Expand description
SyscallDriver for the FM25CL FRAM chip.
From the FM25CL website:
The FM25CL64B is a 64-Kbit nonvolatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or F-RAM is nonvolatile and performs reads and writes similar to a RAM. It provides reliable data retention for 151 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead, and system level reliability problems caused by serial flash, EEPROM, and other nonvolatile memories.
// Create a SPI device for this chip.
let fm25cl_spi = static_init!(
capsules::virtual_spi::VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, usart::USART>,
capsules::virtual_spi::VirtualSpiMasterDevice::new(mux_spi, Some(&sam4l::gpio::PA[25])));
// Setup the actual FM25CL driver.
let fm25cl = static_init!(
capsules::virtual_spi::VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, usart::USART>>,
&mut capsules::fm25cl::TXBUFFER, &mut capsules::fm25cl::RXBUFFER));
This capsule provides two interfaces:
The first is the generic interface for nonvolatile storage. This allows
this driver to work with capsules like the nonvolatile_storage_driver
that provide virtualization and a userspace interface. The second is a
custom interface that exposes other chip-specific functions.