
Macro register_structs

macro_rules! register_structs {
            $vis_struct:vis $name:ident $(<$life:lifetime>)? {
                $( $fields:tt )*
    } => { ... };
Expand description

Define a peripheral memory map containing registers.

Implementations of memory-mapped registers can use this macro to define the individual registers in the peripheral and their relative address offset from the start of the peripheral’s mapped address. An example use for a hypothetical UART driver might look like:

register_structs! {
    pub UartRegisters {
        (0x00 => control: ReadWrite<u32, CONTROL::Register>),
        (0x04 => write_byte: ReadWrite<u32, BYTE::Register>),
        (0x08 => _reserved1),
        (0x20 => interrupt_enable: ReadWrite<u32, INTERRUPT::Register>),
        (0x24 => interrupt_status: ReadWrite<u32, INTERRUPT::Register>),
        (0x28 => @END),

By convention, gaps in the register memory map are named _reserved. The macro will automatically compute the size of the reserved field so that the next register is at the correct address.

The size of the register is denoted by the first parameter in the ReadWrite type. The second parameter in the ReadWrite type is a register definition which is specified with the register_bitfields!() macro.