
1// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
5//! (enhanced) Universal Serial Communication Interface (USCI)
7use kernel::utilities::registers::{register_bitfields, register_structs, ReadOnly, ReadWrite};
8use kernel::utilities::StaticRef;
10pub const USCI_A0_BASE: StaticRef<UsciARegisters> =
11    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_1000 as *const UsciARegisters) };
13pub const USCI_A1_BASE: StaticRef<UsciARegisters> =
14    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_1400 as *const UsciARegisters) };
16pub const USCI_A2_BASE: StaticRef<UsciARegisters> =
17    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_1800 as *const UsciARegisters) };
19pub const USCI_A3_BASE: StaticRef<UsciARegisters> =
20    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_1C00 as *const UsciARegisters) };
22pub const USCI_B0_BASE: StaticRef<UsciBRegisters> =
23    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_2000 as *const UsciBRegisters) };
25pub const USCI_B1_BASE: StaticRef<UsciBRegisters> =
26    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_2400 as *const UsciBRegisters) };
28pub const USCI_B2_BASE: StaticRef<UsciBRegisters> =
29    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_2800 as *const UsciBRegisters) };
31pub const USCI_B3_BASE: StaticRef<UsciBRegisters> =
32    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4000_2C00 as *const UsciBRegisters) };
34register_structs! {
35    /// EUSCI_Ax
36    pub UsciARegisters {
37        /// eUSCI_Ax Control Word Register 0
38        (0x00 => pub(crate) ctlw0: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxCTLW0::Register>),
39        /// eUSCI_Ax Control Word Register 1
40        (0x02 => pub(crate) ctlw1: ReadWrite<u16>),
41        (0x04 => _reserved0),
42        /// eUSCI_Ax Baud Rate Control Word Register
43        (0x06 => pub(crate) brw: ReadWrite<u16>),
44        /// eUSCI_Ax Modulation Control Word Register
45        (0x08 => pub(crate) mctlw: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxMCTLW::Register>),
46        /// eUSCI_Ax Status Register
47        (0x0A => pub(crate) statw: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxSTATW::Register>),
48        /// eUSCI_Ax Receive Buffer Register
49        (0x0C => pub(crate) rxbuf: ReadOnly<u16>),
50        /// eUSCI_Ax Transmit Buffer Register
51        (0x0E => pub(crate) txbuf: ReadWrite<u16>),
52        /// eUSCI_Ax Auto Baud Rate Control Register
53        (0x10 => pub(crate) abctl: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxABCTL::Register>),
54        /// eUSCI_Ax IrDA Control Word Register
55        (0x12 => pub(crate) irctl: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxIRCTL::Register>),
56        (0x14 => _reserved1),
57        /// eUSCI_Ax Interrupt Enable Register
58        (0x1A => pub(crate) ie: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxIE::Register>),
59        /// eUSCI_Ax Interrupt Flag Register
60        (0x1C => pub(crate) ifg: ReadWrite<u16, UCAxIFG::Register>),
61        /// eUSCI_Ax Interrupt Vector Register
62        (0x1E => pub(crate) iv: ReadOnly<u16>),
63        (0x20 => @END),
64    },
65    /// EUSCI_Bx
66    pub UsciBRegisters {
67        /// eUSCI_Bx Control Word Register 0
68        (0x00 => pub(crate) ctlw0: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxCTLW0::Register>),
69        /// eUSCI_Bx Control Word Register 1
70        (0x02 => pub(crate) ctlw1: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxCTLW1::Register>),
71        (0x04 => _reserved0),
72        /// eUSCI_Bx Baud Rate Control Word Register
73        (0x06 => pub(crate) brw: ReadWrite<u16>),
74        /// eUSCI_Bx Status Register
75        (0x08 => pub(crate) statw: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxSTATW::Register>),
76        /// eUSCI_Bx Byte Counter Threshold Register
77        (0x0A => pub(crate) tbcnt: ReadWrite<u16>),
78        /// eUSCI_Bx Receive Buffer Register
79        (0x0C => pub(crate) rxbuf: ReadOnly<u16>),
80        /// eUSCI_Bx Transmit Buffer Register
81        (0x0E => pub(crate) txbuf: ReadWrite<u16>),
82        (0x10 => _reserved1),
83        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Own Address 0 Register
84        (0x14 => pub(crate) i2coa0: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxI2COA0::Register>),
85        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Own Address 1 Register
86        (0x16 => pub(crate) i2coa1: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxI2COA1::Register>),
