thus return the raw unshifted value as the addr, and 0 as the
274 // region's end.
275 let (start_label, start, end, mode) = match pmpcfg.read_as_enum(pmpcfg_octet::a) {
276 Some(pmpcfg_octet::a::Value::OFF) => {
277 let addr = csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get(i);
278 ("pmpaddr", addr, 0, "OFF ")
279 }
281 Some(pmpcfg_octet::a::Value::TOR) => {
282 let start = if i > 0 {
283 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get(i - 1)
284 } else {
285 0
286 };
288 (
289 " start",
290 start.overflowing_shl(2).0,
291 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get(i).overflowing_shl(2).0.wrapping_sub(1),
292 "TOR ",
293 )
294 }
296 Some(pmpcfg_octet::a::Value::NA4) => {
297 let addr = csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get(i).overflowing_shl(2).0;
298 (" start", addr, addr | 0b11, "NA4 ")
299 }
301 Some(pmpcfg_octet::a::Value::NAPOT) => {
302 let pmpaddr = csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get(i);
303 let encoded_size = pmpaddr.trailing_ones();
304 if (encoded_size as usize) < (core::mem::size_of_val(&pmpaddr) * 8 - 1) {
305 let start = pmpaddr - ((1 << encoded_size) - 1);
306 let end = start + (1 << (encoded_size + 1)) - 1;
307 (
308 " start",
309 start.overflowing_shl(2).0,
310 end.overflowing_shl(2).0 | 0b11,
311 "NAPOT",
312 )
313 } else {
314 (" start", usize::MIN, usize::MAX, "NAPOT")
315 }
316 }
318 None => {
319 // We match on a 2-bit value with 4 variants, so this is
320 // unreachable. However, don't insert a panic in case this
321 // doesn't get optimized away:
322 ("", 0, 0, "")
323 }
324 };
326 // Ternary operator shortcut function, to avoid bulky formatting...
327 fn t<T>(cond: bool, a: T, b: T) -> T {
328 if cond {
329 a
330 } else {
331 b
332 }
333 }
335 write!(
336 f,
337 " [{:02}]: {}={:#010X}, end={:#010X}, cfg={:#04X} ({}) ({}{}{}{})\r\n",
338 i,
339 start_label,
340 start,
341 end,
342 pmpcfg.get(),
343 mode,
344 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::l), "l", "-"),
345 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::r), "r", "-"),
346 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::w), "w", "-"),
347 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::x), "x", "-"),
348 )?;
349 }
351 Ok(())
354/// A RISC-V PMP implementation exposing a number of TOR memory protection
355/// regions to the [`PMPUserMPU`].
357/// The RISC-V PMP is complex and can be used to enforce memory protection in
358/// various modes (Machine, Supervisor and User mode). Depending on the exact
359/// extension set present (e.g., ePMP) and the machine's security configuration
360/// bits, it may expose a vastly different set of constraints and application
361/// semantics.
363/// Because we can't possibly capture all of this in a single readable,
364/// maintainable and efficient implementation, we implement a two-layer system:
366/// - a [`TORUserPMP`] is a simple abstraction over some underlying PMP hardware
367/// implementation, which exposes an interface to configure regions that are
368/// active (enforced) in user-mode and can be configured for arbitrary
369/// addresses on a 4-byte granularity.
371/// - the [`PMPUserMPU`] takes this abstraction and implements the Tock kernel's
372/// [`mpu::MPU`] trait. It worries about re-configuring memory protection when
373/// switching processes, allocating memory regions of an appropriate size,
374/// etc.
376/// Implementors of a chip are free to define their own [`TORUserPMP`]
377/// implementations, adhering to their specific PMP layout & constraints,
378/// provided they implement this trait.
380/// The `MAX_REGIONS` const generic is used to indicate the maximum number of
381/// TOR PMP regions available to the [`PMPUserMPU`]. The PMP implementation may
382/// provide less regions than indicated through `MAX_REGIONS`, for instance when
383/// entries are enforced (locked) in machine mode. The number of available
384/// regions may change at runtime. The current number of regions available to
385/// the [`PMPUserMPU`] is indicated by the [`TORUserPMP::available_regions`]
386/// method. However, when it is known that a number of regions are not available
387/// for userspace protection, `MAX_REGIONS` can be used to reduce the memory
388/// footprint allocated by stored PMP configurations, as well as the
389/// re-configuration overhead.
390pub trait TORUserPMP<const MAX_REGIONS: usize> {
391 /// A placeholder to define const-assertions which are evaluated in
392 /// [`PMPUserMPU::new`]. This can be used to, for instance, assert that the
393 /// number of userspace regions does not exceed the number of hardware
394 /// regions.
395 const CONST_ASSERT_CHECK: ();
397 /// The number of TOR regions currently available for userspace memory
398 /// protection. Within `[0; MAX_REGIONS]`.
399 ///
400 /// The PMP implementation may provide less regions than indicated through
401 /// `MAX_REGIONS`, for instance when entries are enforced (locked) in
402 /// machine mode. The number of available regions may change at runtime. The
403 /// implementation is free to map these regions to arbitrary PMP entries
404 /// (and change this mapping at runtime), provided that they are enforced
405 /// when the hart is in user-mode, and other memory regions are generally
406 /// inaccessible when in user-mode.
407 ///
408 /// When allocating regions for kernel-mode protection, and thus reducing
409 /// the number of regions available to userspace, re-configuring the PMP may
410 /// fail. This is allowed behavior. However, the PMP must not remove any
411 /// regions from the user-mode current configuration while it is active
412 /// ([`TORUserPMP::enable_user_pmp`] has been called, and it has not been
413 /// disabled through [`TORUserPMP::disable_user_pmp`]).
414 fn available_regions(&self) -> usize;
416 /// Configure the user-mode memory protection.
417 ///
418 /// This method configures the user-mode memory protection, to be enforced
419 /// on a call to [`TORUserPMP::enable_user_pmp`].
420 ///
421 /// PMP implementations where configured regions are only enforced in
422 /// user-mode may re-configure the PMP on this function invocation and
423 /// implement [`TORUserPMP::enable_user_pmp`] as a no-op. If configured
424 /// regions are enforced in machine-mode (for instance when using an ePMP
425 /// with the machine-mode whitelist policy), the new configuration rules
426 /// must not apply until [`TORUserPMP::enable_user_pmp`].
427 ///
428 /// The tuples as passed in the `regions` parameter are defined as follows:
429 ///
430 /// - first value ([`TORUserPMPCFG`]): the memory protection mode as
431 /// enforced on the region. A `TORUserPMPCFG` can be created from the
432 /// [`mpu::Permissions`] type. It is in a format compatible to the pmpcfgX
433 /// register, guaranteed to not have the lock (`L`) bit set, and
434 /// configured either as a TOR region (`A = 0b01`), or disabled (all bits
435 /// set to `0`).
436 ///
437 /// - second value (`*const u8`): the region's start addres. As a PMP TOR
438 /// region has a 4-byte address granularity, this address is rounded down
439 /// to the next 4-byte boundary.
440 ///
441 /// - third value (`*const u8`): the region's end addres. As a PMP TOR
442 /// region has a 4-byte address granularity, this address is rounded down
443 /// to the next 4-byte boundary.
444 ///
445 /// To disable a region, set its configuration to [`TORUserPMPCFG::OFF`]. In
446 /// this case, the start and end addresses are ignored and can be set to
447 /// arbitrary values.
448 fn configure_pmp(
449 &self,
450 regions: &[(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MAX_REGIONS],
451 ) -> Result<(), ()>;
453 /// Enable the user-mode memory protection.
454 ///
455 /// Enables the memory protection for user-mode, as configured through
456 /// [`TORUserPMP::configure_pmp`]. Enabling the PMP for user-mode may make
457 /// the user-mode accessible regions inaccessible to the kernel. For PMP
458 /// implementations where configured regions are only enforced in user-mode,
459 /// this method may be implemented as a no-op.
460 ///
461 /// If enabling the current configuration is not possible (e.g., because
462 /// regions have been allocated to the kernel), this function must return
463 /// `Err(())`. Otherwise, this function returns `Ok(())`.
464 fn enable_user_pmp(&self) -> Result<(), ()>;
466 /// Disable the user-mode memory protection.
467 ///
468 /// Disables the memory protection for user-mode. If enabling the user-mode
469 /// memory protetion made user-mode accessible regions inaccessible to
470 /// machine-mode, this method should make these regions accessible again.
471 ///
472 /// For PMP implementations where configured regions are only enforced in
473 /// user-mode, this method may be implemented as a no-op. This method is not
474 /// responsible for making regions inaccessible to user-mode. If previously
475 /// configured regions must be made inaccessible,
476 /// [`TORUserPMP::configure_pmp`] must be used to re-configure the PMP
477 /// accordingly.
