
1// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
3// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
5//! System Controller (SYSCTL)
7use kernel::utilities::registers::interfaces::ReadWriteable;
8use kernel::utilities::registers::{register_bitfields, register_structs, ReadOnly, ReadWrite};
9use kernel::utilities::StaticRef;
11const SYSCTL_BASE: StaticRef<SysCtlRegisters> =
12    unsafe { StaticRef::new(0xE004_3000 as *const SysCtlRegisters) };
14register_structs! {
15    /// SYSCTL
16    SysCtlRegisters {
17        /// Reboot Control Register
18        (0x0000 => reboot_ctl: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_REBOOT_CTL::Register>),
19        /// NMI Control and Status Register
20        (0x0004 => nmi_ctlstat: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_NMI_CTLSTAT::Register>),
21        /// Watchdog Reset Control Register
22        (0x0008 => wdtreset_ctl: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_WDTRESET_CTL::Register>),
23        /// Peripheral Halt Control Register
24        (0x000C => perihalt_ctl: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_PERIHALT_CTL::Register>),
25        /// SRAM Size Register
26        (0x0010 => sram_size: ReadOnly<u32>),
27        /// SRAM Bank Enable Register
28        (0x0014 => sram_banken: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_SRAM_BANKEN::Register>),
29        /// SRAM Bank Retention Control Register
30        (0x0018 => sram_bankret: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_SRAM_BANKRET::Register>),
31        (0x001C => _reserved0),
32        /// Flash Size Register
33        (0x0020 => flash_size: ReadOnly<u32>),
34        (0x0024 => _reserved1),
35        /// Digital I/O Glitch Filter Control Register
36        (0x0030 => dio_gltflt_ctl: ReadWrite<u32>),
37        (0x0034 => _reserved2),
38        /// IP Protected Secure Zone Data Access Unlock Register
39        (0x0040 => secdata_unlock: ReadWrite<u32>),
40        (0x0044 => _reserved3),
41        /// Master Unlock Register
42        (0x1000 => master_unlock: ReadWrite<u32>),
43        /// Boot Override Request Register
44        (0x1004 => bootover_req_0: ReadWrite<u32>),
45        /// Boot Override Request Register
46        (0x1008 => bootover_req_1: ReadWrite<u32>),
47        /// Boot Override Acknowledge Register
48        (0x100C => bootover_ack: ReadWrite<u32>),
49        /// Reset Request Register
50        (0x1010 => reset_req: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_RESET_REQ::Register>),
51        /// Reset Status and Override Register
52        (0x1014 => reset_statover: ReadWrite<u32, SYS_RESET_STATOVER::Register>),
53        (0x1018 => _reserved4),
54        /// System Status Register
55        (0x1020 => system_stat: ReadOnly<u32, SYS_SYSTEM_STAT::Register>),
56        (0x1024 => @END),
57    }
62        /// Write 1 initiates a Reboot of the device
63        REBOOT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
64        /// Key to enable writes to bit 0
65        WKEY OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) []
66    ],
68        /// CS interrupt as a source of NMI
69        CS_SRC OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
70            /// Disables CS interrupt as a source of NMI
71            DisablesCSInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 0,
72            /// Enables CS interrupt as a source of NMI
73            EnablesCSInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 1
74        ],
75        /// PSS interrupt as a source of NMI
76        PSS_SRC OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
77            /// Disables the PSS interrupt as a source of NMI
78            DisablesThePSSInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 0,
79            /// Enables the PSS interrupt as a source of NMI
80            EnablesThePSSInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 1
81        ],
82        /// PCM interrupt as a source of NMI
83        PCM_SRC OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
84            /// Disbles the PCM interrupt as a source of NMI
85            DisblesThePCMInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 0,
86            /// Enables the PCM interrupt as a source of NMI
87            EnablesThePCMInterruptAsASourceOfNMI = 1
88        ],
89        /// RSTn/NMI pin configuration
90        PIN_SRC OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
91            /// Configures the RSTn_NMI pin as a source of POR Class Reset
92            ConfiguresTheRSTn_NMIPinAsASourceOfPORClassReset = 0,
93            /// Configures the RSTn_NMI pin as a source of NMI
94            ConfiguresTheRSTn_NMIPinAsASourceOfNMI = 1
95        ],
96        /// CS interrupt was the source of NMI
97        CS_FLG OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(1) [
98            /// indicates CS interrupt was not the source of NMI
99            IndicatesCSInterruptWasNotTheSourceOfNMI = 0,
100            /// indicates CS interrupt was the source of NMI
101            IndicatesCSInterruptWasTheSourceOfNMI = 1
102        ],
103        /// PSS interrupt was the source of NMI
104        PSS_FLG OFFSET(17) NUMBITS(1) [
105            /// indicates the PSS interrupt was not the source of NMI
106            IndicatesThePSSInterruptWasNotTheSourceOfNMI = 0,
107            /// indicates the PSS interrupt was the source of NMI
108            IndicatesThePSSInterruptWasTheSourceOfNMI = 1
109        ],
110        /// PCM interrupt was the source of NMI
111        PCM_FLG OFFSET(18) NUMBITS(1) [
112            /// indicates the PCM interrupt was not the source of NMI
113            IndicatesThePCMInterruptWasNotTheSourceOfNMI = 0,
114            /// indicates the PCM interrupt was the source of NMI
115            IndicatesThePCMInterruptWasTheSourceOfNMI = 1
116        ],
117        /// RSTn/NMI pin was the source of NMI
118        PIN_FLG OFFSET(19) NUMBITS(1) [
119            /// Indicates the RSTn_NMI pin was not the source of NMI
120            IndicatesTheRSTn_NMIPinWasNotTheSourceOfNMI = 0,
121            /// Indicates the RSTn_NMI pin was the source of NMI
122            IndicatesTheRSTn_NMIPinWasTheSourceOfNMI = 1
123        ]
124    ],
126        /// WDT timeout reset type
127        TIMEOUT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
128            /// WDT timeout event generates Soft reset
129            WDTTimeoutEventGeneratesSoftReset = 0,
130            /// WDT timeout event generates Hard reset
131            WDTTimeoutEventGeneratesHardReset = 1
132        ],
133        /// WDT password violation reset type
135            /// WDT password violation event generates Soft reset
136            WDTPasswordViolationEventGeneratesSoftReset = 0,
137            /// WDT password violation event generates Hard reset
138            WDTPasswordViolationEventGeneratesHardReset = 1
139        ]
140    ],
142        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
143        HALT_T16_0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [
144            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