87        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Own Address 2 Register
88        (0x18 => pub(crate) i2coa2: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxI2COA2::Register>),
89        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Own Address 3 Register
90        (0x1A => pub(crate) i2coa3: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxI2COA3::Register>),
91        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Received Address Register
92        (0x1C => pub(crate) addrx: ReadOnly<u16>),
93        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Address Mask Register
94        (0x1E => pub(crate) addmask: ReadWrite<u16>),
95        /// eUSCI_Bx I2C Slave Address Register
96        (0x20 => pub(crate) i2csa: ReadWrite<u16>),
97        (0x22 => _reserved2),
98        /// eUSCI_Bx Interrupt Enable Register
99        (0x2A => pub(crate) ie: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxIE::Register>),
100        /// eUSCI_Bx Interrupt Flag Register
101        (0x2C => pub(crate) ifg: ReadWrite<u16, UCBxIFG::Register>),
102        /// eUSCI_Bx Interrupt Vector Register
103        (0x2E => pub(crate) iv: ReadOnly<u16>),
104        (0x30 => @END),
105    }
109    pub(crate) UCAxCTLW0 [
110        /// Software reset enable
111        UCSWRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
112            /// Disabled. eUSCI_A reset released for operation
113            DisabledEUSCI_AResetReleasedForOperation = 0,
114            /// Enabled. eUSCI_A logic held in reset state
115            EnabledEUSCI_ALogicHeldInResetState = 1
116        ],
117        /// Transmit break
118        UCTXBRK OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
119            /// Next frame transmitted is not a break
120            NextFrameTransmittedIsNotABreak = 0,
121            /// Next frame transmitted is a break or a break/synch
122            NextFrameTransmittedIsABreakOrABreakSynch = 1
123        ],
124        /// Transmit address
125        UCTXADDR OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
126            /// Next frame transmitted is data
127            NextFrameTransmittedIsData = 0,
128            /// Next frame transmitted is an address
129            NextFrameTransmittedIsAnAddress = 1
130        ],
131        /// Dormant
132        UCDORM OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
133            /// Not dormant. All received characters set UCRXIFG.
134            NotDormantAllReceivedCharactersSetUCRXIFG = 0,
135            /// Dormant. Only characters that are preceded by an idle-line or with address bit s
136            UCDORM_1 = 1
137        ],
138        /// Receive break character interrupt enable
139        UCBRKIE OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
140            /// Received break characters do not set UCRXIFG
141            ReceivedBreakCharactersDoNotSetUCRXIFG = 0,
142            /// Received break characters set UCRXIFG
143            ReceivedBreakCharactersSetUCRXIFG = 1
144        ],
145        /// Receive erroneous-character interrupt enable
146        UCRXEIE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
147            /// Erroneous characters rejected and UCRXIFG is not set
148            ErroneousCharactersRejectedAndUCRXIFGIsNotSet = 0,
149            /// Erroneous characters received set UCRXIFG
150            ErroneousCharactersReceivedSetUCRXIFG = 1
151        ],
152        /// eUSCI_A clock source select
153        UCSSEL OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(2) [
154            /// UCLK
155            UCLK = 0,
156            /// ACLK
157            ACLK = 1,
158            /// SMCLK
159            SMCLK = 2
160        ],
161        /// Synchronous mode enable
162        UCSYNC OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
163            /// Asynchronous mode
164            AsynchronousMode = 0,
165            /// Synchronous mode
166            SynchronousMode = 1
167        ],
168        /// eUSCI_A mode
169        UCMODE OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(2) [
170            /// UART mode
171            UARTMode = 0,
172            /// Idle-line multiprocessor mode
173            IdleLineMultiprocessorMode = 1,
174            /// Address-bit multiprocessor mode
175            AddressBitMultiprocessorMode = 2,
176            /// UART mode with automatic baud-rate detection
177            UARTModeWithAutomaticBaudRateDetection = 3
178        ],
179        /// Stop bit select