478 fn disable_user_pmp(&self);
481/// Struct storing userspace memory protection regions for the [`PMPUserMPU`].
482pub struct PMPUserMPUConfig<const MAX_REGIONS: usize> {
483 /// PMP config identifier, as generated by the issuing PMP implementation.
484 id: NonZeroUsize,
485 /// Indicates if the configuration has changed since the last time it was
486 /// written to hardware.
487 is_dirty: Cell<bool>,
488 /// Array of MPU regions. Each region requires two physical PMP entries.
489 regions: [(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MAX_REGIONS],
490 /// Which region index (into the `regions` array above) is used
491 /// for app memory (if it has been configured).
492 app_memory_region: OptionalCell<usize>,
495impl<const MAX_REGIONS: usize> fmt::Display for PMPUserMPUConfig<MAX_REGIONS> {
496 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
497 // Ternary operator shortcut function, to avoid bulky formatting...
498 fn t<T>(cond: bool, a: T, b: T) -> T {
499 if cond {
500 a
501 } else {
502 b
503 }
504 }
506 write!(
507 f,
508 " PMPUserMPUConfig {{\r\n id: {},\r\n is_dirty: {},\r\n app_memory_region: {:?},\r\n regions:\r\n",
509 self.id,
510 self.is_dirty.get(),
511 self.app_memory_region.get()
512 )?;
514 for (i, (tor_user_pmpcfg, start, end)) in self.regions.iter().enumerate() {
515 let pmpcfg = tor_user_pmpcfg.get_reg();
516 write!(
517 f,
518 " #{:02}: start={:#010X}, end={:#010X}, cfg={:#04X} ({}) (-{}{}{})\r\n",
519 i,
520 *start as usize,
521 *end as usize,
522 pmpcfg.get(),
523 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::a), "TOR", "OFF"),
524 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::r), "r", "-"),
525 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::w), "w", "-"),
526 t(pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::x), "x", "-"),
527 )?;
528 }
530 write!(f, " }}\r\n")?;
531 Ok(())
532 }
535/// Adapter from a generic PMP implementation exposing TOR-type regions to the
536/// Tock [`mpu::MPU`] trait. See [`TORUserPMP`].
537pub struct PMPUserMPU<const MAX_REGIONS: usize, P: TORUserPMP<MAX_REGIONS> + 'static> {
538 /// Monotonically increasing counter for allocated configurations, used to
539 /// assign unique IDs to `PMPUserMPUConfig` instances.
540 config_count: Cell<NonZeroUsize>,
541 /// The configuration that the PMP was last configured for. Used (along with
542 /// the `is_dirty` flag) to determine if PMP can skip writing the
543 /// configuration to hardware.
544 last_configured_for: OptionalCell<NonZeroUsize>,
545 /// Underlying hardware PMP implementation, exposing a number (up to
546 /// `P::MAX_REGIONS`) of memory protection regions with a 4-byte enforcement
547 /// granularity.
548 pub pmp: P,
551impl<const MAX_REGIONS: usize, P: TORUserPMP<MAX_REGIONS> + 'static> PMPUserMPU<MAX_REGIONS, P> {
552 pub fn new(pmp: P) -> Self {
553 // Assigning this constant here ensures evaluation of the const
554 // expression at compile time, and can thus be used to enforce
555 // compile-time assertions based on the desired PMP configuration.
556 #[allow(clippy::let_unit_value)]
557 let _: () = P::CONST_ASSERT_CHECK;
559 PMPUserMPU {
560 config_count: Cell::new(NonZeroUsize::MIN),
561 last_configured_for: OptionalCell::empty(),
562 pmp,
563 }
564 }
567impl<const MAX_REGIONS: usize, P: TORUserPMP<MAX_REGIONS> + 'static> kernel::platform::mpu::MPU
570 type MpuConfig = PMPUserMPUConfig<MAX_REGIONS>;
572 fn enable_app_mpu(&self) {
573 // TODO: This operation may fail when the PMP is not exclusively used
574 // for userspace. Instead of panicing, we should handle this case more
575 // gracefully and return an error in the `MPU` trait. Process
576 // infrastructure can then attempt to re-schedule the process later on,
577 // try to revoke some optional shared memory regions, or suspend the
578 // process.
579 self.pmp.enable_user_pmp().unwrap()
580 }
582 fn disable_app_mpu(&self) {
583 self.pmp.disable_user_pmp()
584 }
586 fn number_total_regions(&self) -> usize {
587 self.pmp.available_regions()
588 }
590 fn new_config(&self) -> Option<Self::MpuConfig> {
591 let id = self.config_count.get();
592 self.config_count.set(id.checked_add(1)?);
594 Some(PMPUserMPUConfig {
595 id,
596 regions: [(
598 core::ptr::null::<u8>(),
599 core::ptr::null::<u8>(),
600 ); MAX_REGIONS],
601 is_dirty: Cell::new(true),
602 app_memory_region: OptionalCell::empty(),
603 })
604 }
606 fn reset_config(&self, config: &mut Self::MpuConfig) {
607 config.regions.iter_mut().for_each(|region| {
608 *region = (
610 core::ptr::null::<u8>(),
611 core::ptr::null::<u8>(),
612 )
613 });
614 config.app_memory_region.clear();
615 config.is_dirty.set(true);
616 }
618 fn allocate_region(
619 &self,
620 unallocated_memory_start: *const u8,
621 unallocated_memory_size: usize,
622 min_region_size: usize,
623 permissions: mpu::Permissions,
624 config: &mut Self::MpuConfig,
625 ) -> Option<mpu::Region> {
626 // Find a free region slot. If we don't have one, abort early:
627 let region_num = config
628 .regions
629 .iter()
630 .enumerate()
631 .find(|(_i, (pmpcfg, _, _))| *pmpcfg == TORUserPMPCFG::OFF)
632 .map(|(i, _)| i)?;
634 // Now, meet the PMP TOR region constraints. For this, start with the
635 // provided start address and size, transform them to meet the
636 // constraints, and then check that we're still within the bounds of the
637 // provided values:
638 let mut start = unallocated_memory_start as usize;
639 let mut size = min_region_size;
641 // Region start always has to align to 4 bytes. Round up to a 4 byte
642 // boundary if required:
643 if start % 4 != 0 {
644 start += 4 - (start % 4);
645 }
647 // Region size always has to align to 4 bytes. Round up to a 4 byte
648 // boundary if required:
649 if size % 4 != 0 {
650 size += 4 - (size % 4);
651 }
653 // Regions must be at least 4 bytes in size.
654 if size < 4 {
655 size = 4;
656 }
658 // Now, check to see whether the adjusted start and size still meet the
659 // allocation constraints, namely ensure that
660 //
661 // start + size <= unallocated_memory_start + unallocated_memory_size
662 if start + size > (unallocated_memory_start as usize) + unallocated_memory_size {
663 // We're overflowing the provided memory region, can't make
664 // allocation. Normally, we'd abort here.
665 //
666 // However, a previous implementation of this code was incorrect in
667 // that performed this check before adjusting the requested region
668 // size to meet PMP region layout constraints (4 byte alignment for
669 // start and end address). Existing applications whose end-address
670 // is aligned on a less than 4-byte bondary would thus be given
671 // access to additional memory which should be inaccessible.
672 // Unfortunately, we can't fix this without breaking existing
673 // applications. Thus, we perform the same insecure hack here, and
674 // give the apps at most an extra 3 bytes of memory, as long as the
675 // requested region as no write privileges.
676 //
677 // TODO: Remove this logic with as part of
678 // https://github.com/tock/tock/issues/3544
679 let writeable = match permissions {
680 mpu::Permissions::ReadWriteExecute => true,
681 mpu::Permissions::ReadWriteOnly => true,
682 mpu::Permissions::ReadExecuteOnly => false,
683 mpu::Permissions::ReadOnly => false,
684 mpu::Permissions::ExecuteOnly => false,
685 };
687 if writeable
688 || (start + size
689 > (unallocated_memory_start as usize) + unallocated_memory_size + 3)
690 {
691 return None;
692 }
693 }
695 // Finally, check that this new region does not overlap with any
696 // existing configured userspace region:
697 for region in config.regions.iter() {
698 if region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF && region_overlaps(region, start as *const u8, size) {
699 return None;
700 }
701 }
703 // All checks passed, store region allocation and mark config as dirty:
704 config.regions[region_num] = (
705 permissions.into(),
706 start as *const u8,
707 (start + size) as *const u8,
708 );
709 config.is_dirty.set(true);
711 Some(mpu::Region::new(start as *const u8, size))
712 }
714 fn remove_memory_region(
715 &self,
716 region: mpu::Region,
717 config: &mut Self::MpuConfig,
718 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
719 let index = config
720 .regions
721 .iter()
722 .enumerate()
723 .find(|(_i, r)| {
724 // `start as usize + size` in lieu of a safe pointer offset method
725 r.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF
726 && r.1 == region.start_address()
727 && r.2 == (region.start_address() as usize + region.size()) as *const u8
728 })
729 .map(|(i, _)| i)
730 .ok_or(())?;
732 config.regions[index].0 = TORUserPMPCFG::OFF;
733 config.is_dirty.set(true);
735 Ok(())
736 }
738 fn allocate_app_memory_region(
739 &self,
740 unallocated_memory_start: *const u8,
741 unallocated_memory_size: usize,
742 min_memory_size: usize,
743 initial_app_memory_size: usize,
744 initial_kernel_memory_size: usize,
745 permissions: mpu::Permissions,
746 config: &mut Self::MpuConfig,
747 ) -> Option<(*const u8, usize)> {
748 // An app memory region can only be allocated once per `MpuConfig`.