145            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
146            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
147            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
148        ],
149        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
150        HALT_T16_1 OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
151            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
152            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
153            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
154            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
155        ],
156        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
157        HALT_T16_2 OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
158            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
159            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
160            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
161            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
162        ],
163        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
164        HALT_T16_3 OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
165            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
166            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
167            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
168            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
169        ],
170        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
171        HALT_T32_0 OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
172            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
173            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
174            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
175            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
176        ],
177        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
178        HALT_eUA0 OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
179            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
180            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
181            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
182            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
183        ],
184        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
185        HALT_eUA1 OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
186            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
187            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
188            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
189            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
190        ],
191        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
192        HALT_eUA2 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
193            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
194            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
195            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
196            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
197        ],
198        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
199        HALT_eUA3 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [
200            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
201            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
202            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
203            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
204        ],
205        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
206        HALT_eUB0 OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [
207            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
208            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
209            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
210            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
211        ],
212        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
213        HALT_eUB1 OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) [
214            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
215            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
216            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
217            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
218        ],
219        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
220        HALT_eUB2 OFFSET(11) NUMBITS(1) [
221            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
222            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
223            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
224            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
225        ],
226        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
227        HALT_eUB3 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(1) [
228            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
229            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
230            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
231            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
232        ],
233        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
234        HALT_ADC OFFSET(13) NUMBITS(1) [
235            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
236            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
237            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
238            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
239        ],
240        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
241        HALT_WDT OFFSET(14) NUMBITS(1) [
242            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
243            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
244            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
245            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
246        ],
247        /// Freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
248        HALT_DMA OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(1) [
249            /// IP operation unaffected when CPU is halted
250            IPOperationUnaffectedWhenCPUIsHalted = 0,
251            /// freezes IP operation when CPU is halted
252            FreezesIPOperationWhenCPUIsHalted = 1
253        ]
254    ],
256        /// SRAM Bank0 enable
257        BNK0_EN OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
258        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
259        BNK1_EN OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
260            /// Disables Bank1 of the SRAM
261            DisablesBank1OfTheSRAM = 0,
262            /// Enables Bank1 of the SRAM
263            EnablesBank1OfTheSRAM = 1
264        ],
265        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
266        BNK2_EN OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
267            /// Disables Bank2 of the SRAM
