
Module time

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Hardware agnostic interfaces for time and timers within the Tock kernel.

These traits are designed to be able encompass the wide variety of hardware counters in a general yet efficient way. They abstract the frequency of a counter through the Frequency trait and the width of a time value through the Ticks trait. Higher-level software abstractions should generally rely on standard and common implementations of these traits (e.g.. u32 ticks and 16MHz frequency). Hardware counter implementations and peripherals can represent the actual hardware units an translate into these more general ones.




  • Interface for receiving notification when a particular time (Counter value) is reached.
  • Callback handler for when an Alarm fires (a Counter reaches a specific value).
  • Represents a free-running hardware counter that can be started and stopped.
  • Represents a clock’s frequency in Hz, allowing code to transform between computer time units and wall clock time. It is typically an associated type for an implementation of the Time trait.
  • Callback handler for when a counter has overflowed past its maximum value and returned to 0.
  • An integer type defining the width of a time value, which allows clients to know when wraparound will occur.
  • Represents a moment in time, obtained by calling now.
  • Interface for controlling callbacks when an interval has passed.
  • Callback handler for when a timer fires.
  • Represents a static moment in time, that does not change over repeated calls to Time::now.