749 // If we already have one, abort:
750 if config.app_memory_region.is_some() {
751 return None;
752 }
754 // Find a free region slot. If we don't have one, abort early:
755 let region_num = config
756 .regions
757 .iter()
758 .enumerate()
759 .find(|(_i, (pmpcfg, _, _))| *pmpcfg == TORUserPMPCFG::OFF)
760 .map(|(i, _)| i)?;
762 // Now, meet the PMP TOR region constraints for the region specified by
763 // `initial_app_memory_size` (which is the part of the region actually
764 // protected by the PMP). For this, start with the provided start
765 // address and size, transform them to meet the constraints, and then
766 // check that we're still within the bounds of the provided values:
767 let mut start = unallocated_memory_start as usize;
768 let mut pmp_region_size = initial_app_memory_size;
770 // Region start always has to align to 4 bytes. Round up to a 4 byte
771 // boundary if required:
772 if start % 4 != 0 {
773 start += 4 - (start % 4);
774 }
776 // Region size always has to align to 4 bytes. Round up to a 4 byte
777 // boundary if required:
778 if pmp_region_size % 4 != 0 {
779 pmp_region_size += 4 - (pmp_region_size % 4);
780 }
782 // Regions must be at least 4 bytes in size.
783 if pmp_region_size < 4 {
784 pmp_region_size = 4;
785 }
787 // We need to provide a memory block that fits both the initial app and
788 // kernel memory sections, and is `min_memory_size` bytes
789 // long. Calculate the length of this block with our new PMP-aliged
790 // size:
791 let memory_block_size = cmp::max(
792 min_memory_size,
793 pmp_region_size + initial_kernel_memory_size,
794 );
796 // Now, check to see whether the adjusted start and size still meet the
797 // allocation constraints, namely ensure that
798 //
799 // start + memory_block_size
800 // <= unallocated_memory_start + unallocated_memory_size
801 //
802 // , which ensures the PMP constraints didn't push us over the bounds of
803 // the provided memory region, and we can fit the entire allocation as
804 // requested by the kernel:
805 if start + memory_block_size > (unallocated_memory_start as usize) + unallocated_memory_size
806 {
807 // Overflowing the provided memory region, can't make allocation:
808 return None;
809 }
811 // Finally, check that this new region does not overlap with any
812 // existing configured userspace region:
813 for region in config.regions.iter() {
814 if region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF
815 && region_overlaps(region, start as *const u8, memory_block_size)
816 {
817 return None;
818 }
819 }
821 // All checks passed, store region allocation, indicate the
822 // app_memory_region, and mark config as dirty:
823 config.regions[region_num] = (
824 permissions.into(),
825 start as *const u8,
826 (start + pmp_region_size) as *const u8,
827 );
828 config.is_dirty.set(true);
829 config.app_memory_region.replace(region_num);
831 Some((start as *const u8, memory_block_size))
832 }
834 fn update_app_memory_region(
835 &self,
836 app_memory_break: *const u8,
837 kernel_memory_break: *const u8,
838 permissions: mpu::Permissions,
839 config: &mut Self::MpuConfig,
840 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
841 let region_num = config.app_memory_region.get().ok_or(())?;
843 let mut app_memory_break = app_memory_break as usize;
844 let kernel_memory_break = kernel_memory_break as usize;
846 // Ensure that the requested app_memory_break complies with PMP
847 // alignment constraints, namely that the region's end address is 4 byte
848 // aligned:
849 if app_memory_break % 4 != 0 {
850 app_memory_break += 4 - (app_memory_break % 4);
851 }
853 // Check if the app has run out of memory:
854 if app_memory_break > kernel_memory_break {
855 return Err(());
856 }
858 // If we're not out of memory, update the region configuration
859 // accordingly:
860 config.regions[region_num].0 = permissions.into();
861 config.regions[region_num].2 = app_memory_break as *const u8;
862 config.is_dirty.set(true);
864 Ok(())
865 }
867 fn configure_mpu(&self, config: &Self::MpuConfig) {
868 if !self.last_configured_for.contains(&config.id) || config.is_dirty.get() {
869 self.pmp.configure_pmp(&config.regions).unwrap();
870 config.is_dirty.set(false);
871 self.last_configured_for.set(config.id);
872 }
873 }
877pub mod test {
878 use super::{TORUserPMP, TORUserPMPCFG};
880 struct MockTORUserPMP;
881 impl<const MPU_REGIONS: usize> TORUserPMP<MPU_REGIONS> for MockTORUserPMP {
882 // Don't require any const-assertions in the MockTORUserPMP.
883 const CONST_ASSERT_CHECK: () = ();
885 fn available_regions(&self) -> usize {
886 // For the MockTORUserPMP, we always assume to have the full number
887 // of MPU_REGIONS available. More advanced tests may want to return
888 // a different number here (to simulate kernel memory protection)
889 // and make the configuration fail at runtime, for instance.
891 }
893 fn configure_pmp(
894 &self,
895 _regions: &[(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MPU_REGIONS],
896 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
897 Ok(())
898 }
900 fn enable_user_pmp(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
901 Ok(())
902 } // The kernel's MPU trait requires
904 fn disable_user_pmp(&self) {}
905 }
907 // TODO: implement more test cases, such as:
908 //
909 // - Try to update the app memory break with an invalid pointer below its
910 // allocation's start address.
912 #[test]
913 fn test_mpu_region_no_overlap() {
914 use crate::pmp::PMPUserMPU;
915 use kernel::platform::mpu::{Permissions, MPU};
917 let mpu: PMPUserMPU<8, MockTORUserPMP> = PMPUserMPU::new(MockTORUserPMP);
918 let mut config = mpu
919 .new_config()
920 .expect("Failed to allocate the first MPU config");
922 // Allocate a region which spans from 0x40000000 to 0x80000000 (this
923 // meets PMP alignment constraints and will work on 32-bit and 64-bit
924 // systems)
925 let region_0 = mpu
926 .allocate_region(
927 0x40000000 as *const u8,
928 0x40000000,
929 0x40000000,
930 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
931 &mut config,
932 )
933 .expect(
934 "Failed to allocate a well-aligned R/W MPU region with \
935 unallocated_memory_size == min_region_size",
936 );
937 assert!(region_0.start_address() == 0x40000000 as *const u8);
938 assert!(region_0.size() == 0x40000000);
940 // Try to allocate a region adjacent to `region_0`. This should work:
941 let region_1 = mpu
942 .allocate_region(
943 0x80000000 as *const u8,
944 0x10000000,
945 0x10000000,
946 Permissions::ReadExecuteOnly,
947 &mut config,
948 )
949 .expect(
950 "Failed to allocate a well-aligned R/W MPU region adjacent to \
951 another region",
952 );
953 assert!(region_1.start_address() == 0x80000000 as *const u8);
954 assert!(region_1.size() == 0x10000000);
956 // Remove the previously allocated `region_1`:
957 mpu.remove_memory_region(region_1, &mut config)
958 .expect("Failed to remove valid MPU region allocation");
960 // Allocate another region which spans from 0xc0000000 to 0xd0000000
961 // (this meets PMP alignment constraints and will work on 32-bit and
962 // 64-bit systems), but this time allocate it using the
963 // `allocate_app_memory_region` method. We want a region of `0x20000000`
964 // bytes, but only the first `0x10000000` should be accessible to the
965 // app.
966 let (region_2_start, region_2_size) = mpu
967 .allocate_app_memory_region(
968 0xc0000000 as *const u8,
969 0x20000000,
970 0x20000000,
971 0x10000000,
972 0x08000000,
973 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
974 &mut config,
975 )
976 .expect(
977 "Failed to allocate a well-aligned R/W app memory MPU region \
978 with unallocated_memory_size == min_region_size",
979 );
980 assert!(region_2_start == 0xc0000000 as *const u8);
981 assert!(region_2_size == 0x20000000);
983 // --> General overlap tests involving both regions
985 // Now, try to allocate another region that spans over both memory
986 // regions. This should fail.
