- Dma1
- Dma1 is kept as a separate type from Dma2 in order to allow for more compile-time checks.
- Dma2
- For an explanation of why this is its own type, see the docs for the Dma1 struct.
- DmaRegisters
- DMA controller
- Msize
- Psize
- Stream
- This struct refers to a DMA Stream
- Channel
Id - Each stream can be selected among up to eight channel requests.
- Direction
- DMA transfer direction. Section 9.5.5
- Dma1
Peripheral - List of peripherals managed by DMA1
- Dma2
Peripheral - List of peripherals managed by DMA2
- Fifo
Size - DMA transfer mode. Section 9.5.10
- Size
- DMA data size. Section 9.5.5
- Stream
Id - The DMA stream number. What other microcontrollers refer to as “channel”, STM32F446RE refers to as “streams”. STM32F446RE has eight streams. A stream transfers data between memory and peripheral.
- Transfer
- Stream
Client - Stream
Peripheral - Interface required for each Peripheral by the DMA Stream.
- Stream