180        UCSPB OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [
181            /// One stop bit
182            OneStopBit = 0,
183            /// Two stop bits
184            TwoStopBits = 1
185        ],
186        /// Character length
187        UC7BIT OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [
188            /// 8-bit data
189            _8BitData = 0,
190            /// 7-bit data
191            _7BitData = 1
192        ],
193        /// MSB first select
194        UCMSB OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [
195            /// LSB first
196            LSBFirst = 0,
197            /// MSB first
198            MSBFirst = 1
199        ],
200        /// Parity select
201        UCPAR OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [
202            /// Odd parity
203            OddParity = 0,
204            /// Even parity
205            EvenParity = 1
206        ],
207        /// Parity enable
208        UCPEN OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [
209            /// Parity disabled
210            ParityDisabled = 0,
211            /// Parity enabled. Parity bit is generated (UCAxTXD) and expected (UCAxRXD). In add
212            UCPEN_1 = 1
213        ]
214    ],
216    pub(crate) UCAxCTLW1 [
217        /// Deglitch time
218        UCGLIT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(2) [
219            /// Approximately 5ns
220            _5ns = 0,
221            /// Approximately 20ns
222            _20ns = 1,
223            /// Approximately 30ns
224            _30ns = 2,
225            /// Approximately 50ns
226            _50ns = 3
227        ]
228    ],
229    pub(crate) UCAxMCTLW [
230        /// Oversampling mode enabled
231        UCOS16 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
232            /// Disabled
233            Disabled = 0,
234            /// Enabled
235            Enabled = 1
236        ],
237        /// First modulation stage select
238        UCBRF OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(4) [],
239        /// Second modulation stage select
240        UCBRS OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) []
241    ],
242    pub(crate) UCAxSTATW [
243        /// eUSCI_A busy
244        UCBUSY OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
245            /// eUSCI_A inactive
246            EUSCI_AInactive = 0,
247            /// eUSCI_A transmitting or receiving
248            EUSCI_ATransmittingOrReceiving = 1
249        ],
250        /// Address received / Idle line detected
252        /// Receive error flag
253        UCRXERR OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
254            /// No receive errors detected
255            NoReceiveErrorsDetected = 0,
256            /// Receive error detected
257            ReceiveErrorDetected = 1
258        ],
259        /// Break detect flag
260        UCBRK OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
261            /// No break condition
262            NoBreakCondition = 0,
263            /// Break condition occurred
264            BreakConditionOccurred = 1
265        ],
266        /// Parity error flag. When UCPEN = 0, UCPE is read as 0. UCPE is cleared when UCAxR
267        UCPE OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
268            /// No error
269            NoError = 0,
270            /// Character received with parity error
271            CharacterReceivedWithParityError = 1
272        ],
273        /// Overrun error flag
274        UCOE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
275            /// No error
276            NoError = 0,
277            /// Overrun error occurred
278            OverrunErrorOccurred = 1
279        ],
280        /// Framing error flag
281        UCFE OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
282            /// No error
283            NoError = 0,
284            /// Character received with low stop bit
285            CharacterReceivedWithLowStopBit = 1
286        ],
287        /// Listen enable
288        UCLISTEN OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
289            /// Disabled
290            Disabled = 0,
291            /// Enabled. UCAxTXD is internally fed back to the receiver
292            EnabledUCAxTXDIsInternallyFedBackToTheReceiver = 1
293        ]
294    ],
295    pub(crate) UCAxABCTL [
296        /// Automatic baud-rate detect enable
297        UCABDEN OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
298            /// Baud-rate detection disabled. Length of break and synch field is not measured.