987 assert!(mpu
988 .allocate_region(
989 0x40000000 as *const u8,
990 0xc0000000,
991 0xc0000000,
992 Permissions::ReadOnly,
993 &mut config,
994 )
995 .is_none());
997 // Try to allocate a region that spans over parts of both memory
998 // regions. This should fail.
999 assert!(mpu
1000 .allocate_region(
1001 0x48000000 as *const u8,
1002 0x80000000,
1003 0x80000000,
1004 Permissions::ReadOnly,
1005 &mut config,
1006 )
1007 .is_none());
1009 // --> Overlap tests involving a single region (region_0)
1010 //
1011 // We define these in an array, such that we can run the tests with the
1012 // `region_0` defined (to confirm that the allocations are indeed
1013 // refused), and with `region_0` removed (to make sure they would work
1014 // in general).
1015 let overlap_region_0_tests = [
1016 (
1017 // Try to allocate a region that is contained within
1018 // `region_0`. This should fail.
1019 0x41000000 as *const u8,
1020 0x01000000,
1021 0x01000000,
1022 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
1023 ),
1024 (
1025 // Try to allocate a region that overlaps with `region_0` in the
1026 // front. This should fail.
1027 0x38000000 as *const u8,
1028 0x10000000,
1029 0x10000000,
1030 Permissions::ReadWriteExecute,
1031 ),
1032 (
1033 // Try to allocate a region that overlaps with `region_0` in the
1034 // back. This should fail.
1035 0x48000000 as *const u8,
1036 0x10000000,
1037 0x10000000,
1038 Permissions::ExecuteOnly,
1039 ),
1040 (
1041 // Try to allocate a region that spans over `region_0`. This
1042 // should fail.
1043 0x38000000 as *const u8,
1044 0x20000000,
1045 0x20000000,
1046 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
1047 ),
1048 ];
1050 // Make sure that the allocation requests fail with `region_0` defined:
1051 for (memory_start, memory_size, length, perms) in overlap_region_0_tests.iter() {
1052 assert!(mpu
1053 .allocate_region(*memory_start, *memory_size, *length, *perms, &mut config,)
1054 .is_none());
1055 }
1057 // Now, remove `region_0` and re-run the tests. Every test-case should
1058 // succeed now (in isolation, hence removing the successful allocations):
1059 mpu.remove_memory_region(region_0, &mut config)
1060 .expect("Failed to remove valid MPU region allocation");
1062 for region @ (memory_start, memory_size, length, perms) in overlap_region_0_tests.iter() {
1063 let allocation_res =
1064 mpu.allocate_region(*memory_start, *memory_size, *length, *perms, &mut config);
1066 match allocation_res {
1067 Some(region) => {
1068 mpu.remove_memory_region(region, &mut config)
1069 .expect("Failed to remove valid MPU region allocation");
1070 }
1071 None => {
1072 panic!(
1073 "Failed to allocate region that does not overlap and should meet alignment constraints: {:?}",
1074 region
1075 );
1076 }
1077 }
1078 }
1080 // Make sure we can technically allocate a memory region that overlaps
1081 // with the kernel part of the `app_memory_region`.
1082 //
1083 // It is unclear whether this should be supported.
1084 let region_2 = mpu
1085 .allocate_region(
1086 0xd0000000 as *const u8,
1087 0x10000000,
1088 0x10000000,
1089 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
1090 &mut config,
1091 )
1092 .unwrap();
1093 assert!(region_2.start_address() == 0xd0000000 as *const u8);
1094 assert!(region_2.size() == 0x10000000);
1096 // Now, we can grow the app memory break into this region:
1097 mpu.update_app_memory_region(
1098 0xd0000004 as *const u8,
1099 0xd8000000 as *const u8,
1100 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
1101 &mut config,
1102 )
1103 .expect("Failed to grow the app memory region into an existing other MPU region");
1105 // Now, we have two overlapping MPU regions. Remove `region_2`, and try
1106 // to reallocate it as `region_3`. This should fail now, demonstrating
1107 // that we managed to reach an invalid intermediate state:
1108 mpu.remove_memory_region(region_2, &mut config)
1109 .expect("Failed to remove valid MPU region allocation");
1110 assert!(mpu
1111 .allocate_region(
1112 0xd0000000 as *const u8,
1113 0x10000000,
1114 0x10000000,
1115 Permissions::ReadWriteOnly,
1116 &mut config,
1117 )
1118 .is_none());
1119 }
1122pub mod simple {
1123 use super::{pmpcfg_octet, TORUserPMP, TORUserPMPCFG};
1124 use crate::csr;
1125 use core::fmt;
1126 use kernel::utilities::registers::{FieldValue, LocalRegisterCopy};
1128 /// A "simple" RISC-V PMP implementation.
1129 ///
1130 /// The SimplePMP does not support locked regions, kernel memory protection,
1131 /// or any ePMP features (using the mseccfg CSR). It is generic over the
1132 /// number of hardware PMP regions available. `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` is
1133 /// expected to be set to the number of available entries.
1134 ///
1135 /// [`SimplePMP`] implements [`TORUserPMP`] to expose all of its regions as
1136 /// "top of range" (TOR) regions (each taking up two physical PMP entires)
1137 /// for use as a user-mode memory protection mechanism.
1138 ///
1139 /// Notably, [`SimplePMP`] implements `TORUserPMP<MPU_REGIONS>` over a
1140 /// generic `MPU_REGIONS` where `MPU_REGIONS <= (AVAILABLE_ENTRIES / 2)`. As
1141 /// PMP re-configuration can have a significiant runtime overhead, users are
1142 /// free to specify a small `MPU_REGIONS` const-generic parameter to reduce
1143 /// the runtime overhead induced through PMP configuration, at the cost of
1144 /// having less PMP regions available to use for userspace memory
1145 /// protection.
1146 pub struct SimplePMP<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize>;
1148 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize> SimplePMP<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES> {
1149 pub unsafe fn new() -> Result<Self, ()> {
1150 // The SimplePMP does not support locked regions, kernel memory
1151 // protection, or any ePMP features (using the mseccfg CSR). Ensure
1152 // that we don't find any locked regions. If we don't have locked
1153 // regions and can still successfully execute code, this means that
1154 // we're not in the ePMP machine-mode lockdown mode, and can treat
1155 // our hardware as a regular PMP.
1156 //
1157 // Furthermore, we test whether we can use each entry (i.e. whether
1158 // it actually exists in HW) by flipping the RWX bits. If we can't
1159 // flip them, then `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` is incorrect. However, this
1160 // is not sufficient to check for locked regions, because of the
1161 // ePMP's rule-lock-bypass bit. If a rule is locked, it might be the
1162 // reason why we can execute code or read-write data in machine mode
1163 // right now. Thus, never try to touch a locked region, as we might
1164 // well revoke access to a kernel region!
1165 for i in 0..AVAILABLE_ENTRIES {
1166 // Read the entry's CSR:
1167 let pmpcfg_csr = csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4);
1169 // Extract the entry's pmpcfg octet:
1170 let pmpcfg: LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register> = LocalRegisterCopy::new(
1171 pmpcfg_csr.overflowing_shr(((i % 4) * 8) as u32).0 as u8,
1172 );
1174 // As outlined above, we never touch a locked region. Thus, bail
1175 // out if it's locked:
1176 if pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::l) {
1177 return Err(());
1178 }
1180 // Now that it's not locked, we can be sure that regardless of
1181 // any ePMP bits, this region is either ignored or entirely
1182 // denied for machine-mode access. Hence, we can change it in
1183 // arbitrary ways without breaking our own memory access. Try to
1184 // flip the R/W/X bits:
1185 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr ^ (7 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1187 // Check if the CSR changed:
1188 if pmpcfg_csr == csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4) {
1189 // Didn't change! This means that this region is not backed
1190 // by HW. Return an error as `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` is
1191 // incorrect:
1192 return Err(());
1193 }
1195 // Finally, turn the region off:
1196 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr & !(0x18 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1197 }
1199 // Hardware PMP is verified to be in a compatible mode / state, and
1200 // has at least `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` entries.
1201 Ok(SimplePMP)
1202 }
1203 }
1205 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize> TORUserPMP<MPU_REGIONS>
1207 {
1208 // Ensure that the MPU_REGIONS (starting at entry, and occupying two
1209 // entries per region) don't overflow the available entires.
