Module cortexm::syscall

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Implementation of the architecture-specific portions of the kernel-userland system call interface.


  • This holds all of the state that the kernel must keep for the process when the process is not executing.
  • Implementation of the UserspaceKernelBoundary for the Cortex-M non-floating point architecture.


  • This is called in the hard fault handler. When set to 1 this means the hard fault handler was called. Marked pub because it is used in the cortex-m* specific handler.
  • This is used in the hardfault handler. When an app faults, the hardfault handler stores the value of the SCB registers in this static array. This makes them available to be displayed in a diagnostic fault message.
  • This is used in the syscall handler. When set to 1 this means the svc_handler was called. Marked pub because it is used in the cortex-m* specific handler.