299            BaudRateDetectionDisabledLengthOfBreakAndSynchFieldIsNotMeasured = 0,
300            /// Baud-rate detection enabled. Length of break and synch field is measured and bau
301            UCABDEN_1 = 1
302        ],
303        /// Break time out error
304        UCBTOE OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
305            /// No error
306            NoError = 0,
307            /// Length of break field exceeded 22 bit times
308            LengthOfBreakFieldExceeded22BitTimes = 1
309        ],
310        /// Synch field time out error
311        UCSTOE OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
312            /// No error
313            NoError = 0,
314            /// Length of synch field exceeded measurable time
315            LengthOfSynchFieldExceededMeasurableTime = 1
316        ],
317        /// Break/synch delimiter length
318        UCDELIM OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(2) [
319            /// 1 bit time
320            _1BitTime = 0,
321            /// 2 bit times
322            _2BitTimes = 1,
323            /// 3 bit times
324            _3BitTimes = 2,
325            /// 4 bit times
326            _4BitTimes = 3
327        ]
328    ],
329    pub(crate) UCAxIRCTL [
330        /// IrDA encoder/decoder enable
331        UCIREN OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
332            /// IrDA encoder/decoder disabled
333            IrDAEncoderDecoderDisabled = 0,
334            /// IrDA encoder/decoder enabled
335            IrDAEncoderDecoderEnabled = 1
336        ],
337        /// IrDA transmit pulse clock select
339            /// BRCLK
340            BRCLK = 0,
341            /// BITCLK16 when UCOS16 = 1. Otherwise, BRCLK.
342            BITCLK16WhenUCOS161OtherwiseBRCLK = 1
343        ],
344        /// Transmit pulse length
345        UCIRTXPL OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(6) [],
346        /// IrDA receive filter enabled
347        UCIRRXFE OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
348            /// Receive filter disabled
349            ReceiveFilterDisabled = 0,
350            /// Receive filter enabled
351            ReceiveFilterEnabled = 1
352        ],
353        /// IrDA receive input UCAxRXD polarity
354        UCIRRXPL OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [
355            /// IrDA transceiver delivers a high pulse when a light pulse is seen
356            IrDATransceiverDeliversAHighPulseWhenALightPulseIsSeen = 0,
357            /// IrDA transceiver delivers a low pulse when a light pulse is seen
358            IrDATransceiverDeliversALowPulseWhenALightPulseIsSeen = 1
359        ],
360        /// Receive filter length
361        UCIRRXFL OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(4) []
362    ],
363    pub(crate) UCAxIE [
364        /// Receive interrupt enable
365        UCRXIE OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
366            /// Interrupt disabled
367            InterruptDisabled = 0,
368            /// Interrupt enabled
369            InterruptEnabled = 1
370        ],
371        /// Transmit interrupt enable
372        UCTXIE OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
373            /// Interrupt disabled
374            InterruptDisabled = 0,
375            /// Interrupt enabled
376            InterruptEnabled = 1
377        ],
378        /// Start bit interrupt enable
379        UCSTTIE OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
380            /// Interrupt disabled
381            InterruptDisabled = 0,
382            /// Interrupt enabled
383            InterruptEnabled = 1
384        ],
385        /// Transmit complete interrupt enable
387            /// Interrupt disabled
388            InterruptDisabled = 0,
389            /// Interrupt enabled
390            InterruptEnabled = 1
391        ]
392    ],
393    pub(crate) UCAxIFG [
394        /// Receive interrupt flag
395        UCRXIFG OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
396            /// No interrupt pending
397            NoInterruptPending = 0,
398            /// Interrupt pending
399            InterruptPending = 1
400        ],
401        /// Transmit interrupt flag
402        UCTXIFG OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
403            /// No interrupt pending
404            NoInterruptPending = 0,
405            /// Interrupt pending
406            InterruptPending = 1
407        ],
408        /// Start bit interrupt flag
409        UCSTTIFG OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
410            /// No interrupt pending
411            NoInterruptPending = 0,
412            /// Interrupt pending
413            InterruptPending = 1
414        ],
415        /// Transmit ready interrupt enable
417            /// No interrupt pending
418            NoInterruptPending = 0,
419            /// Interrupt pending
420            InterruptPending = 1
421        ]