1210 const CONST_ASSERT_CHECK: () = assert!(MPU_REGIONS <= (AVAILABLE_ENTRIES / 2));
1212 fn available_regions(&self) -> usize {
1213 // Always assume to have `MPU_REGIONS` usable TOR regions. We don't
1214 // support locked regions, or kernel protection.
1216 }
1218 // This implementation is specific for 32-bit systems. We use
1219 // `u32::from_be_bytes` and then cast to usize, as it manages to compile
1220 // on 64-bit systems as well. However, this implementation will not work
1221 // on RV64I systems, due to the changed pmpcfgX CSR layout.
1222 fn configure_pmp(
1223 &self,
1224 regions: &[(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MPU_REGIONS],
1225 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
1226 // Could use `iter_array_chunks` once that's stable.
1227 let mut regions_iter = regions.iter();
1228 let mut i = 0;
1230 while let Some(even_region) = regions_iter.next() {
1231 let odd_region_opt = regions_iter.next();
1233 if let Some(odd_region) = odd_region_opt {
1234 // We can configure two regions at once which, given that we
1235 // start at index 0 (an even offset), translates to a single
1236 // CSR write for the pmpcfgX register:
1237 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(
1238 i / 2,
1239 u32::from_be_bytes([
1240 odd_region.0.get(),
1241 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1242 even_region.0.get(),
1243 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1244 ]) as usize,
1245 );
1247 // Now, set the addresses of the respective regions, if they
1248 // are enabled, respectively:
1249 if even_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1250 csr::CSR
1251 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 0, (even_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1252 csr::CSR
1253 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 1, (even_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1254 }
1256 if odd_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1257 csr::CSR
1258 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 2, (odd_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1259 csr::CSR
1260 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 3, (odd_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1261 }
1263 i += 2;
1264 } else {
1265 // TODO: check overhead of code
1266 // Modify the first two pmpcfgX octets for this region:
1267 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
1268 i / 2,
1269 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
1270 0x0000FFFF,
1271 0,
1272 u32::from_be_bytes([
1273 0,
1274 0,
1275 even_region.0.get(),
1276 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1277 ]) as usize,
1278 ),
1279 );
1281 // Set the addresses if the region is enabled:
1282 if even_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1283 csr::CSR
1284 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 0, (even_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1285 csr::CSR
1286 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 1, (even_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1287 }
1289 i += 1;
1290 }
1291 }
1293 Ok(())
1294 }
1296 fn enable_user_pmp(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
1297 // No-op. The SimplePMP does not have any kernel-enforced regions.
1298 Ok(())
1299 }
1301 fn disable_user_pmp(&self) {
1302 // No-op. The SimplePMP does not have any kernel-enforced regions.
1303 }
1304 }
1306 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize> fmt::Display for SimplePMP<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES> {
1307 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1308 write!(f, " PMP hardware configuration -- entries: \r\n")?;
1309 unsafe { super::format_pmp_entries::<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES>(f) }
1310 }
1311 }
1314pub mod kernel_protection {
1315 use super::{pmpcfg_octet, NAPOTRegionSpec, TORRegionSpec, TORUserPMP, TORUserPMPCFG};
1316 use crate::csr;
1317 use core::fmt;
1318 use kernel::utilities::registers::{FieldValue, LocalRegisterCopy};
1320 // ---------- Kernel memory-protection PMP memory region wrapper types -----
1321 //
1322 // These types exist primarily to avoid argument confusion in the
1323 // [`KernelProtectionPMP`] constructor, which accepts the addresses of these
1324 // memory regions as arguments. They further encode whether a region must
1325 // adhere to the `NAPOT` or `TOR` addressing mode constraints:
1327 /// The flash memory region address range.
1328 ///
1329 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1330 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1331 pub struct FlashRegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1333 /// The RAM region address range.
1334 ///
1335 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1336 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1337 pub struct RAMRegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1339 /// The MMIO region address range.
1340 ///
1341 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1342 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1343 pub struct MMIORegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1345 /// The PMP region specification for the kernel `.text` section.
1346 ///
1347 /// This is to be made accessible to machine-mode as read-execute.
1348 /// Configured in the PMP as a `TOR` region.
1349 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1350 pub struct KernelTextRegion(pub TORRegionSpec);
1352 /// A RISC-V PMP implementation which supports machine-mode (kernel) memory
1353 /// protection, with a fixed number of "kernel regions" (such as `.text`,
1354 /// flash, RAM and MMIO).
1355 ///
1356 /// This implementation will configure the PMP in the following way:
1357 ///
1358 /// ```text
1359 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1360 /// | ENTRY | REGION / ADDR | MODE | L | PERMS |
1361 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1362 /// | 0 | / \ | OFF | | |
1363 /// | 1 | \ Userspace TOR region #0 / | TOR | | ????? |
1364 /// | | | | | |
1365 /// | 2 | / \ | OFF | | |
1366 /// | 3 | \ Userspace TOR region #1 / | TOR | | ????? |
1367 /// | | | | | |
1368 /// | 4 ... | / \ | | | |
1369 /// | n - 8 | \ Userspace TOR region #x / | | | |
1370 /// | | | | | |
1371 /// | n - 7 | "Deny-all" user-mode rule (all memory) | NAPOT | | ----- |
1372 /// | | | | | |
1373 /// | n - 6 | --------------------------------------- | OFF | X | ----- |
1374 /// | n - 5 | Kernel .text section | TOR | X | R/X |
1375 /// | | | | | |
1376 /// | n - 4 | FLASH (spanning kernel & apps) | NAPOT | X | R |
1377 /// | | | | | |
1378 /// | n - 3 | RAM (spanning kernel & apps) | NAPOT | X | R/W |
1379 /// | | | | | |
1380 /// | n - 2 | MMIO | NAPOT | X | R/W |
1381 /// | | | | | |
1382 /// | n - 1 | "Deny-all" machine-mode (all memory) | NAPOT | X | ----- |
1383 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1384 /// ```
1385 ///
1386 /// This implementation does not use any `mseccfg` protection bits (ePMP
1387 /// functionality). To protect machine-mode (kernel) memory regions, regions
1388 /// must be marked as locked. However, locked regions apply to both user-
1389 /// and machine-mode. Thus, region `n - 7` serves as a "deny-all" user-mode
1390 /// rule, which prohibits all accesses not explicitly allowed through rules
1391 /// `< n - 7`. Kernel memory is made accessible underneath this "deny-all"
1392 /// region, which does not apply to machine-mode.
1393 ///
1394 /// This PMP implementation supports the [`TORUserPMP`] interface with
1395 /// `MPU_REGIONS <= ((AVAILABLE_ENTRIES - 7) / 2)`, to leave sufficient
1396 /// space for the "deny-all" and kernel regions. This constraint is enforced
1397 /// through the [`KernelProtectionPMP::CONST_ASSERT_CHECK`] associated
1398 /// constant, which MUST be evaluated by the consumer of the [`TORUserPMP`]
1399 /// trait (usually the [`PMPUserMPU`](super::PMPUserMPU) implementation).
1400 pub struct KernelProtectionPMP<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize>;
1402 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize> KernelProtectionPMP<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES> {
1403 pub unsafe fn new(
1404 flash: FlashRegion,
1405 ram: RAMRegion,
1406 mmio: MMIORegion,
1407 kernel_text: KernelTextRegion,
1408 ) -> Result<Self, ()> {
1409 for i in 0..AVAILABLE_ENTRIES {
1410 // Read the entry's CSR:
1411 let pmpcfg_csr = csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4);
1413 // Extract the entry's pmpcfg octet:
1414 let pmpcfg: LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register> = LocalRegisterCopy::new(
1415 pmpcfg_csr.overflowing_shr(((i % 4) * 8) as u32).0 as u8,
1416 );
1418 // As outlined above, we never touch a locked region. Thus, bail
1419 // out if it's locked:
1420 if pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::l) {
1421 return Err(());
1422 }
1424 // Now that it's not locked, we can be sure that regardless of
1425 // any ePMP bits, this region is either ignored or entirely
1426 // denied for machine-mode access. Hence, we can change it in
1427 // arbitrary ways without breaking our own memory access. Try to
1428 // flip the R/W/X bits:
1429 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr ^ (7 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1431 // Check if the CSR changed:
1432 if pmpcfg_csr == csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4) {
1433 // Didn't change! This means that this region is not backed
1434 // by HW. Return an error as `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` is
1435 // incorrect:
1436 return Err(());
1437 }
1439 // Finally, turn the region off:
1440 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr & !(0x18 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1441 }
1443 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
1444 // Hardware PMP is verified to be in a compatible mode & state, and
1445 // has at least `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` entries.
1446 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
1448 // Now we need to set up the various kernel memory protection
1449 // regions, and the deny-all userspace region (n - 8), never
1450 // modified.