268            DisablesBank2OfTheSRAM = 0,
269            /// Enables Bank2 of the SRAM
270            EnablesBank2OfTheSRAM = 1
271        ],
272        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
273        BNK3_EN OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
274            /// Disables Bank3 of the SRAM
275            DisablesBank3OfTheSRAM = 0,
276            /// Enables Bank3 of the SRAM
277            EnablesBank3OfTheSRAM = 1
278        ],
279        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
280        BNK4_EN OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
281            /// Disables Bank4 of the SRAM
282            DisablesBank4OfTheSRAM = 0,
283            /// Enables Bank4 of the SRAM
284            EnablesBank4OfTheSRAM = 1
285        ],
286        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
287        BNK5_EN OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
288            /// Disables Bank5 of the SRAM
289            DisablesBank5OfTheSRAM = 0,
290            /// Enables Bank5 of the SRAM
291            EnablesBank5OfTheSRAM = 1
292        ],
293        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
294        BNK6_EN OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
295            /// Disables Bank6 of the SRAM
296            DisablesBank6OfTheSRAM = 0,
297            /// Enables Bank6 of the SRAM
298            EnablesBank6OfTheSRAM = 1
299        ],
300        /// SRAM Bank1 enable
301        BNK7_EN OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
302            /// Disables Bank7 of the SRAM
303            DisablesBank7OfTheSRAM = 0,
304            /// Enables Bank7 of the SRAM
305            EnablesBank7OfTheSRAM = 1
306        ],
307        /// SRAM ready
308        SRAM_RDY OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(1) [
309            /// SRAM is not ready for accesses. Banks are undergoing an enable or disable sequen
310            SRAM_RDY_0 = 0,
311            /// SRAM is ready for accesses. All SRAM banks are enabled/disabled according to val
312            SRAM_RDY_1 = 1
313        ]
314    ],
316        /// Bank0 retention
317        BNK0_RET OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
318        /// Bank1 retention
319        BNK1_RET OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [
320            /// Bank1 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
321            Bank1OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
322            /// Bank1 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
323            Bank1OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
324        ],
325        /// Bank2 retention
326        BNK2_RET OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [
327            /// Bank2 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
328            Bank2OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
329            /// Bank2 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
330            Bank2OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
331        ],
332        /// Bank3 retention
333        BNK3_RET OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [
334            /// Bank3 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
335            Bank3OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
336            /// Bank3 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
337            Bank3OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
338        ],
339        /// Bank4 retention
340        BNK4_RET OFFSET(4) NUMBITS(1) [
341            /// Bank4 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
342            Bank4OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
343            /// Bank4 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
344            Bank4OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
345        ],
346        /// Bank5 retention
347        BNK5_RET OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) [
348            /// Bank5 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
349            Bank5OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
350            /// Bank5 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
351            Bank5OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
352        ],
353        /// Bank6 retention
354        BNK6_RET OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [
355            /// Bank6 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
356            Bank6OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
357            /// Bank6 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
358            Bank6OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
359        ],
360        /// Bank7 retention
361        BNK7_RET OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [
362            /// Bank7 of the SRAM is not retained in LPM3 or LPM4
363            Bank7OfTheSRAMIsNotRetainedInLPM3OrLPM4 = 0,
364            /// Bank7 of the SRAM is retained in LPM3 and LPM4
365            Bank7OfTheSRAMIsRetainedInLPM3AndLPM4 = 1
366        ],
367        /// SRAM ready
368        SRAM_RDY OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(1) [
369            /// SRAM banks are being set up for retention. Entry into LPM3, LPM4 should not be a
370            SRAM_RDY_0 = 0,
371            /// SRAM is ready for accesses. All SRAM banks are enabled/disabled for retention ac
372            SRAM_RDY_1 = 1
373        ]
374    ],
375    SYS_RESET_REQ [
376        /// Generate POR
377        POR OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
378        /// Generate Reboot_Reset
379        REBOOT OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
380        /// Write key
381        WKEY OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) []
382    ],
384        /// Indicates if SOFT Reset is active
385        SOFT OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) [],
386        /// Indicates if HARD Reset is active
387        HARD OFFSET(1) NUMBITS(1) [],
388        /// Indicates if Reboot Reset is active
389        REBOOT OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(1) [],
390        /// SOFT_Reset overwrite request
391        SOFT_OVER OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(1) [],
392        /// HARD_Reset overwrite request
393        HARD_OVER OFFSET(9) NUMBITS(1) [],
394        /// Reboot Reset overwrite request
395        RBT_OVER OFFSET(10) NUMBITS(1) []
396    ],
398        /// Debug Security active
399        DBG_SEC_ACT OFFSET(3) NUMBITS(1) [],
400        /// Indicates if JTAG and SWD Lock is active
402        /// Indicates if IP protection is active
403        IP_PROT_ACT OFFSET(5) NUMBITS(1) []
404    ]
407pub struct SysCtl {
408    registers: StaticRef<SysCtlRegisters>,
411impl SysCtl {
412    pub const fn new() -> SysCtl {
413        SysCtl {
414            registers: SYSCTL_BASE,
415        }
416    }
418    pub fn enable_all_sram_banks(&self) {
419        self.registers
420            .sram_banken
421            .modify(SYS_SRAM_BANKEN::BNK7_EN::SET);
422    }