Struct kernel::process::ProcessStandard

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pub struct ProcessStandard<'a, C: 'static + Chip, D: 'static + ProcessStandardDebug + Default> { /* private fields */ }
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A type for userspace processes in Tock.

As its name implies, this is the standard implementation for Tock processes that exposes the full support for processes running on embedded hardware.

ProcessStandard is templated on two parameters:

  • C: Chip: The implementation must know the Chip the kernel is running on to properly store architecture-specific and MPU state for the process.
  • D: ProcessStandardDebug: This configures the debugging mechanism the process uses for storing optional debugging data. Kernels that do not wish to store per-process debugging state can use the () type for this parameter.



impl<C: 'static + Chip, D: 'static + ProcessStandardDebug> ProcessStandard<'_, C, D>


pub fn get_tbf_storage_permissions( &self, ) -> Option<(bool, usize, [u32; 8], usize, [u32; 8])>

Return the app’s read and modify storage permissions from the TBF header if it exists.

If the header does not exist then return None. If the header does exist, this returns a 5-tuple with:

  • write_allowed: bool. If this process should have write permissions.
  • read_count: usize. How many read IDs are valid.
  • read_ids: u32. The read IDs.
  • modify_count: usze. How many modify IDs are valid.
  • modify_ids: u32. The modify IDs.

Trait Implementations§


impl<C: Chip, D: 'static + ProcessStandardDebug> Process for ProcessStandard<'_, C, D>


fn processid(&self) -> ProcessId

Returns the process’s identifier.

fn short_app_id(&self) -> ShortId

Returns the ShortId generated by the application binary checker at loading.

fn binary_version(&self) -> Option<BinaryVersion>

Returns the version number of the binary in this process, as specified in a TBF Program Header. If the binary has no version assigned this returns None.

fn get_credential(&self) -> Option<AcceptedCredential>

Return the credential which the credential checker approved if the credential checker approved a credential. If the process was allowed to run without credentials, return None.

fn enqueue_task(&self, task: Task) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>

Queue a Task for the process. This will be added to a per-process buffer and executed by the scheduler. Tasks are some function the process should run, for example a upcall or an IPC call. Read more

fn ready(&self) -> bool

Returns whether this process is ready to execute. Read more

fn remove_pending_upcalls(&self, upcall_id: UpcallId)

Remove all scheduled upcalls with the given upcall_id from the task queue.

fn is_running(&self) -> bool

Returns whether the process is running or not. Read more

fn get_state(&self) -> State

Returns the current state the process is in.

fn set_yielded_state(&self)

Move this process from the running state to the yielded state. Read more

fn set_yielded_for_state(&self, upcall_id: UpcallId)

Move this process from the running state to the yielded-for state. Read more

fn stop(&self)

Move this process from running or yielded state into the stopped state. Read more

fn resume(&self)

Move this stopped process back into its original state. Read more

fn set_fault_state(&self)

Put this process in the fault state. Read more

fn start(&self, _cap: &dyn ProcessStartCapability)

Start a terminated process. This function can only be called on a terminated process. Read more

fn try_restart(&self, completion_code: Option<u32>)

Terminates and attempts to restart the process. The process and current application always terminate. The kernel may, based on its own policy, restart the application using the same process, reuse the process for another application, or simply terminate the process and application. Read more

fn terminate(&self, completion_code: Option<u32>)

Stop and clear a process’s state and put it into the Terminated state. Read more

fn get_restart_count(&self) -> usize

Returns how many times this process has been restarted.

fn has_tasks(&self) -> bool

Return if there are any Tasks (upcalls/IPC requests) enqueued for the process.

fn dequeue_task(&self) -> Option<Task>

Remove the scheduled operation from the front of the queue and return it to be handled by the scheduler. Read more

fn remove_upcall(&self, upcall_id: UpcallId) -> Option<Task>

Search the work queue for the first pending operation with the given upcall_id and if one exists remove it from the queue.process Read more

fn pending_tasks(&self) -> usize

Returns the number of pending tasks. If 0 then dequeue_task() will return None when called.

fn get_command_permissions( &self, driver_num: usize, offset: usize, ) -> CommandPermissions

Return the permissions for this process for a given driver_num. Read more

fn get_storage_permissions(&self) -> StoragePermissions

Get the storage permissions for the process. Read more

fn number_writeable_flash_regions(&self) -> usize

How many writeable flash regions defined in the TBF header for this process. Read more

fn get_writeable_flash_region(&self, region_index: usize) -> (u32, u32)

Get the offset from the beginning of flash and the size of the defined writeable flash region. Read more

fn update_stack_start_pointer(&self, stack_pointer: *const u8)

Debug function to update the kernel on where the stack starts for this process. Processes are not required to call this through the memop system call, but it aids in debugging the process.

fn update_heap_start_pointer(&self, heap_pointer: *const u8)

Debug function to update the kernel on where the process heap starts. Also optional.

fn setup_mpu(&self)

Configure the MPU to use the process’s allocated regions. Read more

fn add_mpu_region( &self, unallocated_memory_start: *const u8, unallocated_memory_size: usize, min_region_size: usize, ) -> Option<Region>