1452 // Helper to modify an arbitrary PMP entry. Because we don't know
1453 // AVAILABLE_ENTRIES in advance, there's no good way to
1454 // optimize this further.
1455 fn write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(i: usize, pmpcfg: u8, pmpaddr: usize) {
1456 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_set(i, pmpaddr);
1457 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
1458 i / 4,
1459 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
1460 0x000000FF_usize,
1461 (i % 4) * 8,
1462 u32::from_be_bytes([0, 0, 0, pmpcfg]) as usize,
1463 ),
1464 );
1465 }
1467 // Set the kernel `.text`, flash, RAM and MMIO regions, in no
1468 // particular order, with the exception of `.text` and flash:
1469 // `.text` must precede flash, as otherwise we'd be revoking execute
1470 // permissions temporarily. Given that we can currently execute
1471 // code, this should not have any impact on our accessible memory,
1472 // assuming that the provided regions are not otherwise aliased.
1474 // MMIO at n - 2:
1475 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1477 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1478 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1479 + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET
1480 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1481 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1482 .into(),
1483 mmio.0.napot_addr(),
1484 );
1486 // RAM at n - 3:
1487 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1489 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1490 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1491 + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET
1492 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1493 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1494 .into(),
1495 ram.0.napot_addr(),
1496 );
1498 // `.text` at n - 6 and n - 5 (TOR region):
1499 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1501 (pmpcfg_octet::a::OFF
1502 + pmpcfg_octet::r::CLEAR
1503 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1504 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1505 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1506 .into(),
1507 (kernel_text.0.start() as usize) >> 2,
1508 );
1509 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1511 (pmpcfg_octet::a::TOR
1512 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1513 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1514 + pmpcfg_octet::x::SET
1515 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1516 .into(),
1517 (kernel_text.0.end() as usize) >> 2,
1518 );
1520 // flash at n - 4:
1521 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1523 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1524 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1525 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1526 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1527 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1528 .into(),
1529 flash.0.napot_addr(),
1530 );
1532 // Now that the kernel has explicit region definitions for any
1533 // memory that it needs to have access to, we can deny other memory
1534 // accesses in our very last rule (n - 1):
1535 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1537 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1538 + pmpcfg_octet::r::CLEAR
1539 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1540 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1541 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1542 .into(),
1543 // the entire address space:
1544 0x7FFFFFFF,
1545 );
1547 // Finally, we configure the non-locked user-mode deny all
1548 // rule. This must never be removed, or otherwise usermode will be
1549 // able to access all locked regions (which are supposed to be
1550 // exclusively accessible to kernel-mode):
1551 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1553 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1554 + pmpcfg_octet::r::CLEAR
1555 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1556 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1557 + pmpcfg_octet::l::CLEAR)
1558 .into(),
1559 // the entire address space:
1560 0x7FFFFFFF,
1561 );
1563 // Setup complete
1564 Ok(KernelProtectionPMP)
1565 }
1566 }
1568 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize> TORUserPMP<MPU_REGIONS>
1569 for KernelProtectionPMP<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES>
1570 {
1571 /// Ensure that the MPU_REGIONS (starting at entry, and occupying two
1572 /// entries per region) don't overflow the available entires, excluding
1573 /// the 7 entires used for implementing the kernel memory protection.
1574 const CONST_ASSERT_CHECK: () = assert!(MPU_REGIONS <= ((AVAILABLE_ENTRIES - 7) / 2));
1576 fn available_regions(&self) -> usize {
1577 // Always assume to have `MPU_REGIONS` usable TOR regions. We don't
1578 // support locking additional regions at runtime.
1580 }
1582 // This implementation is specific for 32-bit systems. We use
1583 // `u32::from_be_bytes` and then cast to usize, as it manages to compile
1584 // on 64-bit systems as well. However, this implementation will not work
1585 // on RV64I systems, due to the changed pmpcfgX CSR layout.
1586 fn configure_pmp(
1587 &self,
1588 regions: &[(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MPU_REGIONS],
1589 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
1590 // Could use `iter_array_chunks` once that's stable.
1591 let mut regions_iter = regions.iter();
1592 let mut i = 0;
1594 while let Some(even_region) = regions_iter.next() {
1595 let odd_region_opt = regions_iter.next();
1597 if let Some(odd_region) = odd_region_opt {
1598 // We can configure two regions at once which, given that we
1599 // start at index 0 (an even offset), translates to a single
1600 // CSR write for the pmpcfgX register:
1601 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(
1602 i / 2,
1603 u32::from_be_bytes([
1604 odd_region.0.get(),
1605 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1606 even_region.0.get(),
1607 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1608 ]) as usize,
1609 );
1611 // Now, set the addresses of the respective regions, if they
1612 // are enabled, respectively:
1613 if even_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1614 csr::CSR
1615 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 0, (even_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1616 csr::CSR
1617 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 1, (even_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1618 }
1620 if odd_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1621 csr::CSR
1622 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 2, (odd_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1623 csr::CSR
1624 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 3, (odd_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1625 }
1627 i += 2;
1628 } else {
1629 // Modify the first two pmpcfgX octets for this region:
1630 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
1631 i / 2,
1632 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
1633 0x0000FFFF,
1634 0,
1635 u32::from_be_bytes([
1636 0,
1637 0,
1638 even_region.0.get(),
1639 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
1640 ]) as usize,
1641 ),
1642 );
1644 // Set the addresses if the region is enabled:
1645 if even_region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1646 csr::CSR
1647 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 0, (even_region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1648 csr::CSR
1649 .pmpaddr_set(i * 2 + 1, (even_region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0);
1650 }
1652 i += 1;
1653 }
1654 }
1656 Ok(())
1657 }
1659 fn enable_user_pmp(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
1660 // No-op. User-mode regions are never enforced in machine-mode, and
1661 // thus can be configured direct and may stay enabled in
1662 // machine-mode.
1663 Ok(())
1664 }
1666 fn disable_user_pmp(&self) {
1667 // No-op. User-mode regions are never enforced in machine-mode, and
1668 // thus can be configured direct and may stay enabled in
1669 // machine-mode.
1670 }
1671 }
1673 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize> fmt::Display for KernelProtectionPMP<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES> {
1674 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1675 write!(f, " PMP hardware configuration -- entries: \r\n")?;
1676 unsafe { super::format_pmp_entries::<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES>(f) }
1677 }
1678 }
1681pub mod kernel_protection_mml_epmp {
1682 use super::{pmpcfg_octet, NAPOTRegionSpec, TORRegionSpec, TORUserPMP, TORUserPMPCFG};
1683 use crate::csr;
1684 use core::cell::Cell;
1685 use core::fmt;
1686 use kernel::platform::mpu;
1687 use kernel::utilities::registers::interfaces::{Readable, Writeable};
1688 use kernel::utilities::registers::{FieldValue, LocalRegisterCopy};
1690 // ---------- Kernel memory-protection PMP memory region wrapper types -----
1691 //
1692 // These types exist primarily to avoid argument confusion in the
1693 // [`KernelProtectionMMLEPMP`] constructor, which accepts the addresses of
1694 // these memory regions as arguments. They further encode whether a region
1695 // must adhere to the `NAPOT` or `TOR` addressing mode constraints:
1697 /// The flash memory region address range.
1698 ///
1699 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1700 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1701 pub struct FlashRegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1703 /// The RAM region address range.
1704 ///
1705 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1706 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1707 pub struct RAMRegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1709 /// The MMIO region address range.
1710 ///
1711 /// Configured in the PMP as a `NAPOT` region.
1712 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1713 pub struct MMIORegion(pub NAPOTRegionSpec);
1715 /// The PMP region specification for the kernel `.text` section.
1716 ///
1717 /// This is to be made accessible to machine-mode as read-execute.
1718 /// Configured in the PMP as a `TOR` region.
1719 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1720 pub struct KernelTextRegion(pub TORRegionSpec);
1722 /// A RISC-V ePMP implementation.
1723 ///
1724 /// Supports machine-mode (kernel) memory protection by using the
1725 /// machine-mode lockdown mode (MML), with a fixed number of
1726 /// "kernel regions" (such as `.text`, flash, RAM and MMIO).