422    ],
423    pub(crate) UCAxIV [
424        UCIV OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(16) [
425            NoInterrupt = 0,
426            ReceiveBufferFull = 2,
427            TransmitBufferEmpty = 4,
428            StartBitReceived = 6,
429            TransmitComplete = 8
430        ]
431    ]
435    pub(crate) UCBxCTLW0 [
436        /// Software reset enable
437        UCSWRST OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
438            /// Disabled. eUSCI_B reset released for operation
439            DisabledEUSCI_BResetReleasedForOperation = 0,
440            /// Enabled. eUSCI_B logic held in reset state
441            EnabledEUSCI_BLogicHeldInResetState = 1
442        ],
443        /// Transmit START condition in master mode
444        UCTXSTT OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
445            /// Do not generate START condition
446            DoNotGenerateSTARTCondition = 0,
447            /// Generate START condition
448            GenerateSTARTCondition = 1
449        ],
450        /// Transmit STOP condition in master mode
451        UCTXSTP OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
452            /// No STOP generated
453            NoSTOPGenerated = 0,
454            /// Generate STOP
455            GenerateSTOP = 1
456        ],
457        /// Transmit a NACK
458        UCTXNACK OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
459            /// Acknowledge normally
460            AcknowledgeNormally = 0,
461            /// Generate NACK
462            GenerateNACK = 1
463        ],
464        /// Transmitter/receiver
465        UCTR OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
466            /// Receiver
467            Receiver = 0,
468            /// Transmitter
469            Transmitter = 1
470        ],
471        /// Transmit ACK condition in slave mode
472        UCTXACK OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
473            /// Do not acknowledge the slave address
474            DoNotAcknowledgeTheSlaveAddress = 0,
475            /// Acknowledge the slave address
476            AcknowledgeTheSlaveAddress = 1
477        ],
478        /// eUSCI_B clock source select
479        UCSSEL OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(2) [
480            /// UCLKI
481            UCLKI = 0,
482            /// ACLK
483            ACLK = 1,
484            /// SMCLK
485            SMCLK = 2
486        ],
487        /// Synchronous mode enable
488        UCSYNC OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
489            /// Asynchronous mode
490            AsynchronousMode = 0,
491            /// Synchronous mode
492            SynchronousMode = 1
493        ],
494        /// eUSCI_B mode
495        UCMODE OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(2) [
496            /// 3-pin SPI
497            _3PinSPI = 0,
498            /// 4-pin SPI (master or slave enabled if STE = 1)
499            _4PinSPIMasterOrSlaveEnabledIfSTE1 = 1,
500            /// 4-pin SPI (master or slave enabled if STE = 0)
501            _4PinSPIMasterOrSlaveEnabledIfSTE0 = 2,
502            /// I2C mode
503            I2CMode = 3
504        ],
505        /// Master mode select
506        UCMST OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [
507            /// Slave mode
508            SlaveMode = 0,
509            /// Master mode
510            MasterMode = 1
511        ],
512        /// Multi-master environment select
513        UCMM OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [
514            /// Single master environment. There is no other master in the system. The address c
515            SingleMasterEnvironment = 0,
516            /// Multi-master environment
517            MultiMasterEnvironment = 1
518        ],
519        /// Slave addressing mode select
520        UCSLA10 OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [
521            /// Address slave with 7-bit address
522            AddressSlaveWith7BitAddress = 0,
523            /// Address slave with 10-bit address
524            AddressSlaveWith10BitAddress = 1
525        ],
526        /// Own addressing mode select
527        UCA10 OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [
528            /// Own address is a 7-bit address
529            OwnAddressIsA7BitAddress = 0,
530            /// Own address is a 10-bit address
531            OwnAddressIsA10BitAddress = 1
532        ]
533    ],
534    pub(crate) UCBxCTLW1 [
535        /// Deglitch time
536        UCGLIT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(2) [
537            /// 50 ns
538            _50ns = 0,
539            /// 25 ns
540            _25ns = 1,
541            /// 12.5 ns
542            _125ns = 2,
543            /// 6.25 ns
544            _625ns = 3
545        ],
546        /// Automatic STOP condition generation
547        UCASTP OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(2) [
