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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright Tock Contributors 2022.
//! Component to cause a button press to trigger a kernel panic.
//! This can be useful especially when developing or debugging console
//! capsules.
//! Note: the process console has support for triggering a panic, which may be
//! more convenient depending on the board.
//! Usage
//! -----
//! ```rust
//! components::panic_button::PanicButtonComponent::new(
//! &sam4l::gpio::PC[24],
//! kernel::hil::gpio::ActivationMode::ActiveLow,
//! kernel::hil::gpio::FloatingState::PullUp
//! )
//! .finalize(components::panic_button_component_static!(sam4l::gpio::GPIOPin));
//! ```
use capsules_extra::panic_button::PanicButton;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use kernel::component::Component;
use kernel::hil::gpio;
macro_rules! panic_button_component_static {
($Pin:ty $(,)?) => {{
kernel::static_buf!(capsules_core::button::PanicButton<'static, $Pin>)
pub struct PanicButtonComponent<'a, IP: gpio::InterruptPin<'a>> {
pin: &'a IP,
mode: gpio::ActivationMode,
floating_state: gpio::FloatingState,
impl<'a, IP: gpio::InterruptPin<'a>> PanicButtonComponent<'a, IP> {
pub fn new(
pin: &'a IP,
mode: gpio::ActivationMode,
floating_state: gpio::FloatingState,
) -> Self {
Self {
impl<IP: 'static + gpio::InterruptPin<'static>> Component for PanicButtonComponent<'static, IP> {
type StaticInput = &'static mut MaybeUninit<PanicButton<'static, IP>>;
type Output = ();
fn finalize(self, static_buffer: Self::StaticInput) -> Self::Output {
let panic_button =
static_buffer.write(PanicButton::new(, self.mode, self.floating_state));;