1727 ///
1728 /// This implementation will configure the ePMP in the following way:
1729 ///
1730 /// - `mseccfg` CSR:
1731 /// ```text
1732 /// |-------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------|
1733 /// | MSECCFG BIT | LABEL | STATE |
1734 /// |-------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------|
1735 /// | 0 | Machine-Mode Lockdown (MML) | 1 |
1736 /// | 1 | Machine-Mode Whitelist Policy (MMWP) | 1 |
1737 /// | 2 | Rule-Lock Bypass (RLB) | 0 |
1738 /// |-------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------|
1739 /// ```
1740 ///
1741 /// - `pmpaddrX` / `pmpcfgX` CSRs:
1742 /// ```text
1743 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1744 /// | ENTRY | REGION / ADDR | MODE | L | PERMS |
1745 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1746 /// | 0 | --------------------------------------- | OFF | X | ----- |
1747 /// | 1 | Kernel .text section | TOR | X | R/X |
1748 /// | | | | | |
1749 /// | 2 | / \ | OFF | | |
1750 /// | 3 | \ Userspace TOR region #0 / | TOR | | ????? |
1751 /// | | | | | |
1752 /// | 4 | / \ | OFF | | |
1753 /// | 5 | \ Userspace TOR region #1 / | TOR | | ????? |
1754 /// | | | | | |
1755 /// | 6 ... | / \ | | | |
1756 /// | n - 4 | \ Userspace TOR region #x / | | | |
1757 /// | | | | | |
1758 /// | n - 3 | FLASH (spanning kernel & apps) | NAPOT | X | R |
1759 /// | | | | | |
1760 /// | n - 2 | RAM (spanning kernel & apps) | NAPOT | X | R/W |
1761 /// | | | | | |
1762 /// | n - 1 | MMIO | NAPOT | X | R/W |
1763 /// |-------+-----------------------------------------+-------+---+-------|
1764 /// ```
1765 ///
1766 /// Crucially, this implementation relies on an unconfigured hardware PMP
1767 /// implementing the ePMP (`mseccfg` CSR) extension, providing the Machine
1768 /// Lockdown Mode (MML) security bit. This bit is required to ensure that
1769 /// any machine-mode (kernel) protection regions (lock bit set) are only
1770 /// accessible to kernel mode.
1771 pub struct KernelProtectionMMLEPMP<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize> {
1772 user_pmp_enabled: Cell<bool>,
1773 shadow_user_pmpcfgs: [Cell<TORUserPMPCFG>; MPU_REGIONS],
1774 }
1776 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize>
1778 {
1779 // Start user-mode TOR regions after the first kernel .text region:
1780 const TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET: usize = 1;
1782 pub unsafe fn new(
1783 flash: FlashRegion,
1784 ram: RAMRegion,
1785 mmio: MMIORegion,
1786 kernel_text: KernelTextRegion,
1787 ) -> Result<Self, ()> {
1788 for i in 0..AVAILABLE_ENTRIES {
1789 // Read the entry's CSR:
1790 let pmpcfg_csr = csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4);
1792 // Extract the entry's pmpcfg octet:
1793 let pmpcfg: LocalRegisterCopy<u8, pmpcfg_octet::Register> = LocalRegisterCopy::new(
1794 pmpcfg_csr.overflowing_shr(((i % 4) * 8) as u32).0 as u8,
1795 );
1797 // As outlined above, we never touch a locked region. Thus, bail
1798 // out if it's locked:
1799 if pmpcfg.is_set(pmpcfg_octet::l) {
1800 return Err(());
1801 }
1803 // Now that it's not locked, we can be sure that regardless of
1804 // any ePMP bits, this region is either ignored or entirely
1805 // denied for machine-mode access. Hence, we can change it in
1806 // arbitrary ways without breaking our own memory access. Try to
1807 // flip the R/W/X bits:
1808 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr ^ (7 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1810 // Check if the CSR changed:
1811 if pmpcfg_csr == csr::CSR.pmpconfig_get(i / 4) {
1812 // Didn't change! This means that this region is not backed
1813 // by HW. Return an error as `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` is
1814 // incorrect:
1815 return Err(());
1816 }
1818 // Finally, turn the region off:
1819 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(i / 4, pmpcfg_csr & !(0x18 << ((i % 4) * 8)));
1820 }
1822 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
1823 // Hardware PMP is verified to be in a compatible mode & state, and
1824 // has at least `AVAILABLE_ENTRIES` entries. We have not yet checked
1825 // whether the PMP is actually an _e_PMP. However, we don't want to
1826 // produce a gadget to set RLB, and so the only safe way to test
1827 // this is to set up the PMP regions and then try to enable the
1828 // mseccfg bits.
1829 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
1831 // Helper to modify an arbitrary PMP entry. Because we don't know
1832 // AVAILABLE_ENTRIES in advance, there's no good way to
1833 // optimize this further.
1834 fn write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(i: usize, pmpcfg: u8, pmpaddr: usize) {
1835 // Important to set the address first. Locking the pmpcfg
1836 // register will also lock the adress register!
1837 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_set(i, pmpaddr);
1838 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
1839 i / 4,
1840 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
1841 0x000000FF_usize,
1842 (i % 4) * 8,
1843 u32::from_be_bytes([0, 0, 0, pmpcfg]) as usize,
1844 ),
1845 );
1846 }
1848 // Set the kernel `.text`, flash, RAM and MMIO regions, in no
1849 // particular order, with the exception of `.text` and flash:
1850 // `.text` must precede flash, as otherwise we'd be revoking execute
1851 // permissions temporarily. Given that we can currently execute
1852 // code, this should not have any impact on our accessible memory,
1853 // assuming that the provided regions are not otherwise aliased.
1855 // `.text` at n - 5 and n - 4 (TOR region):
1856 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1857 0,
1858 (pmpcfg_octet::a::OFF
1859 + pmpcfg_octet::r::CLEAR
1860 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1861 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1862 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1863 .into(),
1864 (kernel_text.0.start() as usize) >> 2,
1865 );
1866 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1867 1,
1868 (pmpcfg_octet::a::TOR
1869 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1870 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1871 + pmpcfg_octet::x::SET
1872 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1873 .into(),
1874 (kernel_text.0.end() as usize) >> 2,
1875 );
1877 // MMIO at n - 1:
1878 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1880 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1881 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1882 + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET
1883 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1884 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1885 .into(),
1886 mmio.0.napot_addr(),
1887 );
1889 // RAM at n - 2:
1890 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1892 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1893 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1894 + pmpcfg_octet::w::SET
1895 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1896 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1897 .into(),
1898 ram.0.napot_addr(),
1899 );
1901 // flash at n - 3:
1902 write_pmpaddr_pmpcfg(
1904 (pmpcfg_octet::a::NAPOT
1905 + pmpcfg_octet::r::SET
1906 + pmpcfg_octet::w::CLEAR
1907 + pmpcfg_octet::x::CLEAR
1908 + pmpcfg_octet::l::SET)
1909 .into(),
1910 flash.0.napot_addr(),
1911 );
1913 // Finally, attempt to enable the MSECCFG security bits, and verify
1914 // that they have been set correctly. If they have not been set to
1915 // the written value, this means that this hardware either does not
1916 // support ePMP, or it was in some invalid state otherwise. We don't
1917 // need to read back the above regions, as we previous verified that
1918 // none of their entries were locked -- so writing to them must work
1919 // even without RLB set.
1920 //
1921 // Set RLB(2) = 0, MMWP(1) = 1, MML(0) = 1
1922 csr::CSR.mseccfg.set(0x00000003);
1924 // Read back the MSECCFG CSR to ensure that the machine's security
1925 // configuration was set properly. If this fails, we have set up the
1926 // PMP in a way that would give userspace access to kernel
1927 // space. The caller of this method must appropriately handle this
1928 // error condition by ensuring that the platform will never execute
1929 // userspace code!
1930 if csr::CSR.mseccfg.get() != 0x00000003 {
1931 return Err(());
1932 }
1934 // Setup complete
1936 Ok(KernelProtectionMMLEPMP {
1937 user_pmp_enabled: Cell::new(false),
1938 shadow_user_pmpcfgs: [DEFAULT_USER_PMPCFG_OCTET; MPU_REGIONS],
1939 })
1940 }
1941 }
1943 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize> TORUserPMP<MPU_REGIONS>
1945 {
1946 // Ensure that the MPU_REGIONS (starting at entry, and occupying two
1947 // entries per region) don't overflow the available entires, excluding
1948 // the 7 entries used for implementing the kernel memory protection:
1949 const CONST_ASSERT_CHECK: () = assert!(MPU_REGIONS <= ((AVAILABLE_ENTRIES - 5) / 2));
1951 fn available_regions(&self) -> usize {
1952 // Always assume to have `MPU_REGIONS` usable TOR regions. We don't
1953 // support locking additional regions at runtime.
1955 }
1957 // This implementation is specific for 32-bit systems. We use
1958 // `u32::from_be_bytes` and then cast to usize, as it manages to compile
1959 // on 64-bit systems as well. However, this implementation will not work
1960 // on RV64I systems, due to the changed pmpcfgX CSR layout.
