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Cortex-M NVIC
Most NVIC configuration is in the NVIC registers: https://developer.arm.com/docs/100165/0201/nested-vectored-interrupt-controller/nvic-programmers-model/table-of-nvic-registers
Also part of the NVIC conceptually is the ICTR, which in older versions of the ARM ARM was listed in the “Summary of system control and ID registers not in the SCB” and newer ARM ARMs just file it in its own little private sub-section with the NVIC documentation. Seems a configuration register without a home, so we include it in the NVIC files as it’s conceptually here. https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0337/latest/nested-vectored-interrupt-controller/nvic-programmers-model/interrupt-controller-type-register-ictr
- Nvic
- An opaque wrapper for a single NVIC interrupt.
- clear_
all_ ⚠pending - Clear all pending interrupts
- disable_
all ⚠ - Disable all interrupts
- enable_
all ⚠ - Enable all interrupts
- has_
pending ⚠ - has_
pending_ ⚠with_ mask - Returns whether there are any pending interrupt bits set while ignoring the indices that correspond to the bits set in mask
- next_
pending ⚠ - Get the index (0-240) the lowest number pending interrupt, or
if none are pending. - next_
pending_ ⚠with_ mask - Get the index (0-240) the lowest number pending interrupt while ignoring the interrupts
that correspond to the bits set in mask, or
if none are pending.