548            /// No automatic STOP generation. The STOP condition is generated after the user set
549            Manual = 0,
550            /// UCBCNTIFG is set with the byte counter reaches the threshold defined in UCBxTBCN
551            ByteCounterInterrupt = 1,
552            /// A STOP condition is generated automatically after the byte counter value reached
553            ByteCounterStopCondition = 2
554        ],
555        /// SW or HW ACK control
556        UCSWACK OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
557            /// The address acknowledge of the slave is controlled by the eUSCI_B module
558            HardwareTriggered = 0,
559            /// The user needs to trigger the sending of the address ACK by issuing UCTXACK
560            SoftwareTriggered = 1
561        ],
562        /// ACK all master bytes
564            /// Send a non-acknowledge before the STOP condition as a master receiver (conform t
565            NackBeforeStop = 0,
566            /// All bytes are acknowledged by the eUSCI_B when configured as master receiver
567            AckBeforeStop = 1
568        ],
569        /// Clock low timeout select
570        UCCLTO OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(2) [
571            /// Disable clock low timeout counter
572            DisableClockLowTimeoutCounter = 0,
573            /// 135 000 SYSCLK cycles (approximately 28 ms)
574            _135000SYSCLKCyclesApproximately28Ms = 1,
575            /// 150 000 SYSCLK cycles (approximately 31 ms)
576            _150000SYSCLKCyclesApproximately31Ms = 2,
577            /// 165 000 SYSCLK cycles (approximately 34 ms)
578            _165000SYSCLKCyclesApproximately34Ms = 3
579        ],
580        /// Early UCTXIFG0
581        UCETXINT OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
582            /// UCTXIFGx is set after an address match with UCxI2COAx and the direction bit indi
583            UCETXINT_0 = 0,
584            /// UCTXIFG0 is set for each START condition
585            UCTXIFG0IsSetForEachSTARTCondition = 1
586        ]
587    ],
588    pub(crate) UCBxSTATW [
589        /// Bus busy
590        UCBBUSY OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
591            /// Bus inactive
592            BusInactive = 0,
593            /// Bus busy
594            BusBusy = 1
595        ],
596        /// General call address received
597        UCGC OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
598            /// No general call address received
599            NoGeneralCallAddressReceived = 0,
600            /// General call address received
601            GeneralCallAddressReceived = 1
602        ],
603        /// SCL low
604        UCSCLLOW OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
605            /// SCL is not held low
606            SCLIsNotHeldLow = 0,
607            /// SCL is held low
608            SCLIsHeldLow = 1
609        ],
610        /// Hardware byte counter value
611        UCBCNT OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) []
612    ],
613    pub(crate) UCBxI2COA0 [
614        /// I2C own address
615        I2COA0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(10) [],
616        /// Own Address enable register
617        UCOAEN OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
618            /// The slave address defined in I2COA0 is disabled
619            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA0IsDisabled = 0,
620            /// The slave address defined in I2COA0 is enabled
621            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA0IsEnabled = 1
622        ],
623        /// General call response enable
624        UCGCEN OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [
625            /// Do not respond to a general call
626            DoNotRespondToAGeneralCall = 0,
627            /// Respond to a general call
628            RespondToAGeneralCall = 1
629        ]
630    ],
631    pub(crate) UCBxI2COA1 [
632        /// I2C own address
633        I2COA1 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(10) [],
634        /// Own Address enable register
635        UCOAEN OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
636            /// The slave address defined in I2COA1 is disabled
637            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA1IsDisabled = 0,
638            /// The slave address defined in I2COA1 is enabled
639            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA1IsEnabled = 1
640        ]
641    ],
642    pub(crate) UCBxI2COA2 [
643        /// I2C own address
644        I2COA2 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(10) [],
645        /// Own Address enable register
646        UCOAEN OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
647            /// The slave address defined in I2COA2 is disabled
648            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA2IsDisabled = 0,