1961 fn configure_pmp(
1962 &self,
1963 regions: &[(TORUserPMPCFG, *const u8, *const u8); MPU_REGIONS],
1964 ) -> Result<(), ()> {
1965 // Configure all of the regions' addresses and store their pmpcfg octets
1966 // in our shadow storage. If the user PMP is already enabled, we further
1967 // apply this configuration (set the pmpcfgX CSRs) by running
1968 // `enable_user_pmp`:
1969 for (i, (region, shadow_user_pmpcfg)) in regions
1970 .iter()
1971 .zip(self.shadow_user_pmpcfgs.iter())
1972 .enumerate()
1973 {
1974 // The ePMP in MML mode does not support read-write-execute
1975 // regions. If such a region is to be configured, abort. As this
1976 // loop here only modifies the shadow state, we can simply abort and
1977 // return an error. We don't make any promises about the ePMP state
1978 // if the configuration files, but it is still being activated with
1979 // `enable_user_pmp`:
1980 if region.0.get()
1981 == <TORUserPMPCFG as From<mpu::Permissions>>::from(
1982 mpu::Permissions::ReadWriteExecute,
1983 )
1984 .get()
1985 {
1986 return Err(());
1987 }
1989 // Set the CSR addresses for this region (if its not OFF, in which
1990 // case the hardware-configured addresses are irrelevant):
1991 if region.0 != TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
1992 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_set(
1993 (i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2 + 0,
1994 (region.1 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0,
1995 );
1996 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_set(
1997 (i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2 + 1,
1998 (region.2 as usize).overflowing_shr(2).0,
1999 );
2000 }
2002 // Store the region's pmpcfg octet:
2003 shadow_user_pmpcfg.set(region.0);
2004 }
2006 // If the PMP is currently active, apply the changes to the CSRs:
2007 if self.user_pmp_enabled.get() {
2008 self.enable_user_pmp()?;
2009 }
2011 Ok(())
2012 }
2014 fn enable_user_pmp(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
2015 // We store the "enabled" PMPCFG octets of user regions in the
2016 // `shadow_user_pmpcfg` field, such that we can re-enable the PMP
2017 // without a call to `configure_pmp` (where the `TORUserPMPCFG`s are
2018 // provided by the caller).
2020 // Could use `iter_array_chunks` once that's stable.
2021 let mut shadow_user_pmpcfgs_iter = self.shadow_user_pmpcfgs.iter();
2022 let mut i = Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET;
2024 while let Some(first_region_pmpcfg) = shadow_user_pmpcfgs_iter.next() {
2025 // If we're at a "region" offset divisible by two (where "region" =
2026 // 2 PMP "entries"), then we can configure an entire `pmpcfgX` CSR
2027 // in one operation. As CSR writes are expensive, this is an
2028 // operation worth making:
2029 let second_region_opt = if i % 2 == 0 {
2030 shadow_user_pmpcfgs_iter.next()
2031 } else {
2032 None
2033 };
2035 if let Some(second_region_pmpcfg) = second_region_opt {
2036 // We're at an even index and have two regions to configure, so
2037 // do that with a single CSR write:
2038 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(
2039 i / 2,
2040 u32::from_be_bytes([
2041 second_region_pmpcfg.get().get(),
2042 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2043 first_region_pmpcfg.get().get(),
2044 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2045 ]) as usize,
2046 );
2048 i += 2;
2049 } else if i % 2 == 0 {
2050 // This is a single region at an even index. Thus, modify the
2051 // first two pmpcfgX octets for this region.
2052 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
2053 i / 2,
2054 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
2055 0x0000FFFF,
2056 0, // lower two octets
2057 u32::from_be_bytes([
2058 0,
2059 0,
2060 first_region_pmpcfg.get().get(),
2061 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2062 ]) as usize,
2063 ),
2064 );
2066 i += 1;
2067 } else {
2068 // This is a single region at an odd index. Thus, modify the
2069 // latter two pmpcfgX octets for this region.
2070 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
2071 i / 2,
2072 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
2073 0x0000FFFF,
2074 16, // higher two octets
2075 u32::from_be_bytes([
2076 0,
2077 0,
2078 first_region_pmpcfg.get().get(),
2079 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2080 ]) as usize,
2081 ),
2082 );
2084 i += 1;
2085 }
2086 }
2088 self.user_pmp_enabled.set(true);
2090 Ok(())
2091 }
2093 fn disable_user_pmp(&self) {
2094 // Simply set all of the user-region pmpcfg octets to OFF:
2096 let mut user_region_pmpcfg_octet_pairs =
2098 while let Some(first_region_idx) = user_region_pmpcfg_octet_pairs.next() {
2099 let second_region_opt = if first_region_idx % 2 == 0 {
2100 user_region_pmpcfg_octet_pairs.next()
2101 } else {
2102 None
2103 };
2105 if let Some(_second_region_idx) = second_region_opt {
2106 // We're at an even index and have two regions to configure, so
2107 // do that with a single CSR write:
2108 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_set(
2109 first_region_idx / 2,
2110 u32::from_be_bytes([
2111 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2112 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2113 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2114 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2115 ]) as usize,
2116 );
2117 } else if first_region_idx % 2 == 0 {
2118 // This is a single region at an even index. Thus, modify the
2119 // first two pmpcfgX octets for this region.
2120 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
2121 first_region_idx / 2,
2122 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
2123 0x0000FFFF,
2124 0, // lower two octets
2125 u32::from_be_bytes([
2126 0,
2127 0,
2128 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2129 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2130 ]) as usize,
2131 ),
2132 );
2133 } else {
2134 // This is a single region at an odd index. Thus, modify the
2135 // latter two pmpcfgX octets for this region.
2136 csr::CSR.pmpconfig_modify(
2137 first_region_idx / 2,
2138 FieldValue::<usize, csr::pmpconfig::pmpcfg::Register>::new(
2139 0x0000FFFF,
2140 16, // higher two octets
2141 u32::from_be_bytes([
2142 0,
2143 0,
2144 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2145 TORUserPMPCFG::OFF.get(),
2146 ]) as usize,
2147 ),
2148 );
2149 }
2150 }
2152 self.user_pmp_enabled.set(false);
2153 }
2154 }
2156 impl<const AVAILABLE_ENTRIES: usize, const MPU_REGIONS: usize> fmt::Display
2158 {
2159 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
2160 write!(
2161 f,
2162 " ePMP configuration:\r\n mseccfg: {:#08X}, user-mode PMP active: {:?}, entries:\r\n",
2163 csr::CSR.mseccfg.get(),
2164 self.user_pmp_enabled.get()
2165 )?;
2166 unsafe { super::format_pmp_entries::<AVAILABLE_ENTRIES>(f) }?;
2168 write!(f, " Shadow PMP entries for user-mode:\r\n")?;
2169 for (i, shadowed_pmpcfg) in self.shadow_user_pmpcfgs.iter().enumerate() {
2170 let (start_pmpaddr_label, startaddr_pmpaddr, endaddr, mode) =
2171 if shadowed_pmpcfg.get() == TORUserPMPCFG::OFF {
2172 (
2173 "pmpaddr",
2174 csr::CSR.pmpaddr_get((i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2),
2175 0,
2176 "OFF",
2177 )
2178 } else {
2179 (
2180 " start",
2181 csr::CSR
2182 .pmpaddr_get((i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2)
2183 .overflowing_shl(2)
2184 .0,
2185 csr::CSR
2186 .pmpaddr_get((i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2 + 1)
2187 .overflowing_shl(2)
2188 .0
2189 | 0b11,
2190 "TOR",
2191 )
2192 };
2194 write!(
2195 f,
2196 " [{:02}]: {}={:#010X}, end={:#010X}, cfg={:#04X} ({} ) ({}{}{}{})\r\n",
2197 (i + Self::TOR_REGIONS_OFFSET) * 2 + 1,
2198 start_pmpaddr_label,
2199 startaddr_pmpaddr,
2200 endaddr,
2201 shadowed_pmpcfg.get().get(),
2202 mode,
2203 if shadowed_pmpcfg.get().get_reg().is_set(pmpcfg_octet::l) {
2204 "l"
2205 } else {
2206 "-"
2207 },
2208 if shadowed_pmpcfg.get().get_reg().is_set(pmpcfg_octet::r) {
2209 "r"
2210 } else {
2211 "-"
2212 },
2213 if shadowed_pmpcfg.get().get_reg().is_set(pmpcfg_octet::w) {
2214 "w"
2215 } else {
2216 "-"
2217 },
2218 if shadowed_pmpcfg.get().get_reg().is_set(pmpcfg_octet::x) {
2219 "x"
2220 } else {
2221 "-"
2222 },
2223 )?;
2224 }
2226 Ok(())
2227 }
2228 }