Crate capsules_extra



  • Provides userspace with access to air quality sensors.
  • Shared userland driver for light sensors.
  • Provides userspace access to the analog comparators on a board.
  • Capsule for analog sensors.
  • Proximity SyscallDriver for the Adafruit APDS9960 gesture/ambient light/proximity sensor.
  • This allows multiple apps to write their own flash region.
  • Driver for the AT24C32/64 EEPROM memory. Built on top of the I2C interface. Provides interface for the NonvolatileToPages driver.
  • Capsule for interfacing with the ATECC508A CryptoAuthentication Device using the I2C bus.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Advertising Driver
  • SyscallDriver for the Bosch BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor using the I2C bus.
  • SyscallDriver for the Bosch BMM150 geomagnetic sensor.
  • hil driver for Bmp280 Temperature and Pressure Sensor
  • Abstraction Interface for several busses. Useful for devices that support multiple protocols
  • This provides virtualized userspace access to a buzzer.
  • Service capsule for a buzzer that uses a PWM pin.
  • Syscall driver capsule for CAN communication.
  • SyscallDriver for the AMS CCS811.
  • Chirp I2C Soil moisture sensor using the I2C bus.
  • Provides userspace access to a Crc unit.
  • Provides a cycle counter interface for userspace.
  • Provides a DAC interface for userspace.
  • Real Time Clock driver
  • Debug capsule to cause a button press to make all apps fault.
  • Provides userspace with access to distance sensor.
  • Provides an EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) interface for userspace.
  • SyscallDriver for the FM25CL FRAM chip.
  • SyscallDriver for the FT6x06 Touch Panel.
  • SyscallDriver for the FXOS8700CQ accelerometer.
  • Provides userspace applications with a driver interface to asynchronous GPIO pins.
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.
  • SyscallDriver for the HD44780 LCD screen.
  • HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code).
  • Software implementation of HMAC-SHA256.
  • Sensor Driver for the Renesas HS3003 Temperature/Humidity sensor using the I2C bus.
  • SyscallDriver for the STMicro HTS221 relative humidity and temperature sensor using the I2C bus.
  • Provides userspace with access to humidity sensors.
  • Support for IEEE 802.15.4.
  • SyscallDriver for the ISL29035 digital light sensor.
  • KV Store Userspace Driver.
  • Tock Key-Value store capsule with permissions.
  • SyscallDriver for the MEMS L3gd20Spi motion sensor, 3 axys digital output gyroscope and temperature sensor.
  • Service capsule for access to LEDs on a LED matrix.
  • Implements a log storage abstraction for storing persistent data in flash.
  • Frame buffer driver for the Japan Display LPM013M126 display
  • Sensor Driver for the LPS22HB MEMS nano pressure sensor using the I2C bus.
  • SyscallDriver for the ST LPS25HB pressure sensor.
  • LSM6DSOXTR Sensor
  • SyscallDriver for the LSM303AGR 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer sensor.
  • SyscallDriver for the LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer sensor.
  • LSM303xx Sensors
  • SyscallDriver for the LTC294X line of coulomb counters.
  • SyscallDriver for the Maxim MAX17205 fuel gauge.
  • SyscallDriver for the Microchip MCP230xx I2C GPIO extenders.
  • SyscallDriver for the MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer.
  • Provides userspace with access to moisture sensors.
  • SyscallDriver for the MX25R6435F flash chip.
  • Modules for IPv6 over 6LoWPAN stack
  • Provides userspace with virtualized access to 9DOF sensors.
  • This provides kernel and userspace access to nonvolatile memory.
  • Map arbitrary nonvolatile reads and writes to page operations.
  • Provides userspace with the UART API that the nRF51822 serialization library requires.
  • Debug capsule to cause a button press to trigger a kernel panic.
  • SyscallDriver for the PCA9544A I2C Selector.
  • Provides userspace with access to barometer sensors.
  • Provides userspace with access to proximity sensors.
  • Provides capsules for asymmetric encryption
  • Read Only State
  • SyscallDriver for sending 802.15.4 packets with an Atmel RF233.
  • Support for the RF233 capsule
  • Provides userspace with access to the screen.
  • Shares a screen among multiple userspace processes.
  • Provides driver for accessing an SD Card and a userspace Driver.
  • This provides virtualized userspace access to a servomotor.
  • Provides userspace access to 7 segment digit displays.
  • SH1106 OLED Screen Driver
  • SHA
  • Software implementation of SHA-256.
  • SyscallDriver for SHT3x Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • Driver for SHT4x Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • SyscallDriver for the Silicon Labs SI7021 temperature/humidity sensor.
  • Tock SipHash capsule.
  • Provides userspace with access to sound_pressure sensors.
  • SSD1306/SSD1315 OLED Screen
  • ST77xx Screen
  • Provides userspace with access to temperature sensors.
  • SyscallDriver for RP2040 ADC MCU temperature sensor
  • SyscallDriver for STM ADC MCU temperature sensor
  • Provides userspace with access to the text screen.
  • Tock TicKV capsule.
  • TicKV to Tock key-value store capsule.
  • Provides userspace with access to the touch panel.
  • SyscallDriver for the Taos TSL2561 light sensor.
  • Provides userspace with access to USB HID devices with a simple syscall interface.
  • Tock Key-Value virtualizer.


  • The decoding equivalent of enc_consume
  • The decoding equivalent of enc_try. The only difference is that only an immutable borrow of the buffer is required each time.
  • Unwrapping macro that only returns the offset.
  • Extracts the result of encoding/decoding (the new offset and the output) only if no errors were encountered in encoding.
  • Returns an error if a condition is unmet
  • Returns the result of encoding/decoding
  • Returns an error
  • Gets the result of an Option<T>, throwing a stream error if it is None
  • Returns a buffer length error if there are not enough bytes