649            /// The slave address defined in I2COA2 is enabled
650            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA2IsEnabled = 1
651        ]
652    ],
653    pub(crate) UCBxI2COA3 [
654        /// I2C own address
655        I2COA3 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(10) [],
656        /// Own Address enable register
657        UCOAEN OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
658            /// The slave address defined in I2COA3 is disabled
659            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA3IsDisabled = 0,
660            /// The slave address defined in I2COA3 is enabled
661            TheSlaveAddressDefinedInI2COA3IsEnabled = 1
662        ]
663    ],
664    pub(crate) UCBxIE [
665        /// Receive interrupt enable 0
666        UCRXIE0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
667            /// Interrupt disabled
668            InterruptDisabled = 0,
669            /// Interrupt enabled
670            InterruptEnabled = 1
671        ],
672        /// Transmit interrupt enable 0
673        UCTXIE0 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
674            /// Interrupt disabled
675            InterruptDisabled = 0,
676            /// Interrupt enabled
677            InterruptEnabled = 1
678        ],
679        /// START condition interrupt enable
680        UCSTTIE OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
681            /// Interrupt disabled
682            InterruptDisabled = 0,
683            /// Interrupt enabled
684            InterruptEnabled = 1
685        ],
686        /// STOP condition interrupt enable
687        UCSTPIE OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
688            /// Interrupt disabled
689            InterruptDisabled = 0,
690            /// Interrupt enabled
691            InterruptEnabled = 1
692        ],
693        /// Arbitration lost interrupt enable
694        UCALIE OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
695            /// Interrupt disabled
696            InterruptDisabled = 0,
697            /// Interrupt enabled
698            InterruptEnabled = 1
699        ],
700        /// Not-acknowledge interrupt enable
701        UCNACKIE OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
702            /// Interrupt disabled
703            InterruptDisabled = 0,
704            /// Interrupt enabled
705            InterruptEnabled = 1
706        ],
707        /// Byte counter interrupt enable
708        UCBCNTIE OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
709            /// Interrupt disabled
710            InterruptDisabled = 0,
711            /// Interrupt enabled
712            InterruptEnabled = 1
713        ],
714        /// Clock low timeout interrupt enable
715        UCCLTOIE OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
716            /// Interrupt disabled
717            InterruptDisabled = 0,
718            /// Interrupt enabled
719            InterruptEnabled = 1
720        ],
721        /// Receive interrupt enable 1
722        UCRXIE1 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
723            /// Interrupt disabled
724            InterruptDisabled = 0,
725            /// Interrupt enabled
726            InterruptEnabled = 1
727        ],
728        /// Transmit interrupt enable 1
729        UCTXIE1 OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [
730            /// Interrupt disabled
731            InterruptDisabled = 0,
732            /// Interrupt enabled
733            InterruptEnabled = 1
734        ],
735        /// Receive interrupt enable 2
736        UCRXIE2 OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
737            /// Interrupt disabled
738            InterruptDisabled = 0,
739            /// Interrupt enabled
740            InterruptEnabled = 1
741        ],
742        /// Transmit interrupt enable 2
743        UCTXIE2 OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [
744            /// Interrupt disabled
745            InterruptDisabled = 0,
746            /// Interrupt enabled
747            InterruptEnabled = 1
748        ],
749        /// Receive interrupt enable 3
750        UCRXIE3 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [
751            /// Interrupt disabled
752            InterruptDisabled = 0,
753            /// Interrupt enabled
754            InterruptEnabled = 1
755        ],
756        /// Transmit interrupt enable 3
757        UCTXIE3 OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [
758            /// Interrupt disabled
759            InterruptDisabled = 0,
760            /// Interrupt enabled
761            InterruptEnabled = 1
762        ],
763        /// Bit position 9 interrupt enable
764        UCBIT9IE OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [
765            /// Interrupt disabled
766            InterruptDisabled = 0,
767            /// Interrupt enabled
768            InterruptEnabled = 1