Allocate a new MPU region for the process that is at least min_region_size bytes and lies within the specified stretch of unallocated memory. Read more

fn remove_mpu_region(&self, region: Region) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>

Removes an MPU region from the process that has been previously added with add_mpu_region. Read more

fn sbrk(&self, increment: isize) -> Result<*const u8, Error>

Change the location of the program break by increment bytes, reallocate the MPU region covering program memory, and return the previous break address. Read more

fn brk(&self, new_break: *const u8) -> Result<*const u8, Error>

Change the location of the program break to new_break and reallocate the MPU region covering program memory. Read more

fn build_readwrite_process_buffer( &self, buf_start_addr: *mut u8, size: usize, ) -> Result<ReadWriteProcessBuffer, ErrorCode>

Creates a ReadWriteProcessBuffer from the given offset and size in process memory. Read more

fn build_readonly_process_buffer( &self, buf_start_addr: *const u8, size: usize, ) -> Result<ReadOnlyProcessBuffer, ErrorCode>

Creates a ReadOnlyProcessBuffer from the given offset and size in process memory. Read more

unsafe fn set_byte(&self, addr: *mut u8, value: u8) -> bool

Set a single byte within the process address space at addr to value. Return true if addr is within the RAM bounds currently exposed to the process (thereby writable by the process itself) and the value was set, false otherwise. Read more

fn grant_is_allocated(&self, grant_num: usize) -> Option<bool>

Check if a given grant for this process has been allocated. Read more

fn allocate_grant( &self, grant_num: usize, driver_num: usize, size: usize, align: usize, ) -> Result<(), ()>

Allocate memory from the grant region and store the reference in the proper grant pointer index. Read more

fn allocate_custom_grant( &self, size: usize, align: usize, ) -> Result<(ProcessCustomGrantIdentifier, NonNull<u8>), ()>

Allocate memory from the grant region that is size bytes long and aligned to align bytes. This is used for creating custom grants which are not recorded in the grant pointer array, but are useful for capsules which need additional process-specific dynamically allocated memory. Read more

fn enter_grant(&self, grant_num: usize) -> Result<NonNull<u8>, Error>

Enter the grant based on grant_num for this process. Read more

fn enter_custom_grant( &self, identifier: ProcessCustomGrantIdentifier, ) -> Result<*mut u8, Error>

Enter a custom grant based on the identifier. Read more

unsafe fn leave_grant(&self, grant_num: usize)

Opposite of enter_grant(). Used to signal that the grant is no longer entered. Read more

fn grant_allocated_count(&self) -> Option<usize>

Return the count of the number of allocated grant pointers if the process is active. This does not count custom grants. This is used to determine if a new grant has been allocated after a call to SyscallDriver::allocate_grant(). Read more

fn lookup_grant_from_driver_num( &self, driver_num: usize, ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Get the grant number (grant_num) associated with a given driver number if there is a grant associated with that driver_num.

fn is_valid_upcall_function_pointer(&self, upcall_fn: NonNull<()>) -> bool

Verify that an upcall function pointer is within process-accessible memory. Read more

fn get_process_name(&self) -> &'static str

Get the name of the process. Used for IPC.

fn get_completion_code(&self) -> Option<Option<u32>>

Get the completion code if the process has previously terminated. Read more

fn set_syscall_return_value(&self, return_value: SyscallReturn)

Set the return value the process should see when it begins executing again after the syscall. Read more

fn set_process_function(&self, callback: FunctionCall)

Set the function that is to be executed when the process is resumed. Read more

fn switch_to(&self) -> Option<ContextSwitchReason>

Context switch to a specific process. Read more

fn debug_syscall_count(&self) -> usize

Returns how many syscalls this app has called.

fn debug_dropped_upcall_count(&self) -> usize

Returns how many upcalls for this process have been dropped.

fn debug_timeslice_expiration_count(&self) -> usize

Returns how many times this process has exceeded its timeslice.

fn debug_timeslice_expired(&self)

Increment the number of times the process has exceeded its timeslice.

fn debug_syscall_called(&self, last_syscall: Syscall)

Increment the number of times the process called a syscall and record the last syscall that was called.

fn debug_syscall_last(&self) -> Option<Syscall>

Return the last syscall the process called. Returns None if the process has not called any syscalls or the information is unknown.

fn get_addresses(&self) -> ProcessAddresses

Return process state information related to the location in memory of various process data structures.

fn get_sizes(&self) -> ProcessSizes

Return process state information related to the size in memory of various process data structures.

fn print_full_process(&self, writer: &mut dyn Write)

Print out the full state of the process: its memory map, its context, and the state of the memory protection unit (MPU).

fn get_stored_state(&self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, ErrorCode>

Write stored state as a binary blob into the out slice. Returns the number of bytes written to out on success. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, C, D> !Freeze for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>


impl<'a, C, D> !RefUnwindSafe for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>


impl<'a, C, D> !Send for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>


impl<'a, C, D> !Sync for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>


impl<'a, C, D> Unpin for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>


impl<'a, C, D> !UnwindSafe for ProcessStandard<'a, C, D>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.