
Module flash

Expand description

Interface for reading, writing, and erasing flash storage pages.

Operates on single pages. The page size is set by the associated type page. Here is an example of a page type and implementation of this trait:

use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut};

use kernel::hil;
use kernel::ErrorCode;

// Size in bytes
const PAGE_SIZE: u32 = 1024;

struct NewChipPage(pub [u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize]);

impl Default for NewChipPage {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            0: [0; PAGE_SIZE as usize],

impl NewChipPage {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

impl Index<usize> for NewChipPage {
    type Output = u8;

    fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &u8 {

impl IndexMut<usize> for NewChipPage {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut u8 {
        &mut self.0[idx]

impl AsMut<[u8]> for NewChipPage {
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
        &mut self.0

struct NewChipStruct {};

impl<'a, C> hil::flash::HasClient<'a, C> for NewChipStruct {
    fn set_client(&'a self, client: &'a C) { }

impl hil::flash::Flash for NewChipStruct {
    type Page = NewChipPage;

    fn read_page(&self, page_number: usize, buf: &'static mut Self::Page) -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut Self::Page)> { Err((ErrorCode::FAIL, buf)) }
    fn write_page(&self, page_number: usize, buf: &'static mut Self::Page) -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut Self::Page)> { Err((ErrorCode::FAIL, buf)) }
    fn erase_page(&self, page_number: usize) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> { Err(ErrorCode::FAIL) }

A user of this flash interface might look like:

use kernel::utilities::cells::TakeCell;
use kernel::hil;

pub struct FlashUser<'a, F: hil::flash::Flash + 'static> {
    driver: &'a F,
    buffer: TakeCell<'static, F::Page>,

impl<'a, F: hil::flash::Flash> FlashUser<'a, F> {
    pub fn new(driver: &'a F, buffer: &'static mut F::Page) -> FlashUser<'a, F> {
        FlashUser {
            driver: driver,
            buffer: TakeCell::new(buffer),

impl<'a, F: hil::flash::Flash> hil::flash::Client<F> for FlashUser<'a, F> {
    fn read_complete(&self, buffer: &'static mut F::Page, result: Result<(), hil::flash::Error>) {}
    fn write_complete(&self, buffer: &'static mut F::Page, result: Result<(), hil::flash::Error>) { }
    fn erase_complete(&self, result: Result<(), hil::flash::Error>) {}


  • Flash errors returned in the callbacks.


  • Implement Client to receive callbacks from Flash.
  • A page of writable persistent flash memory.