769        ]
770    ],
771    pub(crate) UCBxIFG [
772        /// eUSCI_B receive interrupt flag 0
773        UCRXIFG0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
774            /// No interrupt pending
775            NoInterruptPending = 0,
776            /// Interrupt pending
777            InterruptPending = 1
778        ],
779        /// eUSCI_B transmit interrupt flag 0
780        UCTXIFG0 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
781            /// No interrupt pending
782            NoInterruptPending = 0,
783            /// Interrupt pending
784            InterruptPending = 1
785        ],
786        /// START condition interrupt flag
787        UCSTTIFG OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
788            /// No interrupt pending
789            NoInterruptPending = 0,
790            /// Interrupt pending
791            InterruptPending = 1
792        ],
793        /// STOP condition interrupt flag
794        UCSTPIFG OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
795            /// No interrupt pending
796            NoInterruptPending = 0,
797            /// Interrupt pending
798            InterruptPending = 1
799        ],
800        /// Arbitration lost interrupt flag
801        UCALIFG OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
802            /// No interrupt pending
803            NoInterruptPending = 0,
804            /// Interrupt pending
805            InterruptPending = 1
806        ],
807        /// Not-acknowledge received interrupt flag
809            /// No interrupt pending
810            NoInterruptPending = 0,
811            /// Interrupt pending
812            InterruptPending = 1
813        ],
814        /// Byte counter interrupt flag
816            /// No interrupt pending
817            NoInterruptPending = 0,
818            /// Interrupt pending
819            InterruptPending = 1
820        ],
821        /// Clock low timeout interrupt flag
823            /// No interrupt pending
824            NoInterruptPending = 0,
825            /// Interrupt pending
826            InterruptPending = 1
827        ],
828        /// eUSCI_B receive interrupt flag 1
829        UCRXIFG1 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
830            /// No interrupt pending
831            NoInterruptPending = 0,
832            /// Interrupt pending
833            InterruptPending = 1
834        ],
835        /// eUSCI_B transmit interrupt flag 1
836        UCTXIFG1 OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [
837            /// No interrupt pending
838            NoInterruptPending = 0,
839            /// Interrupt pending
840            InterruptPending = 1
841        ],
842        /// eUSCI_B receive interrupt flag 2
843        UCRXIFG2 OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
844            /// No interrupt pending
845            NoInterruptPending = 0,
846            /// Interrupt pending
847            InterruptPending = 1
848        ],
849        /// eUSCI_B transmit interrupt flag 2
850        UCTXIFG2 OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [
851            /// No interrupt pending
852            NoInterruptPending = 0,
853            /// Interrupt pending
854            InterruptPending = 1
855        ],
856        /// eUSCI_B receive interrupt flag 3
857        UCRXIFG3 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [
858            /// No interrupt pending
859            NoInterruptPending = 0,
860            /// Interrupt pending
861            InterruptPending = 1
862        ],
863        /// eUSCI_B transmit interrupt flag 3
864        UCTXIFG3 OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [
865            /// No interrupt pending
866            NoInterruptPending = 0,
867            /// Interrupt pending
868            InterruptPending = 1
869        ],
870        /// Bit position 9 interrupt flag
871        UCBIT9IFG OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [
872            /// No interrupt pending
873            NoInterruptPending = 0,
874            /// Interrupt pending
875            InterruptPending = 1
876        ]
877    ],
878    pub(crate) UCBxIV [
879        UCIV OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(16) [
880            NoInterrupt = 0x00,
881            ArbitrationLost = 0x02,
882            NoAck = 0x04,
883            ReceivedStartCondition = 0x06,
884            ReceivedStopCondition = 0x08,
885            Slave3DataReceived = 0x0A,
886            Slave3TransmitBufferEmpty = 0x0C,
887            Slave2DataReceived = 0x0E,
888            Slave2TransmitBufferEmpty = 0x10,
889            Slave1DataReceived = 0x12,
890            Slave1TransmitBufferEmpty = 0x14,
891            DataReceived = 0x16,
892            TransmitBufferEmpty = 0x18,
893            ByteCounterZero = 0x1A,
894            ClockLowTimeout = 0x1C,
895            NinethBitPosition = 0x1E
896        ]
897    ]